Tatting lessons

Remember about a month ago I mentioned a group meeting at the extension office, Hook Yarn and Needle? Their last meeting for three months was this last Thursday. They had asked me if I would teach them how to shuttle tat.

So I have had a month to organize how to teach shuttle tatting for an unknown number of students. Oh, boy!

I really didn’t think that everyone there would want to try, and the ones that planned on it would probably bring a shuttle of one type or another. But there may be one or two that didn’t plan on it so I had to plan on it.

I didn’t want to buy new shuttles for that contingency and I didn’t want to give up my shuttles – I wouldn’t mind someone using them, but what if they wanted to take it home?

Okay, okay, it was really because most of my shuttles have thread on them and I didn’t want to have to unwind them – small thread isn’t what I recommend to learn with. Sooo..

I made cardboard shuttles. See?

I made four and they worked quite well.

One person there had bought shuttles for her daughters to learn but hadn’t gotten one for herself, so she used one. The other we used for ball thread because a lady was having trouble with tension on her left hand. I thought a little extra weight might help to keep the thread around her left hand.

I took a ball of turquoise thread for shuttle thread and wrapped red thread around note cards for ball thread, both in size 10. It was a nice contrast of colors so the double stitches were very easy to recognize when they “flipped”, or didn’t as the
case may be.

I had four students at one time and they all did great!

The one lady with the tension problem had to leave early without it being resolved but she was beginning to see what the stitch should be doing. I sent her a list of websites with “how to’s” and my phone number so she can call me if she needs help.

The other three were able to make rings and chains and picots, and one of them made a nice length of rings and chains with the rings joined. It was even done front side/back side! I was very happy with their progress.

I had a display laid out of some of my tatted pieces which was very well received. I also had laid out a variety of books so they could see more of what could be done with tatting.

It turned out to be a really productive day. I wish I could show you pictures from the day, except I never took any. I had my camera, I just never got it out of the bag!

We had a wonderful weekend here, with gorgeous weather. We spent a lot of time outside, both getting things done around the yard and sitting around visiting friends and neighbors.

Here in the states we celebrated Memorial Day today, a day in which we honor those who have died, our loved ones as well as our veterans who gave their all for their country. Our flag flies at half mast to honor the fallen. Cemeteries everywhere are decorated with flowers and flags. It’s also a day of picnics and trips to the lake. May we always remember why this day is set aside and not loose it’s meaning in the fun of the start of summer.
God Bless America!

More Bookmarks

I’m still working on bookmarks. I’ve made several for the InTatters bookmark exchange, looking for just the right one for my exchange partner.

I like this one but it’s kinda dark. It’s made with DMC Pearle Cotton size 8 in color #115. The pattern is mine from several years ago. The top tassel is new. I just wasn’t happy enough with it to want to send it for the exchange.

So I tried another one.

This blue bookmark is new, something I came up with in my search for the perfect bookmark. It is also made with DMC Pearle Cotton size 8 in a variegated blue. I really like this one but I messed up on the tassel and it has a kink in it. Aggravation!

But my daughter really likes it so I gave it to her. I’m definitely going to do this one again.

I’m working on what I hope to be the bookmark I’m going to send to Australia to my exchange partner. So far, so good. Which ever one I end up choosing I’ll post after she receives it.

Things are finally settling down on the home front with the family but my husband and I were informed at work to not expect any weekends off until August!!!! We may get Memorial Day off, not sure of the weekend, but 4th of July is in question.

I’m glad I have a job but I’d also like a life! It is going to be a long summer.

Fun with Bookmarks

InTatters is having a bookmark exchange and I joined it. I’ve never done an exchange before, so I’m very excited about this. I’ve been trying to decide which pattern and which thread to do it in. I’ve made several but I have not been happy with any of them.

This one is pretty good and was my first attempt. It was going pretty good when at the end I pulled the thread up at the end – and the thread broke! It left just a few fuzzy little strands, not enough to weave into any ds. I used the other tail to work it in somewhat, but I don’t trust them not to come out again. I will probably put a touch of glue there to keep it from coming out, but it doesn’t meet the standard of a gift.

