Finally Fall

The calendar shows that it is fall and now it feels like fall – mostly. We’ve had a few nights where there was a freeze and some days of cool weather and then there is today. When I got up this morning it was still 66° F with enough humidity that all the sidewalks were so damp it looked like it had rained. It’s currently cloudy and windy with an expected high of 77°. The average temperature for this time of year is around 60°. Friday they are projecting a high of 49° and staying around that for over a week. Fall in Kansas, don’t you love it?

I actually have some fall decorations out already. I’m usually terrible about decorating early enough to enjoy them before the season is over, except maybe Christmas. For some reason, I’ve gotten into the fall season early (for me!)

My fall decorations on wandasknottythoughts
My fall decorations

I’ve been working on an edging that I need to have done ASAP, which is for a Christmas runner. It’s not far enough along to share yet, but I’m finally excited about it. Unfortunately, it is in white while I want to tat in more fall colors.

When I have the chance I plan on writing out the pattern for the October Snowflake that I spoke about in my previous post. I’m sure it will look great in other colors.

In early October I shared a picture on my Facebook page of a new angel I’ve designed but never shared here.

September Angel on wandasknottythoughts
September Angel

I’ve been working on the pattern and thought it was almost ready to share, but looking at these I realize I’ve made a mistake. It’s a minor mistake but means it will delay sharing the pattern. Very soon, I hope.

While scrolling through Facebook the other day (a dangerous rabbit hole to go down!) I saw a cute way to make Christmas trees using toilet paper rolls. The site is if you want to check it out. It is so easy I thought I’d try it. I even had just emptied a roll of toilet paper, perfect timing. I didn’t decorate it but can think of so many easy ways to do so.

TP roll Christmas tree and two angels on wandasknottythoughts
TP roll Christmas tree and two angels

I did this quickly just to see if I liked it. I will be making more of these but cutting them a little more carefully. I have a granddaughter I believe would have fun helping me do this.

This post would have been out sooner as I was almost finished with it yesterday. I know I saved it several times but this morning there was no trace of it. I had to start all over. Bummer.

Now I must get back to the runner edging. What are you working on?

“Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Charles Dudley Warner

Happy Halloween 2022!

Are you ready to be visited by ghosts and goblins?

Bonnie dressed up for Halloween on wandasknottythoughts
Bonnie dressed up for Halloween

The local Historical Society was going to have a “Mutts and Monsters Parade” like they had last year but had to cancel due to staffing issues. My granddaughter and I were disappointed as we had been planning dog costumes for a couple of months already. Due to being busy with other things I hadn’t put much time or effort into the costumes before hearing of the cancelation. But I still thought it would be cute to dress up our dog. I found this little ladybug costume at Dollar Tree for a couple of bucks. It is a kid’s costume, not a dog’s, but it works for pictures. She sat very nicely – okay, I was lucky enough to catch her sitting still for about a half second.

Our church youth group put on a Fall Festival last night, serving chili and cinnamon rolls. Then they had games outside, like kickball, bocce ball, and corn hole. They also had pumpkins to decorate (with paint pens) and a bonfire to make s’mores. There were also hayrack rides. The weather was perfect, crisp and cool! There was a nice turnout for it, too. It was a wonderful night! I played corn hole, decorated a pumpkin, took a ride on the hayrack, and roasted marshmallows.

The pumpkin I decorated on wandasknottythoughts
The pumpkin I decorated

You can see by this poor gourd that I don’t have much imagination when it comes to pumpkin decorating. Some of the other pumpkins were so much better! But it was fun to do it.

My tatting lately has been working on an edging. Okay, it was supposed to be an edging. I wasn’t getting anywhere with the edging before it morphed into a snowflake.

October Snowflake on wandasknottythoughts
October Snowflake

I did the original in all white and finished it with another round of tatting. When that was done the legs were not visible at all. I tried it again in Lizbeth #136 Autumn Spice in size 20 with Mocha Brown Dark #692 as the chains. I am happy with how this turned out.

And now I’m back to working on the edging that should have already been done. And snowflakes. And Christmas ornaments. What are you working on?

Halloween is an opportunity to be really creative. Judy Gold

Autumn Earrings

While working with all the threads in autumn shades, I thought it would be great to make some earrings. I have some really cute owl beads I wanted to use, so I tried a few different things in an attempt at earrings I like. Most didn’t work out as I envisioned but what I ended with looks okay.

Owl bead earrings on wandasknottythoughts
Owl bead earrings

The split rings have a tendency to twist, but that’s the nature of split rings. They are fun to wear.

