I have a confession to make.
I hate cleaning.
I would rather watch tatting dry than clean the house.
And I’m not a neat person, making my house somewhat cluttered.
So when I do clean house it takes a lot of time. (I keep telling myself I’m going to do better, pick up things more often – but it hasn’t happened yet.) We don’t have people over often – we would probably keep the house up better if we did – so when we plan to have company we have a lot to do. Then it comes down to the wire and I start putting my clutter in boxes so I can stash them out of the way in a hurry, thinking, of course, that I’ll go back soon and take care of all of it when the company is gone.
What usually happens is most of it stays in the boxes and I start the clutter all over again. Those things I thought I was using/needing are replaced by other things.
Yesterday I was going through a box of such things when I came across a couple of pattern books I knew I had but couldn’t find. Yea!
The “Tatted Animals” book by Inga Madsen I had purposely purchased to have patterns suitable for boys – what boy doesn’t like animals of some sort? I have already started a project out of it, though it’s not for one of the boys, it’s for a niece ☺
Also in the box were these note cards I made probably twenty years ago, possibly more. They are large, unlined index cards – 5″ by 8″? – folded in half. The thread used is DMC size 8 in various colors, the only thread I could find at the time that came in so many colors. I wasn’t much of an artist with these, but I was guaranteed that the recipient wouldn’t be getting cards like these from anyone else. And they would know who it was from.
There were a lot of other things in the box that I had been looking for. I kick myself sometimes for how unorganized I am. I really, really need to start putting things away better.
I also need to start spending less time on social media and the Internet in general. I get sucked in and spend more time there than I plan to. But, the other day while on Facebook there was a suggested article, you know, one of those that pops in that are chosen for you based on what you’ve read or searched for, from Ancestry.com, which I found interesting. And it mentions tatting by name!
Picture from Ancestry.com
That’s only 10 skills for us tatters!
For myself, better housekeeping should probably be on this list of skills I don’t have.
“Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door.”
Marcelene Cox
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