Apples for Auction

I volunteered again this year to work on the basket from our church to be auctioned off at a fundraiser for a local retirement village.  This year I had more than two days notice to get it ready, I had almost a whole month.  The baskets are also wanted much earlier so they can promote them better prior to the auction.  I did the basket from last year all by myself, and I thought that was going to be the case again this year, but I ended up with help.  I asked one of the other ladies from church if she’d like to help and she agreed.
I didn’t have a definite theme in mind and neither did Susan so we began our shopping at an antique/flea market to get ideas.  I had a lot of luck here last year and thought it would be a great place to start.  We wondered up and down the aisles, looking for inspiration. Several items caught our eye but we kept looking for more things that would bring a theme together.  The theme we finally settled on was Apples.
We found a cute small-ish bushel style basket and a set of four cups and saucers with apples on them.  At different stores we found dried apple slices, apple juice in cute bottles, caramel apple coffee, apple dip mix, apple pie spice, a cinnamon apple scented candle, and a hot pad with apples on it.  We couldn’t find any towels with apples so we bought two red hand towels to line the basket with.
Apples Themed Auction basket from wandasknottythoughts 2015-10-27

Can you believe I forgot to take pictures of our prizes until after I had it wrapped???  So this is the best picture I have.  I also found some decorative green apples at the Dollar Store.  I spray painted them red, which turned out great as they looked more real this way.  I added them to the basket, too.

The bushel basket and apple theme came about by what we found at the flea market but it worked out well for another item as well.  It happens that Susan has published several books, the latest being “Bushels of Nostalgia” with a bushel basket of apples on the front cover.  She was kind enough to donate a signed copy of her book to put in the auction basket.
Apples for Auction with Bushels of Nostalgia book and tatted apple bookmark from wandasknottythoughts 2015-10-27

I didn’t get a picture of the book by itself, I was trying to get an interesting picture of the bookmark.

 From the beginning I planned to put something tatted in the basket but was waiting to determine the theme and color.  Now I started looking for patterns with apples.  I found a couple but not quite what I had in mind so came up with my own.
Apples for Auction tatted apple bookmark from wandasknottythoughts 2015-10-27

Apple Bookmark © Wanda Salmans 2015

I’ve never tried layering rings like this before.  I’ve seen it several places on the Internet but I’m not finding the sites now – of course. I didn’t quite get the shape I was going for but with the leaves I think it still looks like an apple.


I was very happy with the basket we came up with.  The auction was last week but I have no idea who won our basket or how much it went for.  It doesn’t really matter – whatever it went for and whoever got it – it was all for a good cause.  I’m hoping that the winner is enjoying all their apples.

“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
George Bernard Shaw

Two Crosses

I’ve mentioned before that my go-to gift for some special occasions are cross bookmarks.  Recently I had two such occasions, one sad, one happy.
I made a cross for my sister-in-law when they recently lost their son.  I couldn’t make up my mind which one to tat so I made up one.  I’m not sure I like it that much, but it looks okay. I’ve tried coming up with a name for it, but they are all sad – “Sorrowful Cross,” “Funeral Cross,” that type of thing.  I’ll come up with something sometime.
"Two Crosses" tatted lace cross made as a gift for a funeral. On
© Wanda Salmans September 2015
The other occasion was much happier.  We just installed a new pastor at our church, and what better gift to give him than a bookmark for his Bible?  This is a traditional pattern that I’ve made several times.  It tats up quickly and is a nice size for a Bible.

