Snowflakes and Pictures

I made my ‘Crowned Wheel’ (found on my Patterns tab) in white for the first time.  It’s actually the first time I’ve made it in a solid color instead of a variegated thread.  It looks pretty good as a snowflake.

The small snowflakes are just my doodling around to make small ‘flakes for the bags I’ve been decorating, but I’m pretty sure that some version of these (and more!) are in Patti Duff’s ‘Minitats’ (which is currently sold out) and probably other places as well.  
I haven’t gotten much tatting done in the last week due to having family doings for Thanksgiving.  We had three different dinners in three days.  I didn’t have to cook for all three – one was catered and not at our house; one was at our house but made by my Son-In-Law; the other at our house where I did almost everything but the turkey which was smoked outside.  We’re dining on leftovers still, and will be for several more days.  This is not a bad thing at all – little cooking but a variety of good food 🙂
Have you ever had family get-togethers where you want to take pictures but not everyone is all that enthused about it?  As I take a lot of pictures my family knows it’s coming and they will just have to suffer through it.  This year I tried to make it fun.  The weather was very mild so we took the set pictures outside.  I had purchased some holiday accessories – Christmas tree head bands, gnome/elf hats, funny glasses – and had everyone wear them for pictures.  I didn’t hear nearly as much complaining as I usually do – everyone was laughing too hard. The kids thought it was great and even the guys had fun with it.
Our daughters framing us for the holidays.
It was great to have such a mild holiday weekend where we could spend a lot of time outside and didn’t have to bundle up.  I heard that the weather on the east coast was pretty nasty with a lot of travel delays.  Our turn could be coming.  The temp here today was about 65º F, tomorrow the high is supposed to be about 23º.  
And “breezy” – meaning winds 10 to 25 mph.
And maybe snow.
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.”
Desmond Tutu

A mouse and the moon

A few weeks ago when I posted about a new bookmark I had made the moderator at the 25 Motif Challenge made a comment about the abbreviated version of it, “Does anyone else see a mouse here?”

Another look at the picture I had taken and, sure enough, it looked like a mouse.  I hadn’t even noticed that when I took it.  Then I thought “some eyes, some whiskers, maybe a little nose – it wouldn’t take much to make a mouse.”

After a little tweeking and a few beads, it did.

Introducing Morgan Mouse!

Morgan Mouse © Wanda Salmans 2013

Morgan is made in Lizbeth #131 Vineyard Harvest and #644 Boysenberry Dk, size 20, with three 11/0 black glass beads.  The center is an 8-point finding (doodad) that is about .5 inches (1.27 cm) across.  A flat-backed “diamond” is glued to the center of the doodad.  For anyone that might be interested in the pattern it has been posted to the Pattern tab.

Any of you check out the full moon this weekend?  Did you know it was a “supermoon”?  This weekend the moon passed as close to the earth as it will ever be this year, making the moon look bigger and brighter.  It was very beautiful!

Supermoon Rises Over Chesapeake Bay Beach

People have taken some great pictures of it (not me).  Check out a few of them at
It was so bright that, along with dry conditions, a lot of people worked into the early morning hours harvesting wheat, at least they did around here.  We saw one crew still out at midnight in a field cutting.   We just enjoyed how beautiful the night was ☺
Hickory Dickory Dock
Two mice ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The other escaped with minor injuries.
Check out more verses and alternates here

Of teapots and hearts

For Tatting Tea Tuesday today I’m enjoying my very first Tea-for-One teapot.  My oldest daughter and her family gave it to me for my birthday along with a tin of Tazo Refresh Mint tea, which she knows I like. 

She’s seen that I’ve started drinking more tea in the last few years and supports it by furnishing me tea once in awhile.  This time it was with the whole teapot as well.  She is so sweet!  It’s it pretty?  (I’m going to have to have a slightly larger space to place my tea cup by my tatting chair though – it’s a bit wider than the mugs I usually use.)

Speaking of sweet, Michelle over at Tela Magistrae has recently tatted a couple of my patterns, Christmas Snowflake 2010, which is on my pattern page, and then the heart  that I posted about last week.  She likes the pattern but not the result she got due to the colors she used (it looks white on my computer).  Check it out, I think she did a great job.  Thanks, Michelle!

As the pattern seems to be workable I’m sharing that with everyone now. Check it out on the Patterns page.

