Tag: pattern
A mouse and the moon
Another look at the picture I had taken and, sure enough, it looked like a mouse. I hadn’t even noticed that when I took it. Then I thought “some eyes, some whiskers, maybe a little nose – it wouldn’t take much to make a mouse.”
After a little tweeking and a few beads, it did.
Introducing Morgan Mouse!
Morgan is made in Lizbeth #131 Vineyard Harvest and #644 Boysenberry Dk, size 20, with three 11/0 black glass beads. The center is an 8-point finding (doodad) that is about .5 inches (1.27 cm) across. A flat-backed “diamond” is glued to the center of the doodad. For anyone that might be interested in the pattern it has been posted to the Pattern tab.
Any of you check out the full moon this weekend? Did you know it was a “supermoon”? This weekend the moon passed as close to the earth as it will ever be this year, making the moon look bigger and brighter. It was very beautiful!
Of teapots and hearts
As the pattern seems to be workable I’m sharing that with everyone now. Check it out on the Patterns page.
Joy’s Heart © Wanda Salmans 2012
Trial and Error
Harvest Time Tatting

Another pattern posted
More new tatting
A new edging
When I started this edging I had only a vague idea of what I wanted. I was happy with the first row though I knew it needed a second row to make it as deep as I was looking for. The length of the first row worked out well, leaving just the right number of repeats so the second row fit – once I figured out what the second row was going to be. The first row has a SCMR and a thrown ring in every repeat but otherwise it is just rings and chains. The second row is a little fiddly but not difficult, using only rings and chains though you have to switch shuttles for the ‘basket’ part. If anyone is interested I am sharing the pattern, it’s on the sidebar.
I’m not much of a garden person – I’m much too lazy to keep it weeded – but I do like to have a few flowers to brighten up the house. While they look nice I’d thought I’d share a little. I put these out a little over a week ago and they’re still alive(!) and look like they may stay that way a little longer. It’s amazing how a few pots of plants change the whole feel of the entry way.
“In the spring, the carpet flowered amid the green,
and as wind blew, it looked like music on the ground.”
Timothy Egan