"Two Crosses" tatted lace cross bookmark from a traditional pattern. On

Both bookmarks were made in Lizbeth size 20 thread, in, I think,  #652 Royal Blue.  After making the first I still had plenty of thread for the second one.  It is a suitable color for men or women, don’t you think?
I’ve been doing a lot of tatting lately and still feel I don’t have enough time to do all that I would like.  The holidays are fast approaching as well as several birthdays and a craft show in November.  I just can’t tat fast enough.  Isn’t that the way it goes – when you’re busy you keep finding other things to do as well?  I’m thinking I should be making a few more cross bookmarks so I have a few handy when needed.
Oh! another something I want to be doing.
“People give one another things that can’t be gift wrapped.”
Nadine Gordimer

A little delay

We had a little delay on our way home from our cruise.  Our flight had a stop over in Denver that was only supposed to be a few hours.  It turned into more than 24 hours due to no flight crew for our plane.  They said the crew was delayed due to some issue on the east coast.  Great!  The airline did put us up at a really nice hotel and gave us some vouchers for food.  I would have preferred staying at a Comfort in or something instead.  Absolutely nothing was free – neither the wi-fi nor the breakfast.  And the vouchers they gave us only covered not quite two meals and we needed three.
They did have lovely lounge areas, which was nice as we had to check out of our room by 11:00 a.m. and we didn’t want to take the shuttle back to the airport until 1:00 p.m.
Tatting in Denver on
Hotel tatting
During the wait at both the hotel and the airport I was able to get a lot of tatting done (surprise, right?)
Hotel tatting, bookmark made while delayed in Denver on
Lattice bookmark © Wanda Salmans 2015
This one I mostly like though I’m not too sure of the tail end.  I didn’t get a picture of this until just before I gave it away to our church organist for her retirement.
Hotel tatted bookmark version 2 on
Lattice bookmark © Wanda Salmans 2015
I made it again with both ends the same and no tail.  I think I like this better.  I think this pattern in a plain thread will really show the pattern better than the Lizbeth Caribbean I made it in, but this was the thread I had with me.
The delay was a good thing in that I got a lot of tatting done.  I would rather have been home and tatting.
“You may delay, but time will not.”
Benjamin Franklin

Ice, wildlife, lumberjacks, and totem poles

We’ve been very busy since coming back from our vacation and had to get back into our normal routine, but I’m still reminiscing about our cruise to Alaska.
Alaska tatting - tatted bookmarks made while in Alaska on
Besides decorating a few buttons I made a few bookmarks while on the cruise.  They are also in Lizbeth #130 Island Breeze and #122 Caribbean in size 20. I wasn’t following a pattern, just going where the shuttles took me.  Okay, on the first one in Caribbean. The second one was similar to the first with a few changes that I thought I’d try.
At Glacier Bay in Alaska on
We spent a day in Glacier Bay.   With all that ice close by it was the coolest day we had on the trip.  The glaciers are spectacular!
Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay on
This is Margerie Glacier, which is at the end of the bay, almost into Canada.  The ship gets pretty close to it then slowly spins in place several times so that everyone, no matter which side of the ship you’re on, will get a chance to see it.  It calves small pieces of ice (relatively small) pretty frequently but you have to be looking in the right place at just the right time to see them go.  This glacier is huge and quite high.  While we were in the bay they had two park rangers aboard to explain what we were seeing (over the loud speakers) and to answer questions (in person).
Sea lions seen while on Alaska cruise on
 There are a lot of small islands that we passed that had sea lions sunning themselves.  I took these pictures with the long lens of the camera.  From where I was on the deck I couldn’t make out for sure what they looked like but I hoped they would be visible when viewing on my computer – and they were!
More sea lions seen while on Alaska cruise on
There were a lot of them!
I didn’t see any whales as I was never looking in the right direction at the right time but others did see them at a distance.
Beautiful view on Alaska cruise
The scenery all around was breathtaking.  We spent a lot of time out on the observation decks just enjoying the world go by.
Lumberjack show in Ketchikan, Alaska
The next day we were in Ketchikan.  We went to the Lumberjack show there, which was a lot of fun!
Totem pole in Ketchikan, Alaska
There are a lot of totem poles in Ketchikan, and beautiful gardens.
(Check out the yarn store in the background.  I understand Debbie Macomber stopped in for awhile.)
Top of totem pole in Ketchikan, Alaska
It was hard to get the very top of the totem pole in the picture.
Chief Johnson Totem Pole sign Ketchikan, Alaska
This sign explained this particular totem pole.
 Tatting on a rest break while touring Ketchikan, Alaska
We walked quite a bit while we were in Ketchikan.  I stopped for a few minutes on our way back to catch my breath. That’s our ship, the Norwegian Pearl, behind me.
Leaving Ketchikan, Alaska
Ketchikan, Alaska as we were sailing away.
I’d like to be sailing back 🙂
“John Muir, the famous naturalist, wrote in his journal that you should never go to Alaska as a young man because you’ll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live.  And there’s a lot of truth to that.”
Tom Bodett