I have done a couple other bookmarks that I will share another time – they don’t meet the standard, either, but aren’t too bad. But I don’t like the way my blog decides where the pictures go (instead of me) so I’ll post them at a different time. I WILL learn how to set this blog up better, some time. I just need to know where I can find some of that time. I seem to be very short of it right now.

With a deep breath and a prayer I look for the family to be done with hospital visits for awhile. Both my mother and my DH’s mother are both home and doing well. My father is doing better but the doctor said he can’t go home but needs to be moved to a convalescence home. This will be hard on everyone but a relief in many ways. He has been getting weaker and more confused lately. Now the doctor gets to be the bad guy instead of the family for telling him he’d have to go to a home.

But this means that I won’t have much time for me for awhile. I’ve been taking a few minutes here and there to visit other’s blogs and InTatters, but not really enough time to get pictures ready and post. I hope to get the other bookmarks up in a few days. Wouldn’t that be nice?

And tatting is so portable I can take it with me almost anywhere. So I have hope in getting a few things done. Wish me luck!

Who’s next?

This hasn’t been a good week at all! My mother went to the hospital last Sunday and got out Tuesday, my husband’s mother went to the hospital Tuesday and is still there, and then my dad was admitted to the hospital early this morning. I’m hoping that three is enough and that no-one else has to be hospitalized. Enough already!

None of them has turned out to be serious, which is a good thing in all of this. But it makes life very interesting to try and get to everyone and keep up with how they’re doing. And my husband and I are working nine hours days five days a week and eight hours both Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere in all of this I think I need a nap!

Before all of this came about I did get a little tatting done. I went to a meeting of Hook Yarn and Needle/Fiber Options a week ago. It is through the county extension office and meets once a month. They were doing some needle tatting but I took my shuttles and made “Heart’s Desire” in DMC variegated blue size 8 Pearle. For doing this completely in the midst of several conversations and distractions, I think it turned out very well. I’m counting it as #15 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

They asked me if I’d like to show them how to shuttle tat next month. I agreed, but I’m thinking I will need to give them contact information in case any of them are really interested: the group takes a three month break in the summer! I’m willing to meet with them individually or in a small group elsewhere to help any that want to really learn. I’m planning on making a handout with Internet addresses so they have incentives and support if they want it. I’m also thinking of putting together a DVD of me tatting, both chain and ring. We’ll see if I have time to do this between hospital visits!

Decorated shoes

My nephew is the proud daddy of a new baby girl. Today we had a baby shower for her, which is nice that we all got to see the new baby. These are the shoes I decorated for her. The one on the right is what they looked like when I bought them. The other, is of course, what they looked like when I was done.

Which do you think looks better?

Both of my daughters and their babies were there and helped me host the shower. It was a very nice day, lots of conversation and all the babies got passed around. We had it at the local activity center so some husbands came along and were able to play pool and socialize as well.

My husband had to go to work before it was over (I would have, too, except I made arrangements for someone to work for me!) so our daughters, the babies and I had a great afternoon together and then supper out. My oldest had to leave a little quicker than planned because the weather started getting bad. Nothing severe but she – nor I – wanted her to drive in it.

For my next project I’m looking for a nice bookmark pattern. InTatters is having a bookmark exchange in May. I have never done an exchange before, but I think I can handle a bookmark. And then there is the thread choice, maybe harder than the pattern, because of course it has to be just right for the pattern. But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?

Lost and found motif #14

Last week I made this motif using a cabone ring in the center. I showed it to my husband and he liked it, too. As it was late we went to bed and the next morning when I got up I couldn’t find it!

We looked all over the house and couldn’t find it. I looked through all my tatting things, in my chair, on the table, on the floor. My husband looked all over and it just wasn’t anywhere! We even looked to see if one of the cats had decided to play with it and dragged it off. No luck.

Friday we went to Nebraska to see our daughter and her family. We had a nice visit with them and came home late Saturday. I sat down in my chair, looked down, and there it was! Just laying there on the floor! How it could be there I don’t know.

But it was found, oh boy! I hadn’t even jotted down the pattern or taken a picture or scan of it. I was quite relieved. So I can finally post a picture of my motif #14 for the 25 Motif Challenge. I blame this on Krystledawne because I saw her earrings and thought it would be fun to try something with a ring in the middle.