When you think of fall, Halloween, or Thanksgiving, pumpkins come to mind. I came up with these earrings.

Orange pumpkin earrings on wandasknottythoughts
Orange pumpkin earrings

I think I’ve seen patterns for pumpkins similar to these, but this is my take on them. I gave them to one of my daughters, who was thrilled to get them. She has a sweater that they look great with. Sometimes I get things right!

I’ve been working on several other tatted things, but I’m not quite ready to share them yet. So I’ll share a few pictures of our most recent vacation.

We spent the last week of September in Colorado with another couple. We rented a house together in Grand Lake, an area we’ve been to several times, but the first time in town. It was a terrific house with beautiful views.

The view south from the deck on wandasknottythoughts
The view south from the deck

This is the view south from the deck of the house, overlooking Shadow Mountain Lake. The colors were wonderful! I took pictures from this vantage every day so I can look back and see the changes in the trees. We loved the time we spent on the deck.

A magpie on the post on wandasknottythoughts
A magpie on the post

We had several magpies that came around the house daily and entertained us with their antics. Between the cost of gas and eating out, we spent a lot of time at the house instead of traveling around the area as we usually do. This was not a hardship. We took turns cooking which somehow is not so much of a burden when shared with friends. We also enjoy playing cards together, something we do every year on vacation with them. This year we just played a lot more.

I didn’t get much chance to tat while we were at the house but I took advantage of the chances I did have.

Tatting with a view on wandasknottythoughts
Tatting with a view

I sat by the big picture window to tat so I could enjoy the view and the light. It did rain a few times while we were there as you can see by the drops on the window.

Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park on wandasknottythoughts
Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park on wandasknottythoughts

One of the reasons we like the area around Grand Lake is how close it is to Rocky Mountain National Park. This gives us a chance to go into the park to see the wildlife, mostly the elk. We go in the fall so we can hear the elk bugle during the rut. It is exciting to hear!

On our way home from Grand Lake, we caught sight of a herd of bighorn sheep. Amazingly, they were on the outskirts of the Colorado town of Empire. They were obviously used to traffic, just keeping an eye on us but not running away.

Big horn sheep in Colorado on wandasknottythoughts
Big horn sheep in Colorado

FYI, we do not approach too close to wildlife. We keep a safe distance from the animals to take pictures, usually staying in the vehicle. These sheep were very close, but we never got out of the truck.

We’ve had a hot and dry summer here, and most of the state is in extreme or exceptional drought. This morning we awoke to rain! It was not heavy and not much of it, but the right kind. If it had been much heavier it would have just run off instead of sinking into the ground. We’re hoping for more, but we will take what we can get. Sunday we had high winds with a lot of blowing dust and temperatures in the upper 80’s. Today the highs are supposed to be about 55° F with much less wind. Maybe autumn is finally here!

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.Anthony J. D’Angelo

Tatting in Autumn Colors

Since the craft show, I’ve continued making sunflowers, because they are fun to make. I have also wanted to tat in oranges and browns — you know, fall colors. These aren’t usually colors I tat in except for around Halloween, but I’ve been inspired by the (finally) cooler weather and the sunflowers. Not that I have anything particular to tat in these colors…

I finally just loaded a shuttle with Lizbeth #694 Harvest Orange Med and tatted around a button. I even added beads! This made a lovely earring, so I made another one for pair of earrings. This color works with one shirt that I have, so I wore the shirt and earrings to church this last Sunday. I did grab the wrong size button for the second earring so I had to make a third medallion to get the set.

A set of earrings in Harvest Orange on wandasknottythoughts
A set of earrings in Harvest Orange

I usually tat while watching TV, which I did Sunday afternoon watching the football game. I have several things I need to work on but they need my full attention, so I started – something – with Lizbeth #136, Autumn Spice. I like where this is going, but with the button center, it’s not really a good doily. But it could be hung up as a decoration.

Autumn decoration in process on wandasknottythoughts
Autumn decoration in process
Autumn decoration finished on wandasknottythoughts
Autumn decoration finished

The finished piece is more true to the actual thread color. It came out nice, don’t you think?

Do you ever wonder what to do with the pieces you finish? I do sometimes. While decorating the house for the season I had this idea for a sunflower.

Sunflower decorated bottle on wandasknottythoughts
Sunflower decorated bottle

This is a beer bottle with a string of lights in it. The sunflower is on a string around the bottleneck so it can be removed if I want. The green bottle makes a nice back drop for the sunflower.

