Looking for Words

Happy New Year! I hope you all are having a good start to 2025. It has started well for me, but I’m having trouble coming up with inspiration to write.

I haven’t done a lot of tatting since the craft show at the beginning of December. We had many things going on to get ready for family get-togethers and a trip leaving me with little time to tat. After a while, I also didn’t have the desire to tat. This happens to me frequently after an intense time of creativity. I suppose my brain needs a rest.

After Christmas, my husband and I visited our daughter in Colorado. She and her kids had made it down for the family day, but couldn’t spend more than a full day before starting back. My husband and I decided to visit them before the new year. It was a wonderful visit! We spent most of the weekend playing games with the whole family. We also took a day trip with the grandkids to Estes Park and the east side of Rocky Mountain National Park.

With the grandkids at RMNP on wandasknottythoughts
With the grandkids at RMNP

I did get a bit of tatting done on the drive back and forth to Colorado. Not much, but at least a shuttle was used.

Last of 2024 tatting on wandasknottythoughts
Last of 2024 tatting

While we were gone my order from Tatting Corning came, which was thread I had ordered on Lisa’s 12 Days of Christmas sale. Maybe one of them will be inspiration to tat.

12 Days of Christmas order on wandasknottythoughts
12 Days of Christmas order

Considering the weather here, I should have plenty of time to tat. We started getting icy rain at about 6:00 a.m. today, and it is supposed to continue through the night. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow all day. What better way to spend the time, right?

While we are stuck at home I should probably start taking down the Christmas things, though I’m not really ready to. They all make the house a little brighter. They also remind me of the memories made with them. This year I gave ornaments to my granddaughter and told her to decorate the tree. These ornaments included a stack of tatting, some of which I had just made, including wings for wine ornament angels. She thought the wings made wonderful decorations for the tree.

Angel wings on the tree on wandasknottythoughts
Angel wings on the tree

While I was busy tatting for the craft show I could think of so many things I wanted to work on besides the Christmas items. Did I write them down? No. Can I remember them now? No. I’ll start something soon, and maybe come up with what I should have written down.

What have you started your new year with?

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.” Neil Gaiman

Getting ready for Tat Days

Tatting Corner’s Tat Days start in just over a week, July 6, 7, & 8. I’m trying to prepare for the classes I will be taking.

Tat Days class descriptions on wandasknottythoughts
Tat Days class descriptions

I’ve been reviewing the project descriptions and lists of what each requires, such as thread color and size, how many shuttles, etc. I have plenty of shuttles but some of them have threads from previous projects still on them. The last week or so I’ve been emptying them by making doodles and small motifs.

Miscellaneous doodles and motifs on wandasknottythoughts
Miscellaneous doodles and motifs

These are a few doodles and such that have come off my shuttles this week. I really need to empty my shuttles when I’m done with a project instead of waiting until I need the shuttles. I had enough shuttles emptied for the upcoming classes when I found more shuttles.

Loaded shuttles on wandasknottythoughts
Loaded shuttles

I don’t know that I’m going to take time to remove all the threads from these before we leave for Indiana, but I know what I should be doing whenever I get the chance. I found a box with loaded shuttles that still has the project attached.

Unfinished mermaid from 2022 Tat Days on wandasknottythoughts
Unfinished Mermaid from 2022 Tat Days

This is the only class project from last year’s Tat Days that I did not finish. Pearl is a cute mermaid, but somewhat complicated. I’m going to try finishing her before we leave. Where the hands are joined is a bit tricky, I might have to ask for help. When finished, she will be a great piece to put on a vest or shirt, or bag for the upcoming cruise in November.

Now I need to go back to list making and bill paying so I am ready to leave at the end of the week. Tat Days, here I come!

“He, who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most busy life.” Victor Hugo

Goodies in the Mail

Tatting Corner had a 12 Days of Christmas sale in November, in which I bought thread. And such pretty thread!

Thread from 12 Days of Christmas sale 2020 on wandasknottythoughts
My thread order arrived!