Joy’s Heart © Wanda Salmans 2012

There are a couple other hearts that I have made over the last several years that I’m working on the patterns for.  I hope to have them done very soon.  
I invite you to have a cup of tea today for Tatting Tea Tuesday, it will warm your heart. 
I’m a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle, 
Here is my spout,
When I get all steamed up, 
Hear me shout,
Tip me up and pour me out!

By George Harold Sanders and Clarence Z. Kelley

Trial and Error

The green mess there in the front?  My attempts at adding a bead to the center of a ring. I watched Marilee’s  video found on her blog, which is very clear and easy to follow, but mine look pretty sad.  This doesn’t show all the rings I broke when trying to close them, just my semi-successful attempts.  I finally decided that if that wasn’t working to try something else, namely trying it with split rings.  This is working much better.  Maybe when I get a little more comfortable with the technique I’ll have better luck with the single-shuttle version. I can dream. 
Speaking of Marilee, have you seen her magnificent Nouveau necklace?  If you haven’t seen it yet you really need to go check it out!
I’ve been working on the pattern for the latest version of barefoot sandals, trying to write out on paper what I did in thread.  My problem is habit -when I tat I don’t think about what shuttle to use, as, this is shuttle #1 and this is shuttle #2, or even this is the pink and this the yellow, I just see which way I want the tatting to go and without thinking too much about it use the shuttle and technique to go that way. Which means when trying to write it out I’m totally lost on when to change shuttles.
I remember seeing how Fox used high-lighters to help her follow a pattern and thought I’d give it a try, too. I  loaded two empty shuttles with thread, added what I  hoped was enough beads and started trying to follow the pattern I jotted down, coloring the lines with the appropriate color as I went.  Coincidentally, the two high-lighters I happened to find were the same colors as my shuttles – how cool it that?   Now to consciously notice which shuttle I am using and mark the paper. So far it seems to be working well. I am, of course, correcting errors as I go and trying to note bead placement and use as well.  I don’t often use beads and I think this is the first time I’ve made them an integral part of the pattern. Lots of new things to try documenting!
I was hoping to have the pattern done by today, but it didn’t happen. I still have quite a ways to go.  I’m going to try hard to have it ready to post by next week, but it all depends on how much time I have to work on it. 
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I’m enjoying a cup of peach tea.  I’m going to make a second cup now that I’m done with this post and try to get some tatting done. I think I’m going to work on putting beads in the center of the ring again, take a break from the computer for a while.  The pattern work can wait just a little 🙂
“I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”
Michael Jordan

Harvest Time Tatting

Memorial Day, a day to remember those in the military who gave their lives for their country.  It’s celebrated  every year on the last Monday in May. As it’s a federal holiday all government offices, banks and some private businesses are closed, making it a three day weekend for a lot of people.
Unfortunately, not for me or my husband. Not because we weren’t supposed to have a three day weekend –  our company has Memorial Day as a paid holiday. But this year they have a lot of orders that need to be filled an not much time to do it, so everybody had to work Saturday.  And I, and a few (un)lucky others, had to work Sunday as well.  That left Memorial Day alone as my only day off.
The day was beautiful! The sky was blue, the breeze was mild, the temperature on the way to hot without being oppressive.  And I didn’t even have to go anywhere for entertainment, of a sort.
Watching the harvest from the front yard on
 Memorial Day, 2012, a beautiful day in Kansas and
the start of harvest around my neighborhood.  This is the view from my front yard.

Front row seat to harvest on

This was my front row seat to the harvesting of the wheat in the field next to our house. An iced drink, a nice chair, a great view and a bit of tatting.  Who could ask for more?
My tatting for the day was reviewing the pattern for this cross, checking it for mistakes before sharing it, by tatting it following said pattern.  (I did find a couple of mistakes which I had to correct)
Split Ring Cross found on
Split Ring Cross © Wanda Salmans
I made this cross with Lizbeth #601 Snow White in size 20.  I designed this cross several years ago and wrote down the pattern but just finished diagramming it. I have shared it on the Pages tab.
We did make it to a few of the local cemeteries yesterday towards evening.  Even though Memorial Day is specifically to honor fallen military personnel it has traditionally expanded to remember all family and friends who have passed on as well.  We visited all the graves, those of our friends and family, whether military or not.  The cemeteries always look beautiful with all the flowers and flags on this day. Most military graves are decorated with an American flag, put out by volunteers and other veterans.  It’s also interesting to see the dates on all the headstones, they can tell quite a story.  Even though it is a solemn occasion in many ways, it’s  also a day of remembering the the sacrifices made as well as good times with those no longer with us.
“In many respects across this nation Memorial Day has become a time when families have a little quality time together. And I don’t think those who died to defend this nation would begrudge families that quality time.  But Memorial Day is for the purpose of honoring those who died in service to the nation, so a moment of silence give us all an opportunity to remember them and what they stood (for) and what they died for.”
Togo West