Sunflower on lighted bottle on wandasknottythoughts
Sunflower on a lighted bottle

The sunflower looks good on the bottle even with the lights on. The light string is pretty cool, the battery is in the cork. I’m thinking of doing a few more bottles like this. It will give the house quite a lovely ambiance, don’t you think?

“Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.” William Allingham

Craft Show

My sister and I had a booth at the craft show in Rose Hill, Kansas the 8th of October during their Fall Festival. She does embroidery by hand, which complements my tatting. She has been working on her stuff for months and months. I’ve not been so dedicated to the show items, getting sidetracked a lot. But it was a good show for both of us.

Craft show setup on wandasknottythoughts
Craft show setup

The craft show started later than we usually see, but we found out that was due to the big parade they had. There were some shoppers the first couple of hours but not a lot, we were somewhat concerned that the day would be slow. About noon one of the organizers went around announcing the parade was over, and the people familiar with the event understood things would get busier soon. Which it did. There was a steady flow of shoppers for most of the event after that. We spoke to a lot of people about our items during the course of the show.

Most of my tatting at the show on wandasknottythoughts
Most of my tatting at the show

There were a lot of people that looked at the tatting, a lot even knew what it was. There were a lot of “oh, my (insert older relative) did that but I never learned.” Some showed an interest in learning – I suggested to them if they would get a few people together I would be willing to come down to teach. One woman came by that actually did know how to tat! We had a lovely conversation about tatting and patterns. Unfortunately, I didn’t get her name. But it was enjoyable to speak to her.

One item that sold the best this weekend was my Hymnal Angel. I made them a bit smaller this year, cutting the paper three inches instead of five inches. And I used wooden beads for the heads.

Hymnal Angel for craft show on wandasknottythoughts
Hymnal Angel for craft show

Something else that drew a lot of attention was my button sunflowers.

Sunflowers for the show on wandasknottythoughts
Sunflowers for the show

These sunflowers are fun and easy to make. I mostly used 9/16-inch buttons with a few 13/16-inch. I love how the buttons look in the center. I found a package of brown buttons in different diameters made out of coconut shells that look great, much better than plastic.

I put together a quick pattern for the sunflowers. They are very easy. If you are interested in it you can find it on the My Patterns page.

Here are a few of the things that got me sidetracked prior to the craft show.

Lid pet kitty with ball of yarn on wandasknottythoughts
Lid pet kitty with a ball of yarn
Lid pet kitty with butterfly on wandasknottythoughts
Lid pet kitty with butterfly

My granddaughter loves these. I put a magnet on the back as well as the hanger. I let her have the ones she wanted.

I was on vacation a week before the craft show, which is how I got so many of the angel wings and sunflowers made. I’ll be sharing a few of the pictures I took next post.

“Yellow is my favorite summer color – it makes me feel like a sunflower.” Bria Vinaite

From Critters to Snowflakes

I’ve had to move on from critters to snowflakes, at least for a while. My sister and I will be in a craft show in October and I need to work on items for that. Now, if I would repeat more than one piece at a time with the same pattern I’d be better set for that. I have a hard time making the same thing over and over at one time.

Pinwheel in white on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel in white

I did make a few of my Pinwheel snowflakes in size 20 white. Of course, now I have to starch it. There is no way this will hold up as a tree ornament without starch.

Two-layered snowflake in white on wandasknottythoughts
Two-layered snowflake in white

I came up with this two-layered snowflake instead of using a pattern already available. I have a few others in this pattern in different colors, which are really cool looking. (I haven’t taken pictures of them yet). I like this. This one is made in size 10 thread.

8-point snowflake with cabone center on wandasknottythoughts
8-point snowflake with cabone center

While at Tatting Corner‘s Tat Days in July I took several classes with cabone rings, and now I keep seeing places I could use them. This is a simple snowflake with a 1/2 inch cabone ring at the center, made with size 20 thread.

(I do not get any benefits for mentioning Tatting Corner)

Blue snowflake with cabone ring center on wandasknottythoughts
Blue snowflake with cabone ring center

I like how this one came out. I used size 10 thread and a 1/2 inch cabone ring for this one. I even added beads!

I much prefer working in almost anything other than white. With white, any dirt on your fingers and hands is transferred to the thread. I swear, even if you clean your hands constantly, it ends up looking dirty. My sister pointed out that most of my sales have been ornaments in white, so I guess I need to keep making some. But those ones in color are so much fun!