I chose several metallic threads as well as colors I’ve not tried before. And a couple that I needed for other things – notice the Ecru balls. But aren’t they pretty? I’m looking forward to using these, as soon as I decide what I’ll be making with them.

Small Angels 2021 on wandaksnottythoughts
The wings are much better on these two.

I made a couple more of the Small Angels. I’m happier about the wings than I was about the previous two. I’m looking forward to seeing other people’s versions of the pattern to see how they come out for them.

I’ve started another project, which I want to finish one way or another before I start anything with the new thread.

New project 20210103 on wandasknottythoughts
New project in gold

I’m not sure I like how this is working out, but I’m planning on finishing it anyway, to know for sure.

I’m starting 2021 with a new project and new threads. Lots to look forward to. How about you?

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. Neil Gaiman


What to do with leftovers

A few days ago Jane Eborall  mentioned how she handles leftovers – thread left on shuttles after she finishes a project.  She winds it back on the ball it came off of!  Wow, what an idea!  You’d never be stuck with wondering what was on the shuttle, what size it is, and where to find more if you needed it.  I think this would be a good habit to get into to with leftover thread. 
So far I’ve only done this when there is a lot on the shuttle – sometimes, and usually only when I need the shuttle.  But I think it’s a great idea.
What I usually do is try to figure out some small thing to do with those leftovers, usually when I need another shuttle and they are all full.  Not an uncommon occurrence.  Sometimes I try out new ideas and techniques, sometimes I doodle with flowers and butterflies and such, and sometimes I wind it on whatever is handy to get it off the shuttle and promptly forget about it.
About a year ago I tried my hand at doing ATCs to use up some of my little flower and butterfly doodles.  Those ATCs didn’t turn out too bad.  Since then I’ve done one more, which I think came out pretty good, too.
You can’t see it in this picture but the cup is slightly raised from the background, giving it a bit of depth.  
Yes, only one more since my first try.  I like doing them, but usually I don’t have time to work on them when I can think of all kinds of things I want to try.  Doing more ATCs are on my list of goals for 2015.
Thread storage
I mentioned that mice got into my thread a few weeks ago. I finally did something I’ve needed to do for a long time – I found a better storage solution. 
This is a stack of three three-drawer containers I found at Wal-mart in the office supplies department.  They had almost identical drawers in the storage solution area that were in white – same brand, same size – but they were a $1 more each.  Black works for me. 
These drawers keep the balls of thread in one layer, making them easier to look through and keeping them from getting lost in the bottom of a deep dresser drawer. And I can easily store thread by color family – that is if I can make up my mind which family that is.  Is purple in the pink family or the red family?   I only have so many drawers to work with.   It’s also very easy to put partial (leftover?) balls of thread away when I’m done with them. 
What do you do with leftover thread? 
“Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories.  Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.”
Thomas Fuller 

Mouse trouble

This is Morgan Mouse.  He’s nice and quiet, stays where I put him – most of the time – and never gets in any trouble.  I wish all mice were like him.  I posted about him here.

But there are mice in my house that are nothing like Morgan.  They get into everything!  I have a cabinet they have gotten into that we can’t figure out how, but anything I pull out of it has to be washed before use.  I have a large bottle of bleach right by the sink. My hands constantly smells of it – ugh!

But what really made me mad was when I found out that they have been in my thread!!!

A brand new ball of thread – destroyed! I am not a happy tatter right now!

I was looking for thread for Jane’s TIAS just before it started and kept noticing these red bits and ends.  I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this ball of thread!   Now I’m having to clean out my thread drawer and figure a way to keep the mice out.  In fact, I’m having to check out the entire dresser.  I have many things I’d rather be doing!

It’s days like these that I wish we still had a cat.  We never had this kind of problem with a cat in the house.

On to more pleasant things, like Jane’s TIAS.  Here is mine up through Day 5.

There have been a lot of guesses as to what it will be but I don’t think any of them are correct – Jane is much too sneaky for that!  My guess has been some kind of plant, but that’s only because she’s not done one yet for a TIAS. We will have to wait to find the right answer.

Day 6 is going to be available tomorrow, January 21!  I know I’m not the only one looking forward to it.