I think I remember how to needle tat…

I got a call from my neighbor yesterday. She’s a good friend of mine whom I taught to tat one or two (or ten?) years ago. She hasn’t really kept up with it, being busy with lots of other things, but a group that meets at the extension office, Hook Yarn & Needle, were doing some needle tatting and she was going to do some, too. It had been so long since my neighbor had done it she couldn’t remember how exactly. So she called for a refresher course.
Okay, I have Needle Tatting, Book No. 2 from Handy Hands somewhere, where did I put it??? Oh, there (why was it in the middle of those Workbaskets?). Okay, now where did I put my needles? In this box? No, there they are, in THIS drawer! Now a ball of thread, open book. Hmm. Yes, that looks familiar. No, no, wrong end… that’s better. That’s right, and pull through there… Yippee! A ring and a chain, and another ring! I DO remember!
Yes, as soon as she called I had to see if I remembered anything about needle tatting. I only have the book and needles because I thought it would be good to know how – I already knew how to shuttle tat when I got them. And I never did much with them after understanding how it worked, very much enjoying shuttle tatting and not wanting to change. Back when I taught my neighbor we started with a shuttle, which she learned, but she pulled her stitches so tight she could hardly pull the rings closed, so we switched her to the needle. Now, years later we were learning again.
So this afternoon I went across the street and we laughed through a few rings trying to make a butterfly. We didn’t get it made because I ran out of time, but we had fun. She now has a better grasp of what she needs to practice. We did talk of some of the Internet sites that have videos of needle tatting, which she is planning to check out.
And of course I’ll practice a bit, too, because it was fun. I don’t think I’ll post a picture of it, at least not what I’ve done so far. If I end up with something presentable I might post that later – maybe.

Motif #13 and the weather

This motif I found on Nita’s Creations here. She designed this in a Design Tat class on line. I really liked the looks of it and have several ideas of what I would like to do with it. She graciously said I could try it. This one I made with DMC size 30 pink and green. This will be my #13 in the 25 motif challenge. And I notice that it’s a bit crooked – oh, well. Check out Nita’s motif and her other projects on her blog. She’s been doing cloonies, which I haven’t mastered yet. Hers are lookin‘ good!

I’ve had a little bit of time to tat and to post because I haven’t been outside since I got home from work Thursday night. Because we had a blizzard! Yes, ice, snow, wind, cold, white out conditions. It was projected to be so bad that they canceled 2nd shift where I work so I didn’t have to go to work Friday or Saturday – thank goodness!! The roads got nasty in a hurry. Wichita had lots of ice and lots of accidents to go with it. So I got to stay home and just watch it all come down.

It looks like it finally quit snowing. It’s hard to tell because the wind is really blowing it around. It’s also very hard to tell just how much snow we actually have. Some places you can see the grass, other places have drifts. It’s not as bad here as just west of us, they got about 20 inches a few miles west and more than that south west of here. I’m just glad I don’t have to get out in it! Welcome spring, ha ha.

Picking up the shuttle again

I’ve finally picked up my shuttle again after a few weeks of recouping from being very busy.

This is just something I was doodling with, nothing really planned. The threads are all size 30 DMC, in pink green and blue. I had shuttles already wound with these colors, so that’s what colors I used. It just kinda grew by itself without a lot of conscious thought on my part. The only part I really gave much time to was the interweaving of the pink and green rows. It kinda works.

Starting Monday I finally go back to regular hours at work, so maybe I’ll finally get back to my regular schedule. And then maybe I’ll have more energy for tatting!

I should be tatting

The excitement is over for awhile, and things are pretty much back to normal. But I haven’t picked up a shuttle all week! I think my mind is taking a break. There are a few ideas percolating in the back there but they haven’t yet made it to the top. Maybe next week.

The weather has decided to be cold again, after all the interesting, warm weather we had last week. There were actually snow flurries on the way home from work last night, nothing sticking. There was fog and haze this morning with the chance of the roads being slick, but I don’t have to get out this early, so I didn’t worry about it.

I was on eTatters and see that it is moving to InTatters. I’m trying to make sure I have everything from eTatters, like my friends, so I can find them on the new sight. I’m registered as tattldy there, so look me up when you get there. I’m slowly figuring out how to get around there and what’s what. It might take me awhile to get used to the changes, but I’ll get it – eventually!