I’ve been working on the pattern for the August Split Ring Cross I recently made. I have the diagram done and the written part done, but I am having problems making up my mind on how to add the different pieces to the pattern. I’ve made a couple of detailed drawings/directions but am unsure just where to place them in the written pattern.
I’ve made a detail for the facing 3-ring sections and for the corner sections, then one large one for the overall cross. The overall diagram does not have the stitch count as the count is repeated over and over and I think the detail will show it more clearly. In the written pattern, do I start with the details on the front page and then the overall, or visa-versa? I keep changing my mind.
I also have a couple of pictures with details of how I did a few things. I’m thinking I’ll add those at the end, a separate page for these. I suppose I could put the detailed drawings on this page as well. Hmmm.
I’m saying the pattern is done for now but I might change it up later. If anyone wants the pattern, please email me. And let me know if you like the layout of the pattern.
I’m still working on the runner but it is a larger project which I only work on at home. If I have time this week to sit down and tat I’m hoping to get the tatting part done. Then it will be putting it all together, which also means sewing. I’d much rather tat. We’ll see how far I get with it in the next week.
“Saying ‘yes’ to one thing means saying ‘no’ to another. That’s why decisions can be hard sometimes.” Sean Covey