More new tatting

I was working on another short edging that didn’t come out quite like I wanted. 
Crowned Wheel © Wanda Salmans 2012
Edging?  Yes, it was supposed to be an edging but kept curving, so I let it.  I thought it looked a little hollow so added a little something to the middle.  It came out pretty nice, but obviously not an edging.  This one is made with Lizbeth #163 ‘Blue Ice’ in size 40.  Originally I was working in Lizbeth #115 ‘Springtime’ in size 20. I made the one in ‘Blue Ice’ to verify stitch count and shuttle use so I could write out the pattern.  If you’re interested in it check out the Patterns tab. (I recommend starting with the center then working on the outside ☺)
I haven’t finished the project with the Hanging Basket Edging yet, as this edging – the one that didn’t happen – is  going to go with it.  I wanted to make sure the two edgings worked together before I got too far in attaching them.  Which means I’m not done yet.  I have some thoughts on where I went ‘wrong’ and will be trying again.
I’m trying out the Pages option here in Blogger, which is where I moved the links to my patterns.  The list was getting kind of long *grin* which isn’t a bad thing, but I thought maybe this would work better.  
“Success is following the pattern of life one enjoys most”  Al Capp

A new edging

Hanging Basket Edging © Wanda Salmans 2012
This is the edging I was working on last week.  I finished tatting it but it’s not yet attached to anything.  If things go well I’ll have it done this week.  It’s made in Lizbeth #115 ‘Springtime’ size 20.  I’m very fond of this colorway, it really makes me think springtime, which somewhat surprises me as I don’t usually favor pastels.

When I started this edging I had only a vague idea of what I wanted.  I was happy with the first row though I knew it needed a second row to make it as deep as I was looking for.  The length of the first row worked out well, leaving just the right number of repeats so the second row fit – once I figured out what the second row was going to be. The first row has a SCMR and a thrown ring in every repeat but otherwise it is just rings and chains.  The second row is a little fiddly but not difficult, using only rings and chains though you have to switch shuttles for the ‘basket’ part. If anyone is interested I am sharing the pattern, it’s on the sidebar.

I’m not much of a garden person – I’m much too lazy to keep it weeded – but I do like to have a few flowers to brighten up the house.  While they look nice I’d thought I’d share a little.  I put these out a little over a week ago and they’re still alive(!) and look like they may stay that way a little longer.  It’s amazing how a few pots of plants change the whole feel of the entry way.

“In the spring, the carpet flowered amid the green,
and as wind blew, it looked like music on the ground.”
Timothy Egan

Spring has sprung…an Egg!

Spring has actually felt like it’s been here for weeks but finally my red bud tree is blooming.  I’m sitting outside while I write this enjoying the birds singing and the lovely flowers in my lawn (okay, they’re weeds, but at the moment they brighten  up the lawn).  A little while ago a wild hen turkey crossed our yard followed closely by a tom, eager to show her his lovely tail feather display.
I have done very little tatting this week, so have nothing to show. I did post the Easter egg pattern on the sidebar. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much time to work on it, either.  It’s mostly written out long hand, but does have pictures and general diagrams.  I wanted to get it out there before Easter even if it’s not quite the way I want it. I will be updating it when I have a little more time. It is mostly a ring and chain pattern with a couple of SCMRs. If you happen do make it and find any mistakes I’d be happy if you’d let me know so I can fix it. 
Though I haven’t done much tatting this week I do have tatting related news, I just haven’t had the time to work on the pictures.  Maybe I’ll have them ready for next week. 
Speaking of next week, April first is this coming Sunday – International Tatting Day.  I have a list of things I need to tat and am hoping to be able to sit and enjoy some chocolate while I work on at least one of them.  If it’s a nice day maybe I’ll try to go to the park or sit on a public bench somewhere and share it with the public (tatting, not necessarily the chocolate).
“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”
Anthony J. D’Angelo
The optimist keeps his eye on the doughnut, the pessimist only sees the hole