Color sample made with Lizbeth thread size 10 in #606 Charcoal & #602 Natural
While making edgings for the table runner that were made this fall I discovered – rediscovered? – that my sense of what colors go together needs help. Setting balls of thread on material gives an idea if they look good together but not necessarily if they work together for a pretty edging.
For a Christmas gift this year I’m planning on another table runner. Instead of making the edging and then finding out the colors just don’t quite work like expected I thought I should do a little more research and make a sample with the planned colors and then make the decision.
Why did it come out as a snowflake? It was a good idea at the time??
These colors didn’t quite work as expected with the material – good thing it was only a sample! – so more research was needed.

These were done only in one color so they could be put side-by-side with other colors to see how they would look. Probably a much more practical way to research the problem and find the colors that work the best, don’t you think?
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Wernher von Braun