Motifs # 9 & #10

Yes, Christmas is over but the ‘snow’ is still here. These are two snowflakes I made before we took the tree down. The white one is, of course, Micheal’s snowflake,made with DMC size 10 with silver beads. The red one is one I designed a few weeks earlier, in DMC size 10. It’s a maroon color, not red, with white pearl beads. These are #9 & #10 motifs for the 25 motif challenge. If you look back through my blog I know the last motif was labeled as #6 but I went through all of it and found I mis-counted. There are eight previous motifs and now ten all together.

I have been working on a doily lately, but I’m not very happy with it. I’ve done several nice bits and pieces in it, but over all it’s not very pleasing to the eye, too haphazard from round to round. But it’s something to play with. I have printed off several patterns that have been mentioned recently on eTatters that I plan on making, but I haven’t decided on the thread I want to use with them. I might just have to get some new thread. Yeah, like the thread shopping is going to break my heart!

We are counting down the days to the next grandbaby. My oldest daughter is due in 14 days! She’s very ready for him to get here. He’s been very active, not letting her forget that he’s there. This daughter is in Wichita, much closer to us, so it will only take a little less than an hour to get there when she says it’s time. I keep a phone with me at all times! Another baby, oh boy, oh boy!!

I made it to the New Year!

Well, I survived the holidays. I made it through multiple family get-togethers, family dinners and a baby shower with minimal stress and fuss. Actually, I think everything went smooth and we all had a great time. My youngest daughter was able to come down from Omaha with the baby on the 23rd, a few days earlier than expected, though her husband had to work so couldn’t come.

For Christmas day I invited my parents and two of my aunts to dinner. I kept it very simple – we had soup and just a few sides. It made for very little stress when fixing the meal as the soup cooked in the crock pot over night and everyone brought something to go with it. Instead of spending all my time cooking I decided to use real dishes (instead of paper, the usual) and set a pretty table – which is usually the last thing I worry about. I also put a tatted snowflake by everyone’s setting for a small gift. I made several of Micheal’s quick snowflakes as I was running out of time and they tat up so nicely. The result was simple but very much in the season. We sat around and visited for hours, a very nice day indeed.

As for the new year, I don’t have any resolutions, but I do have a long to-do list. I have actually printed it out and put it on the refrigerator so that I can mark off each project as it gets done, and also so I don’t lose site of what needs to get done. It also will make it easy to see at the end of the year what I succeeding in finishing and what I didn’t.

Wishing all of you success in all the things that you want to do in 2009.

Last round of Bob’s coily

I’ve been trying to get the house ready for guests on Christmas day so haven’t had much time to post much. But I wanted to get the pattern for the last round of Bob’s coily up so if you were interested you could try it.

So here it is. I’m the only one that has reviewed it so there may be a mistake hiding there somewhere. Tat with care.

2 shuttles
Sht1 R 3-3+3-3 to 3rd p of 2nd R of previous round. RW
Ch 10 RW
SR Sht1 5 Sht2 5
SR Sht1 5 Sht2 5
SR Sht1 5-3 Sht2 5-3 RW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
SR Sht2 3+5 Sht1 3+5 to p of first R of flower
SR Sht2 5 Sht1 5
SR Sht2 5 Sht1 5 DNRW
Ch 10 RW
Repeat from start, continue around. Join last Ch to 1st R.

Bob’s coily becomes a doily!

Well, here it is, at last! I made another ‘coily‘ designed by Bob the Bike, except this time I think it definitely qualifies as a doily. First, I made this with Manuela size 10 white variegated thread, which made it noticeably bigger than the pink coily I made in Cebelia size 30. Then I added another round that I designed, hopefully in the spirit of the original. The end result is a doily about 8 1/2 inches across. I think it works. I did have to try a couple of times on the last round – the first try I didn’t make the chains long enough and it was cupping quite a bit. I am very much into right side/bottom side and I started with the single R right side up, which means that the flower had to be done from the bottom with two split rings – which I usually do front the right side. Ugh! If I didn’t pay very close attention I’d start the second half of the split ring with the wrong half of the ds. It took me longer to do the last round than I anticipated because of this. The picture doesn’t show the color of the thread very well. It is mostly white but shades to very light pink and then light blue. I hope Bob likes it! And I’m counting this as motif #6 for the motif challenge.

