Random tatting

The zipper pulls on my purse are wearing out.  The purse has fake leather pulls which last okay, but the material that actually attaches to the zipper do not.  As these pulls are used a lot something needed to be done.
Original zipper pull on my purse
The plan was to get black grosgrain ribbon to go on the ring and tat around that.  The problem was there was no black grosgrain ribbon to be found anywhere in the stores I was able to check, including Hobby Lobby.  There were spaces on the shelves where this ribbon usually is but every place was out of the black.  There were a lot of other colors but of course nothing that matched or coordinated with my purse.
Except white.
White ended up the only other choice.  All the thread colors worked okay with it, but I think the black would have been better.
Tatted zipper pull on my purse on wandasknottythoughts.com
The pull is longer than the original, but that isn’t a problem.  The tatting is doubled so it looks the same on both sides, so no matter if the purse is open or closed the pulls hang with the tatting visible.
Thanks to Marilee Rockley for tatting only partway around a do-dad.  I don’t know why I never thought of that.  I wanted a pair of earrings to go with a blouse but didn’t have a lot of time to make them. I was inspired to make these even though I would have liked to add beads as well.  When I’m in a hurry beads are not a good idea.  Check out Marilee’s cute little earrings on her blog,  they are very pretty.
Simple tatted earrings on wandasknottythoughts.com
I’ve just finished tatting the center for my Craftree Round Robin doily.  After several starts at tatting it I finally did it without mistakes.  Now I need to write out the pattern and get everything sent off in the mail.  I think I’m the last one in the group to get their center done.  I’m looking forward to seeing every one’s doilies.
I’ve also been working on an edging but have gotten frustrated with it.  One of the colors keeps twisting so bad the rings are hard to close.  Yes, Fox, it is Lizbeth thread.  It’s only one of the balls but that is more than enough!  I’m going to try to finish anyway as the thread colors go well with the material.  Wish me luck 🙂
lolsotrue #2009
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Facebook: I know everyone
Internet: Without me, you’re all nothing
Electricity: Keep talking fools

Vacation tatting

We just got back from a wonderful vacation to Colorado.  This year we went to the Granby area instead of the Buean Vista area where we have gone for the last several years. 
It was wonderful!  And the trees were absolutely gorgeous while we were there!
I, of course, took tatting with me.  I didn’t have a tatting plan when we left home so I took a variety of threads with me, including Lizbeth #136, Autumn Spice in size 20.  I thought it was a perfect choice for making zipper pulls for my purse.  I lost the last original pull on my purse just after we got there, so it was a needful project. I had also taken split rings and hooks, which came in very handy.
The pull on the right is the first one I made, the others are similar but with a few differences.  I thought they came out well, and look great on my purse.

I actually made four pulls, all in the same colorway.  This one went to a friend who needed a pull for a light jacket.  This one is the only duplicate I made, I guess because it was the easiest and I liked it the best. 
My husband snapped a picture of me tatting by the shore of Grand Lake, where he was fishing.  We had just finished hiking to Adams Falls and were enjoying the beautiful area.  There were picnic tables available to sit at but they were in the sun.  It was much warmer there than usual, so sitting in the shade was much more preferable.
The hike to Adams Falls is very easy and beautiful. The following pictures are from our hike there. There are not that many aspens here, having more pines than anything, so the colors from the aspens really stand out.  If you are in the area I highly recommend this hike.

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”

Zipping along

Or would that be ‘pulling along’ if you’re making zipper pulls?
Or maybe they’re stitch markers. Stitching along?
Whatever they may be I made them this week.  
 Lizbeth #166 Pink Cocoa in size 40
I even glued a bead in the center.  We’ll see how long it lasts 🙂
Oren Bayan Perle Kotton size 8
These were fun to make and the ladies at open stitch at Odd Balls really liked them.  It’s always a plus for me when other people like what I’ve made – not the be-all, end-all, but definitely a plus. 
I have been working on my vest but don’t have anything I want to share yet.  The collar went fast and made me happy, the body not so much.  I’ve made several tries but am not that excited about any of them.  I’ll keep at it until it works.
IsDihara, over at Ambitatterous, is having a drizzly day.  She shared some of the beautiful flowers in her neighborhood from the last week.  Looks lovely!  Here in Kansas we are having a wonderful day – sunshine and temperatures in the 80’s (F) though the wind is blowing about 25 mph with gusts a bit more.  But for here it’s a great day!  Until tomorrow when it’s supposed to be much cooler with rain and possible storms.  I think the snow is supposed to stay up in the northwest corner of the state though.  
“Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.”
Napoleon Hill

Getting the kinks out

 of my zipper pulls. Miranda suggested leaving a space, or small false picot, between the rings.  I gave that a try and they seem to be hanging without kinks in them now, though they still twist a bit.  

I really like how this one came out.  It’s made with gold plated 6 or  8 mm beads and a dragonfly charm;
 the thread is Lizbeth # 652 Royal Blue in size 20. Without the lanyard hook at the top it measures about 2.25 inches.  The only lanyard hooks I have are silver so that’s what I used.
This one is also made with the Royal Blue thread as that’s what I had on my shuttles.  I used gun metal seed beads and a silver butterfly bead at the end. I like this one except for the ring I put around that butterfly bead: I think I should have just threaded it like a bead and tied the ends off.   This zipper pull is about 4 inches long. 
Thanks, Miranda, for the suggestion!
I have several projects going on right now – I can’t seem to concentrate on one or another.   My mantra going forward needs to be “Focus, focus, focus!”
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”
Abraham Lincoln