Odds and ends

It has been a busy week, both at home and at work. At home there are several things coming up that I have to get ready for – including a craft show – and I’ve been putting in a lot of overtime at work.  Evidence of this can be seen at my house (it’s a mess!).  After a while a person gets tired, body and mind, and it’s hard to keep track of what needs to be done.  Or have the energy to do those things you know needs to be done!
In spite of being tired I’ve actually gotten a lot of tatting in – as the passenger in the car, sitting in waiting rooms – but none of my projects are at a place I want to take pictures and share.  But I like posts with pictures in them so I’m sharing a doily I made a long time ago.  I can’t honestly say who’s pattern this is, whether it’s from some book or other or one of mine. Anyone recognize it??  (Please let me know!)  I think the thread is size 30 but what color or brand I couldn’t tell you. The cup and shuttle were found in antique stores, the cup just recently, the shuttle several years ago.  I don’t try to tat with the shuttle as the points have something to be desired.  Let’s just say it looks very well used (but I couldn’t resist buying it anyway).

In the midst of all my busy-ness, several things happened this week that I am pretty excited about.  One of them is the prospect of giving tatting lessons in a month or so.  There is a quilting guild (club?) that meets in the fellowship hall of our church once a month.  I needed to pick up some things from the hall this week while they were there and one of them asked if I would be interested in giving lessons. (!!☺!!) Several of the ladies showed interest.  Now we just need to agree to a date and time.
The other thing I got excited about this week was tatting I saw on a shirt.  There was a lady in the waiting room at the doctor’s office wearing a shirt that was covered in tatting.  It was all the way around the collar, all the way down the front with the buttons, it was across the top of a pocket.  And then there were four (?) large butterflies in various places. I asked the wearer if she had tatted it all but, no, she had picked it up at a garage sale. (!!)  I wanted to take a picture of it but the lady was filling out paperwork and I didn’t want her to think I was trying to steal her information, so the opportunity for a picture was lost.  But it was an impressive display of tatting. 

These bookmarks are not the impressive display of tatting as I wanted them to be. I had this idea to decorate these cards with scrapbook paper roses but also with some tatting.  Nothing I tried seemed to work, nothing looked right.  So I added the thread at the top and gave them to my mom and her sisters for Mother’s day anyway.  There are only so many hours in a day and I ran out of time (and imagination).  But I do have more of the rose paper and plan on trying again another day.
Now back to being busy.
“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.”
Vincent Van Gogh

Simple gifts

I took a page out of Diane’s book 🙂 and added buttons to several headbands.  Diane talks about some of hers in this post on her blog Lace-lovin’ Librarian.  She’s been crocheting around buttons but I put tatting around mine instead.
I have tatted around buttons before but never thought to put them on this kind of hair accessory.  It adds a little something to these bright but plain headbands that’s quick and simple.  And fun.  They were gifted to my daughters and granddaughters for Easter.
Last year I tatted around buttons when I made Easter eggs.  This year I put a few of them on paper clips as simple gifts for my mother and her sisters.  They make really great toppers for them.
On a sad note a friend of mine lost an aunt the week before Easter.  I gave him one of my go-to sympathy gifts of a cross bookmark which was put inside the card.  

