January funk

I haven’t gotten much tatting done lately.  It also seems that what has gotten done has had mistakes.
Take Jane’s TIAS 2016.
I was doing great until Day 6.  It wasn’t that it was that difficult but I caught a thread where it shouldn’t aught to be and didn’t notice it until I was farther along.
2016 TIAS with a mistake wandasknottythoughts
Jane Eborall’s TIAS 2016 Day 6
And this is where I still am.  The way things have been going lately with my tatting I’m afraid to take it out due to the chance of making it worse.
But I am looking forward to finishing it.  Jane already has Day 8 out; I have a bit of catching up to do.
The doily I currently have in the round robin I’m a part of on Craftree is sitting by my chair waiting on me to finish it. I have it figured out – in my thread – but haven’t yet attempted it in the doily colors yet.  I really don’t want to mess it up.
I hope I get out of my funk soon.
On a bright note, I found my snowman that came off in the wash.
Button-centered Snowman after being washed wandasknottythoughtsHe looked pretty pathetic.

Button-centered Snowman after being washed still okay wandasknottythoughts

But amazingly his scarf, hat and flower are still attached.  I used craft glue to put them on and I really thought I’d find the tatting but not everything still together.  A little blocking and he’ll be as good as new.
I’m hoping a little patience and a little more care will soon get me back to as good as new, or least back to normal!
“You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life.  But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’  See the positive in negative events.”
Joel Osteen

Catching up on the TIAS

I’ve been keeping up with Jane’s TIAS just not posting the pictures.
Day 6
I’m still no closer to an answer.  People have been sending Jane some very cute rhymes about it.
 Day 7
I was a little late sending this to Jane.  Does that look like a bow-legged cowboy to you?

Day 8
I’m not any closer to an answer.
Day 9 
Curiouser and curiouser.  What could it be??
 Day 10
Hmmm, I think I’m leaning towards the scissors suggestion that several participants have put forth.  I can see another handle coming, can’t you?
We should have the answer within the week I’ll bet.
Jane has done another excellent job this year, don’t you think?
“Think of your favorite teacher you ever had in school: the one who made it the most fun to go to class.  They surprise you. They keep you guessing. They keep you coming back, wanting to know what’s going to happen next.”
Pete Carroll

Mouse trouble

This is Morgan Mouse.  He’s nice and quiet, stays where I put him – most of the time – and never gets in any trouble.  I wish all mice were like him.  I posted about him here.

But there are mice in my house that are nothing like Morgan.  They get into everything!  I have a cabinet they have gotten into that we can’t figure out how, but anything I pull out of it has to be washed before use.  I have a large bottle of bleach right by the sink. My hands constantly smells of it – ugh!

But what really made me mad was when I found out that they have been in my thread!!!

A brand new ball of thread – destroyed! I am not a happy tatter right now!

I was looking for thread for Jane’s TIAS just before it started and kept noticing these red bits and ends.  I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this ball of thread!   Now I’m having to clean out my thread drawer and figure a way to keep the mice out.  In fact, I’m having to check out the entire dresser.  I have many things I’d rather be doing!

It’s days like these that I wish we still had a cat.  We never had this kind of problem with a cat in the house.

On to more pleasant things, like Jane’s TIAS.  Here is mine up through Day 5.

There have been a lot of guesses as to what it will be but I don’t think any of them are correct – Jane is much too sneaky for that!  My guess has been some kind of plant, but that’s only because she’s not done one yet for a TIAS. We will have to wait to find the right answer.

Day 6 is going to be available tomorrow, January 21!  I know I’m not the only one looking forward to it.

Will Day 6 be the day it becomes more obvious what it is?  (hahahaha!)

More like Morgan

I have found mice in my house!
Such messes they leave
Everywhere that they roam,
Everywhere in my home.
From cabinet and counter
The stairs and the floor
My house is infested
My patience been tested.
I’d love to send them packing
Clear them out – good bye!
I’ve not yet found a way
That will keep them at bay.
Remember me as I fight
This army of mice.
They aren’t cuddly or cute
As they munch and they scoot.
Why can’t they be like Morgan,
Flat and well behaved?
I could live with mice then.
But these! Go away! Amen.
Wanda Salmans

I’ve joined the TIAS crowd

Yes, I’m doing Jane E’s TIAS I just haven’t had time to post about it.
The 2015 TIAS started out on Day 1 with a button – a pretty small button.  This button didn’t want to join. It tried getting away and hiding a couple of times but now it is attached to two shuttles, making it a lot harder to disappear.
A few more rings were added on Day 2. 
Not much a clue to say where this is heading.
Jane hasn’t done any plants yet (for a TIAS) – maybe it is this year?

Day 3 is no help, really, just a few more rings, though it does look like we are turning a corner.  At least going a different direction on the next installment.
As I have no better guesses I’m sticking with the plant theory.
What’s your guess?
“Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what is seen during the moment.”
Carl Sandburg

Are You Ready?