Now what I really, really need to do is put the finishing touches on a bunch of pieces I’ve done. You know, sewing in the ends and cutting them off, starching if necessary, and blocking them. I’ll be excited about them when they are done and ready to go, but right now I’m in tatting mode!

Thanks to all of you that have been following along with my critter ideas on Facebook. I’ve had so much fun with them and seeing all the ideas about them from others. There will probably be more eventually. I still haven’t come up with a dog that I’m happy with.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

Trying for a Dog

Thank you to all who made guesses as to what I had tatted, both here and on Facebook. I really can’t say what they were, just not what I was trying for.

I started with a mouse pattern. I used it to make a kitty. From there I thought, “why not a dog?” That’s what I was trying for, but so far I haven’t had much luck. I have made some cute critters but not a dog.

A few more of the critters that aren’t a dog.

Maybe a rat? on wandasknottythoughts
Maybe a rat?

I think this one looks kind of like a rat. I added the red bead to be the dog’s tongue. Looking at it now I see I should be careful which two beads I use as the eyes.

Maybe a bear? on wandasknottythoughts
Maybe a bear?

I think this one looks like a bear, a teddy bear. Obviously, the tail is wrong for a bear but I can fix that.

Rabbit on wandasknottythoughts

This one made me think of a bunny immediately, so I made a fluffy tail. The ears could be longer for a bunny, but I didn’t see the resemblance until farther along.

I have more ideas to try in the pursuit of a dog. But I really should be making snowflakes…

What do you think of the critters?

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” Groucho Marx

Not a Cat, a..???

I’ve been making several of my Button Kitty because they are fun to make. Thanks, Marie Mccurry of West Pine Creations for sharing the kitties she made. Check out the post on my Facebook page to see them. She added beads for eyes and such cute ears!

I also have a few ideas about other things to do with the pattern. I’ve been trying a few things, which aren’t bad but I’m not sure they turn out quite like my vision.

From a cat to something else on wandasknottythoughts
From a cat to something else

I had already thought of making the ears bigger but I loved Marie’s addition of the beads for the eyes. I also thought maybe a bigger bead for the nose. I got all that. But what is it?

Then I tried again.

Another try on wandasknottythoughts
Another try

I did the beads again and the nose a bit differently. I like it, though I did goof on one of the eye placements. But again, I’m not sure it looks quite like I what I had in mind. Cute, though.

So, what do you think they look like?

“We live in the world our questions create.” David Cooperrider

Cats and Dogs

I have been doing some tatting lately, not always what I should be doing but enjoying what I have been doing. I realized a few days ago that it will be autumn soon, with cooler weather and fall colors. This inspired me to tat with browns and oranges. And try a few different patterns.

Kitty and pumpkin on burlap on wandasknottythoughts
A kitty and pumpkin on burlap

I’m not sure I like the burlap as a background, but I do like the kitty and pumpkin. The kitty was motivated by my Morgan Mouse pattern. I thought I saw a kitty in it the other day when I glanced over it. I’m pleased by how it turned out, the right background or not. I used size 20 thread and a 1/2 inch button. I have the pattern done if you’re interested, it’s on My Patterns page.

We have a cute dog, Bonnie, a Corgi mix. We did some training to get her to obey and have better manners, and now she and I spend our days together without too many problems. But once in a while, there are still times…

Tangled thread on wandasknottythoughts
Tangled thread

I must admit that leaving my tatting where she could get at it was my fault, not hers. But it was aggravating to find an almost full ball of thread in a tangled mess. It took an hour and a half to untangle it. I didn’t even think about it being left out when I went out to water my plants, or that she was in the house by herself.

I have a lot of pretty shuttles I could use, but I usually tat with inexpensive Clover shuttles. I’m so glad I did this time because it wasn’t only the ball of thread she got to.

Chewed-on shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Chewed-on shuttle
Doggy toy shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Doggy toy shuttle

As you can see, she thought the shuttle was a nice chew toy. I used fine sandpaper to smooth out the teeth marks, which worked well. It might not be pretty, but it is much smoother now.

Shuttle after a bit of work on wandasknottythoughts
Shuttle after a bit of work

Bonnie chewed on the backend of the shuttle so the pointy tip was not damaged. The backend was sprung, which didn’t mean it couldn’t be used, but I thought I’d try fixing that, too.

Shuttle after a bit of work on wandasknottythoughts
Shuttle after a bit of work

I put the shuttle in hot water for a bit, then clipped on a clothespin and did it again. The tips are closer than they were. I’m going to try it again, to see if I can’t get them a bit closer. I used the shuttle on a small project the way it is and the thread did not catch on any rough spots, so even if I can’t get the ends any closer I haven’t lost a shuttle.