Will Day 6 be the day it becomes more obvious what it is?  (hahahaha!)

More like Morgan

I have found mice in my house!
Such messes they leave
Everywhere that they roam,
Everywhere in my home.
From cabinet and counter
The stairs and the floor
My house is infested
My patience been tested.
I’d love to send them packing
Clear them out – good bye!
I’ve not yet found a way
That will keep them at bay.
Remember me as I fight
This army of mice.
They aren’t cuddly or cute
As they munch and they scoot.
Why can’t they be like Morgan,
Flat and well behaved?
I could live with mice then.
But these! Go away! Amen.
Wanda Salmans

I’ve been tatting – but it’s not done yet!

I have been tatting – a gift for a niece’s wedding.
That’s this coming weekend.
And it’s not done yet!
Okay, that’s not really a big surprise.  I always seem to wait to start something and then the date I need it done is suddenly upon us.  You’d think I’d learn but I haven’t yet.
The good news is it really is almost done.  Sunday I did almost nothing else and made a lot of progress.  The bad news is I don’t foresee a lot of tatting time open this week.  I guess if I want it done I’ll find time somewhere!
How many of you read Fox’s post about her excitement with Perfect Quilter thread?
And how many of you jumped right over there where her link took you and bought some?
I did.

I haven’t been tatting in small thread lately so I only bought four colors and I haven’t had time to even try any of them out yet!  But I have these by my chair to entice and encourage me to get this gift done.
Set goals.

A funny thing happened

On the way to the yarn shop.
Three things, actually.  They say that things happen in threes, and they did!
The owner of  Odd Balls Yarn Shop, a local store, asked if I would be interested in selling some of my tatting at the store on consignment.  I thought this could be fun.  For the last week or so, between doing a few other things, I’ve been getting ready earrings, stitch markers and wine glass charms to take over, as well as some way to display them.  Tracie Anderson, the owner, suggested the small Christmas tree I used at the craft show and she would have it on the counter by the register.  Great!

Yesterday I made a list of what I had, put it in a box with my tatting and left for work early so I could stop at the shop on the way.  A few miles down the road I realized I didn’t have the tree and had to turn around and go back home to get it. (Funny #1)

I ran in the house for the tree, then on the way out I pulled the house door shut – and the door knob came off in my hand.  After some work I got it back on, kinda sorta, and left again. I called my husband to let him know that he had a little project when he got home from work. (Funny #2)

I live out in the country and take the Interstate to Wichita to work, passing through Newton on the way.  Odd Balls is in a mall just south of Newton. I drive this every day.  But yesterday, before I get to Newton, I hear and feel this “THUMP!” while I’m driving. No, it wasn’t a deer.  It was a tumble weed, a big one, that tumbled out in front of me as I was driving 75 miles an hour.  I slow down but the thing just hangs on.  I have to pull over, put my flashers on and get out to pull it our of the front grill of the car.  A highway patrolman just happened to see the attack and stopped over to make sure I was okay, which I was.  (Funny #3)

I was just glad that was the last “funny” for the day.  I had been a bit worried that my entire day at work would follow suit, but it didn’t. The evening passed quite uneventfully.

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I had a cup of – Hot apple cider.  It’s not that the weather is cold here, it just sounded good.  I found these cute mugs at Dillon’s and have decided that I’m going to use them for everyday instead of just special occasions. I’m bad about saving nice or pretty things for “special occasions” and they sit in the cabinet and never get used.  Not this year!

I’m trying out some new thread that Odd Balls carries.  It’s a rayon thread, which is very different than cotton, about a size 12.  It’s a very pretty purple shade that feels very nice to work with.  The biggest problem is that it’s soft and rayon.  If the stitches are tight rings do not close completely.  I’ve been working with it, practicing rings and I’m getting the hang of it.  I’m hoping it works out because I’ve seen some very pretty things made with this brand of thread.  Any body else tried it?

I haven’t gotten any snowflakes done yet, I keep getting side-tracked!  Okay, okay, Wanda,  stop procrastinating and get on with it!!!

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
Francis Bacon, Sr.