I usually take my tatting with me in my purse. Usually, I have some idea of what I have to tat with in my tatting bag. Last Sunday morning we had to leave for church early and pick up the grandkids on the way. I had almost an hour before Bible study started, time I could spend tatting. What did I have in my tatting bag? Several partially wound shuttles of miscellaneous threads and no plan.
I had been trying out a few ideas the evening before, nothing of which I wanted to continue. I had a copy of the April Endrucks game of Picot Me Endrucks “Life is Bliss Butterfly” and wound shuttles, so I worked on that during my wait.

One thread is white, the other in some shade of turquoise, both Lizbeth size 20. I wasn’t sure I would be happy with this pattern in these colors, but I think it came out great! There were a few distractions so I wasn’t very imaginative with the picots. I did add a few extra stitches on the chains of the top part of the wings so the picots stayed more distinctive. After I was done, I noticed I wasn’t mindful of the picot sizes. It still came out well. I like it!
Now I’m off to another track meet. Oh, boy. LOL!
#Endrucks1920Project #PicotMeEndrucks