I have been busy the last few days, too busy to post anything here. I’ve been able to skim through several blogs and eTatters when I’ve had a few minutes here and there, so I’ve got to see what others have been doing. It keeps me motivated! And I have been reading the comments from everyone, even if I haven’t commented back! I really appreciate those of you that visit!

I’ve got most of the Christmas cards done – most of the ones that are left will be hand delivered. I haven’t wrapped a gift yet! Good thing we’re not doing many gift exchanges this year. We have several gatherings that we’re just visiting and eating. So I have to figure out what to make – easier than trying to figure out gifts for everyone! I think it will be a little more relaxed through the season that way, no frantic, last minute shopping. And then my daughter’s baby shower is the 27th. One more day of family and friends.

Of course, all the planned festivities may depend on the weather. We’ve had quite a bit of winter weather this year, and it seems to me we don’t usually have this much this early, here in Kansas at least. Tuesday morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow. The roads weren’t too bad and the wind had died down – the weekend was windy!!. But it has been very cold since Sunday. Today wasn’t too bad but tonight we are supposed to get freezing drizzle and fog. The drive to work in he morning looks to be very s-l-o-w. (It might be a good day to call in sick!)

I have a few other things I plan on posting but I’ve run out of time. I’ll try to post again before the end of the week, but no promises! Happy Christmas, everyone!

P.S. I’ll try to get the pattern for the last round posted soon if anyone is interested.

Christmas Ball Ornament

This is my first Christmas ball ornament to cover in tatting. The Monthly Challenge for December is ornaments of any type. This is my answer to the challenge! I’ve admired balls covered in tatting but had never tried it, thought it would be too hard. This one is made with DMC Cebelia size 20 thread #816 with 3mm gold beads. The beads are mostly in the rings and end up in the ring’s mouth. I loved how Michael (Msquared) had done the beads on his ‘Snowflake and Silver’ and thought I’d try it. It didn’t come out looking quite like his did, but I thought the result worked quite nicely.
I was asked if I would share the pattern, so here it is, untried by anyone but me. I tried to add a diagram on how I finished off the bottom but I couldn’t get it to look right in the post. So if anyone happens to try this and can’t figure out just what in the world I was trying to say, leave me a comment and I’ll try to answer it (a little more clearly!)
RW – Reverse Work; DNRW – Do Not Reverse Work
B – bead; Ch – Chain; R – Ring; p – picot; + – join
Christmas Ornament in Blue and Red
Pattern is for a ball 2 ¼“ in diameter, using size 20 thread. Number of stitches in chains will need to be adjusted for different diameter balls and thread sizes.
2 shuttles, beads on both
*Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2-2-2-7 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 B 10 join to 5th p of prev R. RW*
Repeat between * until there are 10 rings and chains.
$ Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 (with one bead in R) 5-5 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 join to base of next R. DNRW $
Repeat between $ all the way around. Cut and finish ends

@Sht1 (with one bead in R) 2-2-2—2-2-2. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5+5 join to R of Top, pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at mouth of R. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 RW @
Repeat between @ around. Cut and finish ends

^ Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2+2-2-2 join to long p of Middle R , pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5-5. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Ch 10 RW ^
Repeat between ^ around. Cut and finish ends

Insert ball into tatting. As tatting is adjusted around ball evenly, pin in place.
When happy with placement insert a pin in the center bottom of ball. Thread needle with about 12” of tatting thread. With thumb hold down about 2” of thread, then pull needle through p of 5-5 R opposite the pin. Count 5 or 6 rings over, pull thread through p, repeat, each time going on the far side of the pin (thread will have to make a turn at the pin). This will weave the rings evenly at the bottom. Tie and cut when happy with tension. Work in loose end and cut. Remove pin.