As usual I just had to try for something a little different.  This cross is made in Lizbeth #115 Springtime in size 20. I’m not that happy with this pattern, probably because I had trouble making it even though it is a simple pattern.  I was a little distracted and I kept making mistakes.  And I’m not sure I like the center.  It did turn out better than I thought once it was blocked, which straightened it out.  I should have joined each arm to the center in more than the one place to make it a bit more stable.   Maybe next time.

Do you have any favorite things you give for simple gifts?

“Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.”
Richard Bach

Disclaimer: There were no books hurt in the production of this blog post

Are You Ready?

The New Year is here and with it new beginnings.
Including Jane’s 2015 TIAS which starts tomorrow January 7.
Are you ready?

I looked through my shuttle collection and found two that were empty – not that easy as most still have thread still on them from previous projects.  Then I checked through my button stash for a 3/8th inch button – again, not as easy as I thought it would be.  After I found the button I could think about what color thread to use.  As it was handy and I like the color I wound the shuttles with Lizbeth #657 in size 20.
I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for this year’s TIAS.
Are you?
I’ve also started the new year by adding a couple of patterns to my Patterns tab.  I finally finished diagramming the Fall Bookmark (aka Bookmark in Fall Colors) I posted about here and here.  I was also asked about the pattern for the wreath I posted about here.  Both are now available.
I don’t make resolutions for New Years as I rarely keep them.  This year I’m making goals instead.  The top three (at the moment) in no particular order are:
Update the header and layout of my blog.
Diagram and write out the patterns for the snowflakes I made in the last few months.
Practice taking better pictures for my blog.
These are practical goals that are totally reachable.  I feel I am ready for them.
Are you ready?
“May it be the best year yet for you
And everything prosper you may do.” 

Happy about the bookmarks!

 My customer was very happy with her bookmarks in school colors!
© Wanda Salmans 
Bookmark in Bethel College colors Maroon and Grey
© Wanda Salmans
Bookmark in Bethel College colors Maroon and Grey/ Bookmark in Oklahoma State University colors Orange and Black
Following the suggestions in the comments I did not offer solid color bookmarks just these, and the buyer was quite happy with them.  Both turned out well.
Now I can get on to projects.  Like more snowflakes and other Christmas things.
“May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!
Author Unknown

Special Order

Be careful of what you ask for, or what you agree to.

I had most of my bookmarks on a board for display at the craft show a few weeks ago.  A lady looked them over and requested two of the same pattern, one in Oklahoma State colors and one in Bethel College colors.  She wasn’t in a big rush but would like them before Christmas.  I said “sure, no problem!”

Bethel College is a local college whose colors are maroon and grey.  I’m thinking that shouldn’t be much of a problem.  I didn’t have a clue what the colors are for Oklahoma State University until the buyer told me but I didn’t think it should be that hard to find them.  For Bethel I planned on going to the school store and checking out the colors; for OSU I thought I’d check on-line or maybe a sports store.

On-line I found that OSU’s colors are orange, light orange, silver and black.  No, that’s OSU orange, OSU light orange, OSU silver and black.  On their website they tell you specifically the colors and how to achieve them when printing. Oh. My. 

Surprisingly, Lizbeth #695 Bright Orange comes pretty close to OSU orange – at least as far as my uneducated eye can see.  So I made one bookmark in Black and Bright Orange.  We’ll find out if the buyer thinks it is close or not.

Bookmark in Fall Colors © Wanda Salmans 1999, 2014
The bookmark pattern is mine.  I originally called it “Bookmark in Fall Colors” because it was made in – wait for it – fall colors.  I didn’t have anyone to share it with back then so the name was an identifier just for me.  I posted about it here and included a written out version of the pattern.  Someday I hope to diagram it and post it a little more formally.
Update – pattern added to My Patterns tab 1/6/15
I thought the maroon and grey of Bethel College would be easier to match but I was wrong.  I didn’t have anything that really worked for maroon in my thread stash and I couldn’t find any thread locally that would work, either.  I did find sewing thread in maroon – actually labeled ‘maroon’ – that was a match to the school colors but I did not want to work in thread that small!  
So I made an order to Handy Hands for several shades of thread that I didn’t have that I thought might come close.  Such hardship to have to order thread but I forced myself ☺.  I bought three new balls of thread, #672 Burgundy, #673 Terra Cotta and #674 Garnet Dk, all in size 20.