I submitted the pattern that I’ve been working on to Tatting Corner for the chance to teach it on the cruise. I received nice comments from the test tatters on it, so I’m hoping there will be enough interest in it for others to want to do it.

I do not receive anything from Tatting Corner for including them in my post or if anyone clicks the link.

“Cat’s motto: No matter what you’ve done wrong, always try to make it look like the dog did it.” – Unknown

Tatting Corner’s Tat Days part 4

I have been tatting but nothing I can share. I designed a pattern I hope will be accepted for Tatting Corner’s cruise next year. I have sent it to a couple of test tatters, two for shuttle and one who also needle tats. The shuttle tatting pattern has been approved by the testers, now I’m just waiting on the needle tatter to help me with needle notations. I can’t share this until sometime after the cruise.

Yes, I still have things to share from Tat Days. It was a busy week, from when we left home until we returned.

When we got to the Tatting Corner shop Thursday (7/7) morning my husband immediately started looking for things for me. I had to stop him as I had plans for the auction on Saturday – we couldn’t spend all of our money right away! We did keep a few things he liked and a few things I picked out.

Mahogany shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Mahogany shuttle

This is a Mahogany shuttle that Jack liked. I’ve already been using it and it tats nicely. The clover shuttle is there for a size reference.

Celic shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Celic shuttle

This is a redwood Celic shuttle. I thought at first it was a Celtic shuttle, but it’s too wide for that style. I finally looked it up online. Celic is a town and municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina according to Wikipedia, make what you will of that. Google maps show it in the northeast part of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I take it to mean that it is from or like shuttles of that area. I haven’t tried it yet.

I picked up a couple of shuttles from nekonomekoubou. I don’t know that I’ll ever use them but I think they are so cute!

Cat shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Cat shuttle
Bird shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
Bird shuttle

Aren’t they gorgeous? My granddaughter loves the cat one. The clover shuttle is there for size comparison. I’m afraid to use them yet, afraid I’d drop them! For now, I’ll just admire them.

On our way to Indiana, we stopped for the night in Hannibal, Missouri, which is the boyhood home of Mark Twain. The area we were in looked intriguing but it was so hot we didn’t feel like getting out to look around. We went to the Riverside Inn where we had a room for the night and didn’t go out again. Our rooms had a view of the Mississippi River and a Mexican restaurant down the stairs and through a door. That was the extent of our exploring that evening. The next morning we did drive through the area but it was too early for most things to be open.

The lighthouse in Hannibal on wandasknottythoughts
The lighthouse in Hannibal

We had planned to meet with Diane, the Lace-lovin’ Librarian, and her husband for lunch on Wednesday but they had problems with their water well and couldn’t make it. It was disappointing but completely understandable. Instead, we stopped in Springfield, Illinois to see the area where Abraham Lincoln lived just before they went to Washington, DC. Neither Jack nor I had ever been there. We only spent a couple of hours there but it was interesting.

Abe's house on wandasknottythoughts
Abe’s house

Lincoln’s house was the only building you had to have a ticket for and go on a guided tour of. The timing wasn’t right for that so we only saw the outside of it, plus the neighborhood. If we get back in Springfield we’ll try to go back again.

On the way home, we went through Vandalia, Illinois, and stopped there for a bit of lunch. We were surprised to notice they have a miniature gateway arch.

Vandalia arch on wandasknottythoughts
Vandalia arch

You can see that it is much smaller than the one in St. Louis, LOL.

Jack was going to turn back and get on the Interstate the same way we got off, but I saw something interesting on the map that I wanted to check out. It was easy to get to and close to the next Interstate entrance.

The Kaskaskia Dragon on wandasknottythoughts
The Kaskaskia Dragon

The Kaskaskia dragon actually breaths fire, for a few tokens. We didn’t buy any so I didn’t see it breathe fire, but the mouth sure looked like it did.

Kaskaskia Dragon on wandasknottythoughts
Kaskaskia Dragon
Vandalia knight on wandasknottythoughts
Vandalia knight

The knight looks like he’s gotten the rough end of the deal.

I don’t recall seeing the sign, but I understand this tourist attraction is to draw people to the Kiskiskia Dragon RV park. I’m not advertising for them, we just enjoyed the dragon.

I’m hoping to have some tatting done by next week that I can share. I still have things to share from Tat Days, like the items I bought at the auction. Let’s see if I can post by next Monday!

“Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs.” Susan Sontag