The New Year is here and with it new beginnings.
Including Jane’s 2015 TIAS which starts tomorrow January 7.
Are you ready?

I looked through my shuttle collection and found two that were empty – not that easy as most still have thread still on them from previous projects.  Then I checked through my button stash for a 3/8th inch button – again, not as easy as I thought it would be.  After I found the button I could think about what color thread to use.  As it was handy and I like the color I wound the shuttles with Lizbeth #657 in size 20.
I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for this year’s TIAS.
Are you?
I’ve also started the new year by adding a couple of patterns to my Patterns tab.  I finally finished diagramming the Fall Bookmark (aka Bookmark in Fall Colors) I posted about here and here.  I was also asked about the pattern for the wreath I posted about here.  Both are now available.
I don’t make resolutions for New Years as I rarely keep them.  This year I’m making goals instead.  The top three (at the moment) in no particular order are:
Update the header and layout of my blog.
Diagram and write out the patterns for the snowflakes I made in the last few months.
Practice taking better pictures for my blog.
These are practical goals that are totally reachable.  I feel I am ready for them.
Are you ready?
“May it be the best year yet for you
And everything prosper you may do.” 

TIAS and Tatting Tea Tuesday

We’ve reached the end of the 2014 TIAS.  It was a lot of fun (when isn’t it?), with a sailboat at the end. 
 The “Knotty Thought” in Lizbeth size 20 # 130 Island Breeze and # 657 Ocean Turquoise Dark
I must have been a bit psychic to choose threads that go so well with a nautical theme don’t you think?

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I bring you progress on my vest.
I picked it up again – finally.  I started it in April of 2013, got as far as finishing the collar then put it down and didn’t pick it up again until about a month ago. Since then I’ve put about 20 hours into it. This is the center of the back.  I’m hoping that my ideas for this work out. 
Today I’m drinking Peppermint Tea with a touch of honey out of a cup I found at Goodwill.  It stood out amid quite a variety of cups and mugs in it’s color and decoration, the only one of it’s kind there.  The cup caught my eye, with it’s blueberries and blossoms.  I thought it was Corelle but it has ‘epoch’ on the bottom. So for the whopping price of 50 cents I brought it home. It obviously doesn’t hold as much as one of the mugs I’m used to drinking from, but I enjoy using it. 
Did you know there is quite the connection between sailing ships and tea? There was a time when clipper ships brought tea from China to England.  The tea clippers actually raced to be the first to make it back from China.  Those ships must have been quite the sight to see.  There is only one of the clippers left, the Cutty Sark, in dry dock in London. How much easier it is to get tea now, but without the romance of sailing ships!

“Happily, one great tea clipper has survived and is now in dry dock at Greenwich in London. Cutty Sark, launched from the Clyde on  22 November 1869, was one of the last tea clippers to be constructed.  Built for John ‘White Hat’ Willis, she was intended to win the annual clipper race, although in fact she never beat her biggest rival, Thermopylae.  The decline of the clipper tea trade meant that Cutty Sark only carried tea until 1877, but she survived many later incarnations, and is now the only remaining tea clipper in the world.  Small to modern eyes, Cutty Sark is nonetheless breathtakingly beautiful, and a visit offers a fascinating insight into the life of a tea clipper.” 

from the UK Tea Council
The Cutty Sark at Grenwich in London

I linked to Artful Affirmations for her Tea Cup Tuesday

It’s Tuesday

The 2014 TIAS continues
The most often guessed is a sail boat but I’m not sure, Jane can be pretty sneaky! (in a good way!)  Whatever it is we are more than halfway through.
I have been tatting but don’t have pictures of what I’ve spent the most time on.  I do have this little piece made with Coats Cotton Machine Quilting thread.  I don’t really have a plan for this piece but I had the thread with me (why? I found it in a drawer and stuck it in my box…) so thought I’d try working with it.

And it was very trying.  I usually tat with size 20 thread and I’ve got a project going in size 10, so working with this was quite a chore.  I would get about three rings and a chain done then break the thread on the next ring.  Today I very consciously made my stitches and pulled the rings closed very carefully. Success! The thread didn’t break! 

Last week Tuesday I didn’t have to go to work due to snow and bad roads.  We got somewhere between eight and ten inches by the time it was done.  And it hasn’t melted yet!  Which is very unusual around here.  Then Sunday night we got another two inches.  But the sun is shining today and they say we’ll get above freezing maybe tomorrow.  By Sunday it should be in the 60’s (ºF) and the snow mostly gone.
We found some lovely tea related images from tea loving Grace in Italy - which we have put together as a montage and thought we would share...I haven’t been doing Tatting Tea Tuesdays much lately, not because I haven’t thought about it but I’ve been drinking a lot of coffee instead of tea.  Including today.  But I did get some tatting done and I’ve found a blog that’s all about tea cups!  If you also like tea and tea cups check out Artful Affirmations.  