On to other things – I’m working on another of Bob’s coilies, except this time I’m pretty sure you’d call it a doily, as it’s in size 10 thread and is quite a lot bigger than the one I did in size 30. I’m thinking of trying another round on it to make it a bit bigger. This is going to be a Christmas gift and I’d like it to cover a little more table space. I’ve actually finished with Bob’s pattern and now I’m deciding my next step. Stay tuned for further updates, and maybe a picture.

“Coily” is done, and snow

Here it is, the ‘coily’ from BoB the Bike. He said it was too small for a doily but too big for a coaster – I’m not sure what size thread he was using. You have to be a little careful with his pattern – he warns you – because he didn’t say when to reverse work. I figured out what worked for me. Another thing that made it a bit tricky was I’m picky about front and back, so the last round I had to start over and get it face up. If I’d looked closer I would have figured it out but I was in a hurry to finish and see how it looked. It’s made in size 30 pink DMC Cebelia, I can’t remember the color number. But it turned out great! I think it goes very well with the bouquet from Lorena. Bob mentioned he was thinking of another round but couldn’t quite seem to get one to work. I think another round would look good as well. It’s going on my list of things I’d like to do.

Well, it’s winter in Kansas. We woke up to snow this morning. In our area it was just enough to cover the ground but the grass was still peeking through. It was 25 degrees (F) with winds between 25 & 35 mph -the snow was falling pretty much horizontally. Thank goodness we didn’t get more snow, the drifts would have been bad. I stayed in the house for as long as I could but I finally had to get out about noon, and then later to go to work. Wichita had a little more snow than we did so what snow they had was drifting across the streets and making them slick. The road right outside where I work was a solid sheet of ice. Getting out of work tonight could be interesting. I think we’ll let the crowd go past before we head out. Some people just do not know how to slow down!

Christmas is getting closer and closer and I have so much to do! If I could only get organized to see just what it is I should do. I’ve been doing a lot of small tatted things which I usually give in cards, but also a few other, larger things (I keep seeing all of the neat things everyone is doing and I just want to try that…and that…) but I don’t really have a plan on where they are going. My excuse for sitting around tatting is that they are gifts, you know, to justify not doing the dishes, or folding clothes, etc, etc. I’ve several people I know would like receiving a tatted item, but which one to which person??? Note to self: make a list of people to give tatting and what item I should give them (okay, this should already have been done, but I had to take out time for the grandbaby, didn’t I?)

Speaking of the grandson, I chatted with my daughter the other day through Skype so we could use the webcams, and got to see him. He’s loosing some of his hair and his eyes are getting lighter. And he’s still such a cutie! He was awake and bright eyed, at least for a little while *sigh* I’m hoping they’ll get to come down sometime at Christmas, but that could depend on the weather. Of course, the road goes both ways. I have more vacation coming in January…

I’m working on the pattern for my ornament that I shared on the Monthly Challenge. I need to read through it again, and probably again, to get it as clear as possible without actually making it again. I keep checking back to see if anyone else has posted an ornament but as of a few minutes ago I was still the only one. I’m really curious to see what everyone else is doing. I do go and check out a few blogs, but there is only so much time in a day! Well, happy tatting every one, until the next time.

The evolution of a snowflake

Journey of a snowflake found on wandasknottythoughtsI started work on a snowflake the other day and it went places I hadn’t planned on. In fact, I didn’t really like it. But I kinda liked the idea of it so I did it again with a little change.

I liked it a little better but I still wasn’t quite happy with it. I had made both in white size 30 DMC because I had shuttles already wound. Maybe another color or two would look better? Which could be a little tricky because I kept switching shuttles in different places. In one color that’s not noticeable but with two colors it would be. But I decided to try it with blue and green size 30 DMC, also because the shuttles were already wound.

