Rough Weather

Today we went to pick up the cake for after church – and spent 10 -15 minutes in the freezer in the store. The tornado sirens went off in town. They made an announcement over the intercom to either leave the building or go to the freezers until the all clear was given. Having the baby with
us we went to the freezer.
There were about 20 people in the freezer we were in, all standing around shivering. It has been above average in temperatures here for several days, which of course leads to tornado weather around here. And the sirens went off because of a sighting close to where we live!
But every thing is fine. There was only a funnel cloud which never touched the ground, a little hail, a little wind and a little rain. We’re still in a severe thunderstorm watch, but it seems to be going south and east of us. I don’t know how well it’s showing up in the picture, but the sky was very orange when this picture was taken, and very dark looking to the south.
Oh, the joys of living in Kansas in the spring time!
Back to the Internet!
Booties are done – at least the tatting is!
One set is just a little bit bigger than the other, as one grandson is three months old and the other is barely 4 weeks old. I made one a little bigger by just making the picots longer. It’s no wonder making booties can be a problem, if the size of the picots changes the length by enough to be that noticeable! We’re going up to see my daughter in Omaha this weekend and I’ll find out if the larger set is going to work or not.
I still have to cut off all the tail ends and block them a bit. I also haven’t got ribbon to tie them with. But I’m very excited that they’re done this far. Wooo hooo!
Okay, I don’t have pictures of the sets yet, but I will get some posted soon. And I plan on getting several pictures of the boys wearing them in a couple of weeks, of course 🙂
Now I can get on with some other tatting I’ve been wanting to do. Not that I didn’t want to do these, they just take awhile. I usually do projects that are much less time consuming.
So, on to the finishing touches – cutting all those tails!
Unexpected time-out from booties

One pair done!
I have one pair of baby booties done! Tomorrow I’ll see how this pair fits the youngest – he’s three weeks old now.
I have another bootie done that is a little bit bigger for the older of the boys. But I don’t know how close it is. I’ve got a couple of ideas to see if it’s close. Then I’ll know if I have only one more to make or another set. Let’s hope just one!
I haven’t had time to take pictures of them yet, but when I get the chance I will get them posted.
I actually kept track of how long it took me to get one bootie done this time and it was a lot longer than I thought! Mostly I just pick up whatever I’m working on whenever I get the chance and it’s done when it’s done. I think I like it better that way, but when you have a deadline you have to keep your eye on the clock. And this deadline is coming up fast!
I’d better get back to work!
Too tired to tat, oh dear!
The last several weeks I have just been too tired to tat. My brain just couldn’t stay focused enough to accomplish anything! I was chosen to work on a special project at work which required me to change shifts for a few weeks. Instead of starting at 3:30 PM and working ’til midnight I had to work from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM. I’m getting too old to appreciate the change!
So I thought I would share a project my sister and I did together as few years ago. This is the skirt of a pillow case doll. My sister made the doll and the dress, then did the embroidery work of the lady’s top and parts of the umbrella. She used pearl beads on the brim of the bonnet. Then I tatted the skirt, the brim of the umbrella and the little accents to each side.
One really nice thing about DMC is that you can match embroidery floss with the Cebelia tatting thread. The lady is in green because we both just happened to have those colors. We both really enjoyed this, so made another one in blue so we could each have one.
Next week I go back to my regular hours so I’m hoping I won’t be so tired. I have to get those booties done!
Baby booties are started

#11 of 25 Motif Challenge
The weather is supposed to be turning bad so my youngest daughter is heading back to Omaha tomorrow her the other grandson. It’s supposed to get icy starting Sunday afternoon/evening and we don’t want her driving through that. It was great having them here for the last week but we’d like to see them home safe.
I’ve got several more things I will posting very soon, including Jon’s Hearts Entwined/Crowning Hearts. I’ve have to take pictures and download them first! But it’s coming.
I have several things I would like to post soon. Now that the baby is here and the other grandson is going home, I might have time to load the pictures.
I’m a grandma again!

My second grandson, Hunter, was born Wednesday afternoon at 2:44. Finally! He wasn’t late but he gave us several false alarms. My daughter was induced yesterday morning and had him a lot sooner than I expected. He was one of 38 babies delivered a the hospital on the 21st! My daughter’s nurse said this is the fullest she’s seen the nursery floor.
They are supposed to go home this evening yet. Good thing his daddy is going to be home for the first week or two. And I’m going to be available also, as she is only about an hour away from me. So I’m taking a week’s vacation so that I can be available if she needs some help, or just someone to talk to.
My other daughter came down from Omaha with her two month-old baby to be here for the birth and they have been staying with us. The cousins have been introduced to each other, though neither one seems to care much right now. It’s amazing to see how big the two month old looks compared to the newborn!
I have several pieces of tatting I’ll be posting in a day or two, but emailing baby pictures are a little more important right now!