                                                                              image from Pinterest


TIAS – Tat It And See – Jane Eborall’s annual fun-fest of teasing those of us in tat-land that choose to join with small snippets of a pattern every few days.  There have been some pretty fun guesses made by participants but is anyone right?  Only Jane knows!

TIAS Day 9

My TIAS through Day 11
What is it?
It started snowing here last night about midnight.  They are predicting that we could get upwards of 9 inches of snow today with blowing snow and frigid weather tonight and tomorrow. I didn’t even open the door to take this picture.
 The view from my front door about 12:00 PM
Just got news that work has been cancelled for today – yeah!!

 ATC stands for Artist Trading Cards.  These are supposed to be no larger than 3½ inches by 2 ½ inches (the size of most any trading card, like baseball, hockey, etc, as well as most playing cards) and can be made of and with almost anything you want.  It’s a small piece of art to be traded or given away, not sold, to other artists. Originally this was done at face-to-face events but a lot of people now organize swaps on the Internet and through the mail.  They are also sometimes used by artists to try a technique or idea on a small scale, kept instead of traded.

I have been admiring Singtatter’s ATCs for sometime, but never tried any.  She and her friends do all sorts of different media and I haven’t seen myself being that ambitious.  But I got to thinking the other day that I’ve enjoyed decorating the photo album covers and I had a lot of fun decorating the little bags.   And I have quite a lot of flowers, butterflies and birdies and such from emptying shuttles.  Hmm, it could be fun to decorate something small like ATCs.

So I attempted a few.

Tatting and colored pencils

Paper, thread and heart button – oops, no tatting!

Tatting, paper and ribbon
Dove pattern by JoAnn Stearns, ‘Joy’s Heart’ pattern by Wanda Salmans

Originally I wasn’t going to put that butterfly on this last one, I was going to write a few words.  And I messed up the few words.  So I had to cover them up.  Oh, well, this is just for me anyway, and I had fun doing it, so all is good.

These are very simple ATCs compared to many I’ve seen on the Internet, but now I have a lot more ideas to try.  What’s funny is for some of these ideas I will have to do some tatting made special for them *hehehe*.  I suppose as fun is the main reason to do these that’s not a bad thing.

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo Picasso

TIAS days 7 & 8

We are up to day 8 of the 2014 TIAS by Jane E.  
And I still don’t have any idea what it may be.  Several other participants have suggested sails for a boat, which could be – the boat itself may be last.  But with the TIAS in pieces and no way to know which way is up or how they fit together it’s very hard to see what may be coming.
Day 7
Lizbeth #130 Island Breeze size 20
Day 8
Reading through all the entries on Jane’s TIAS blog it’s interesting to see how everyone is coming along and all their guesses.  Most are using variegated thread (Jane suggested to) which gives each person’s venture quite different looks due to the thread color combinations.  When I take pictures of mine I keep thinking it’s not laying flat when it is, it’s just the color of the thread giving that impression. 
I don’t know what we’re making yet, Jane, but it is a lot of fun!
I haven’t been getting a lot of tatting done this week – I keep getting sidetracked.  I see something that needs doing (the ‘h’ word) or something I’ve thought about doing (crafty things) or anyone of a number of things that catch my attention and off I go on a tangent. I finally sat down the other night with a piece of tatting I started some time ago and didn’t finish.  

Garden 10 Nazli Gelin size 10 white
I found the center of this long-picoted motif inside a bag of other tatting.  I don’t remember what I was going to do with those long picots but the motif was obviously unfinished.  For whatever reason it intrigued me enough to work on it a bit.  I put an outside around it, playing with the stitch count until I thought it was right – and found I probably should have used a couple more stitches than I did.  Now I have to decide what comes next.  Maybe it was to go on a ball Christmas ornament?  I need to see if that center will fit over one.  Hmmm.
“Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.”
Augusta Rodin

TIAS and mice

Today Jane released Day 6 of her 2014 TIAS (Tat It And See). So far she’s done a great job keeping everyone guessing as to what it might be. 
This is my TIAS up through Day 6.  Days 1 through 4 is on the left, Days 5 & 6 is the small piece in the middle.  I’m sure the two pieces will eventually be joined together but I have no idea how.  Do you have any ideas?
I’m using Lizbeth #130 Island Breeze in size 20.
We were very busy this last weekend with family.  Our daughter came down from Nebraska and we all got together with our other daughter in Wichita.  By the time Sunday night rolled around my husband and I were bushed!  Needless to say very little tatting was done during this time.
Though not much tatting was done there was some thinking and planning being done. This is something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. It’s not done yet, but when it is I’m wanting to mount this so it can be put on the wall, whether on a plaque or in a frame.

“I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse.”
Walt Disney