Another little change later and I was much happier! It looked more like it belonged that way than the previous versions. The small points between the long arms really changed the look. The center was also changed, made a little smaller. I did have to switch the shuttles in a few places to get the colors how I wanted them. I’m tempted to make another one and not switch the shuttles so it will be easier to write down the pattern. I’m going to consider these for the 25 motif challenge as #3, 4 & 5.

I’m now working on the “coily” (coaster or doily?) that BoB the Bike designed. I saw it on his website and thought it would be fun. It’s in pink – maybe to go under the rose bouquet I received from Lorena. But then again, I have a friend who’s birthday is coming up that might like it…

And now that everything is back to normal I can finally post a picture of the goodies I got from Lorena, Rose Chic Friends, for the drawing on her blog. She sent lots of beautiful things – mostly in pink! There was a painted ball ornament and a paper one, a cozy, a journal, a lovely clay rose bouquet, a clay flower lapel pin and beaded earings, two spatulas (with pink hearts!), a post-it pad, and two Thanksgiving decorations that I put on the table for supper – I made it home in time to use them! My daughters oohed and awed over my winnings. They both like pink. Thank you, Lorena, for drawing my name! You do beautiful work. I was unable to wear the pin or earings this weekend because I held the baby (a lot) and didn’t want to hurt him or me. But I know just what they’ll go with on Sunday to church!

Home and back to normal

I actually made it back from Omaha late the 26th with grandson and his parents in tow, yipee! They came home with me for Thanksgiving, so everyone got to meet Mercutio. He was passed around a lot, but took it in stride, or in snooze. He slept through most of it! His auntie was very excited to see him as she was unable to go to Omaha when he was born. She’s expecting a boy in January, so Mercutio will have a cousin his age to play with. The family went back Sunday and had a safe trip home. And I miss them already *sniff*sniff*

I have done some tatting but nothing is ready to show yet. Hopefully in a day or two I’ll have pictures. I have so many things I want to get done by Christmas but I think I’m being a little ambitious. I do have to go back to work and of course do dishes and such *sigh*. What gets done gets done and the rest may have to be for next year.

Tatting and still visiting the grandbaby

I’m still in Omaha with the grandson, enjoying seeing him discover his new world. It’s so great! He’s spending more time awake so more time for us to watch him learn to move and react to sound and light. He’s so much more fun to watch than TV!

I have been getting some tatting done. This little doily is made with size 30 DMC Cebelia in Ecru. It measures about 4 1/2 inches across at the points. I spent just over a day doing the seven inside motifs and three days trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the outside. I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like but just couldn’t get it to come out right. I started five different times and and cut it off four times. I’m not sure it’s really what I wanted it to be but I was just ready for it to be done! I can live with it, and it will make someone a nice gift for Christmas.

I’ve started another something, I’m not sure yet if it will be a snowflake or a doily. It’s in pink and blue – remember, I don’t have a lot of choice of colors. You’d think that in a city as big as Omaha there would be someplace that sells more thread choices than a few colors in DMC size 8 and size 80 and white and ecru in size 10 or 20. So far, I haven’t found that place. Of course, I’m looking on line so I could have missed a place some where but I don’t want to take that much time to do it in person. Kinda of disappointed though, I’ve been having some pretty neat ideas, but in colors and sizes I don’t have with me! I’ll just have to write them down and try them when I get home.

A few days ago the package from Lorena Rosechicfriends arrived at my house -what she sent me for winning her 100 post giveaway. As I’m in Omaha and not at home I haven’t see it yet. I will share a picture of the goodies with everyone as soon as I get home and see them myself. I’m excited to see what she sent!
This week is Thanksgiving here in the States. I’m not sure yet what exactly we’re going to be doing. We are trying to figure out if my daughter and her husband are going to try making a traditional Thanksgiving dinner – turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, etc, – or do something a bit different. But whatever it is it probably won’t be with the entire family – my other daughter and her husband, our parents and siblings – because they are all in Kansas. But whatever we do they will be in our thoughts as people we are thankful for. And I wish all of you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving as well.