The Burgundy turned out to be the closest of the colors.  The hat is from the school store so it must be the accepted color, right?  The spool of thread is the maroon I found at the store, regular sewing thread, and the ball is the Burgundy.  It is still a little bright but as close as I’m going to find any time soon I think.  I have started the bookmark in Burgundy and silver – okay, it should be grey but I think it will work.

I took a special order without asking enough questions and agreed without knowing enough!  And now I’m worried that I should have done the bookmarks in one color instead of two – the one at the show was one color.  I guess I should call the buyer and ask.  Or maybe make one of each in two colors and one of each in a single color and let the buyer choose????

I sure hope they like them!

“The most successful people are those who are good at Plan B.”
James Yorke

I am not affiliated with either OSU or Bethel, I was given no compensation for mentioning them or linking to them.  

Side tracked

I have a whole list of things I need to be doing:
finish the pigs
make another pig for a friend of mine
tat several edgings for table runners
tat snowflakes
tat earrings
tat more snowflakes
For the last two days, instead of getting any tatting done at all, I was side tracked into putting together a themed basket for an auction.
In our community we have a retirement village that is in part sponsored by most of the area churches.  All of these sponsoring churches were asked to donate a themed basket to be auctioned off at a yearly fundraiser that is later this week.  This basket was brought up at our congregational meeting this last Sunday – and the basket has to be turned in today (Tuesday.)  As no-one else was inclined to do it, I volunteered.  So, for the last two days I’ve been hustling to find items for the basket and get it put together.
The theme: “Tea”
Yesterday I went shopping for the items I wanted in the basket.  The church gave me a set amount of money to spend and I had to come up with enough tea related items to fill a large basket, enough to make it worth bidding on, within that budget.  I am the only one that made the decisions on what would go in it *hehehehe*
I started out at Prairie Harvest, a local store that is a kind of a health food store but also carries loose teas.  I also bought some of their homemade peppernuts and some colorful candies to put in.  (I bought some wheat free peppernuts for me while I was there – yummy!)  I went next door to Kitchen Corner for a tea infuser and tea bag rest.  Then down the street to an antique and flea market to look for tea cups.  I found a set of two cups and saucers with pink roses on them that I liked, as well as a hanky that I thought would look good in the basket.  Then to a secondhand store where I found a basket I thought would work.  Then to the Dollar Tree where I picked up the filler paper, flowers and cellophane to wrap the basket.  Then to Wal-mart for a few more choices of cookies.
[I was not compensated in any way by any of these stores.  I just went to the ones that I thought would have the items I needed]

Whew! That was a lot of shopping in just a couple of hours.
Then home to start trying to put it together.
This morning I made the tag with the church’s name, theme and contents and finished putting everything in the basket. And, of course, it had  be decorated a bit, too.  And then it had to be delivered.
I did include a little bit of tatting.  I found a bookmark I had made a while ago in Lizbeth Pink Cocoa that fit right in with the pink in the cups and hanky.  I also put a tatted butterfly on the front of the tag and a couple of simple tatted flowers on the back.

 This is the back before I added the flowers or included the bookmark to the list.  I added a little tea bag to bring in the basket’s theme to the tag.

The tea cups that I found.
The filled basket before I added the cellophane.

The completed, wrapped basket.  I couldn’t find a cellophane bag to put it in that didn’t have all kinds of decorations on it so I had to buy a roll of cellophane instead.  It was fun putting it around the basket – okay, not really.
I thought it came out well.  I don’t know that I will ever find out who will eventually get the winning bid on it, but that’s okay.  I had fun putting it together and it’s for a good cause. 
Now I need to get back on track with my tatting.  Where did I lay those shuttles down??
“Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
Will Rogers