Tea and Tatting again

Well, it’s Tatting Tea Tuesday again. I made up a cup of tea and sat back to tat.
Today I’m working on coasters for my daughter’s birthday. She chose two colors and I’m trying to decide if I can use them together, or should just use one or the other. The tatting is going to be attached to denim from old jeans.
She chose this Lizbeth thread in green variegated and antique red in size 20. I like them both,
I just don’t know if I like them both together. Make it all in the green, all in the red, or together?

I think the pattern will work. If I leave it like this it will be about 4 inches (about 10cm) across. I’m planning on making four to six of them – it will depend on how many I get done by her birthday!

Now, if I can just make up my mind how I want to do the colors….

A little bitty doily and a horse

A few weeks ago I needed an ecru doily for a gift. I had a colored doily but found out that the recipient really liked ecru as this was more in line with her home decor (I like to please). Soooo, as usual, instead of going with an existing pattern I tried to come up with something that didn’t take too long. And this is the result.

I call it Arches Over Arches. This is made with DMC ecru (of course!) in size 30. I came up with this from a center I found in my old stuff that was made with size 10, which was much bigger. I think this was supposed to be an edging that went wrong. But it made a nice center for a doily.

The other two rounds I came up with this time around. I have several ideas for the next time I make it – and I do have plans to make it – and my husband has a couple of really neat suggestions, also.

There’s nothing here to compare it to so you can’t tell the size. It’s pretty small, only about 4 inches across. So maybe it’s too small to be considered a doily, but I would use it under a vase for a single rose or some such, so I call it a doily.

I’ve also had another idea in mind that I worked on last night. After seeing all the neat ideas of using a large paperclip as a bookmark, I thought a large paperclip with a horse head would be neat. Now, I make my own bookmarks and doilies and such, but coming up with something like this has not turned out well. I’m not showing my attempts, just say they met a quick end. But the Internet is our friend and makes finding the many wonderful people with great ideas easy to find if you go looking.

If you go to ds9designs you will find that Debbie Arnold has a very cute seahorse pattern. I saw it and thought “if you start here and leave that off, it would make a really nice horse head pattern.” So last night I tried it with thread I already had on a shuttle. (The colors would have made a wonderful seahorse!)


This is made with Lizbeth Caribbean size 20. I think I need to make the base a little wider and the neck maybe not quite so long. Then I need to try putting it on a paperclip. Maybe in a horse-y color. And then again, maybe not. To be continued…

Most of this last week was spent finishing the butterfly for the Intatters butterfly exchange. I got it done in time (just barely!) and sent it off to Cindy in Minnesota. After I know she has it I will post a picture of it. I thought it came out well and I’m looking forward to sharing it.

Tatting Tea Tuesday

This morning I brewed a cup of herb tea – mint, mmmm!- and sat down to work on my exchange butterfly and what do I see but a BIG mistake! I missed a join and a chain, and it wasn’t the last thing I did, either. Grumble, grumble, *sigh*

Instead of finishing the butterfly I retro tatted. And it’s dark thread so it took me awhile (the eyesight is one of the first things to go, obviously!) to get back to where I started last night. I knew I was tired last night, but I didn’t know I was that tired! If I had just not picked it up after work I would have been done with the wings by now!

And then I had trouble reading the pattern for the middle! I turned it this way, and that way, and turned it over…. I finally figured it out (I think) but again, didn’t get as far as I thought I would.

So instead of showing at least a part of the butterfly – as a hint until the recipient gets it – I have nothing to show for my tatting time today. I spent all my time either retro tatting or tatting and had no time left for pictures.

But the tea was delicious!

An angel, a bookmark and some buffalo

My little angel didn’t have to wait a week to get her wings, or her body either.
I finished her a couple of days ago. She has a little boo-boo on one of her
wings because I wasn’t careful with my scissors, but I think she’ll be okay.
This is the first pattern I ever came up with on my own, and after almost 20 years I made
the first real modification to it. I lengthened the skirt and made the wings a little wider.
This angel has been made a lot for Christmas decorations, sending warm thoughts to people
that needed a little lift, and just for the fun of making them.
The blue angel on the right is from the original pattern. The one one the left is with the change.
I know it looks a little pink but it’s actually ecru! Both are in DMC size 30.

I guess I haven’t gotten off the bookmark kick from trying to come up with one for the InTatters bookmark exchange. This is what I was aiming for to begin with in the exchange, but kept trying too hard. I like both this one and the one I sent. This is made with Manuela size 20

thread in blues #008 and #019. Now I have a gift ready for the next time I need a little something to send in a card!

No, I didn’t tat any buffalo, I just took their picture. These are American Bison, raised by a man across the section from us. My husband and I happened to drive by last week and see them so I took a picture. I don’t know if you can make them out or not, but the lighter colored ones are the babies. I know these look small, but they are very impressive up close. The bulls get to about six feet at the hump and are very massive.

I was planning on posting yesterday, but we actually had a day off from work(!!). And being Father’s Day we actually went to see our fathers and then went to our daughter’s for supper. Itwas a very full day, but a lot of fun!

And now I am off to finish (I hope!) my butterfly for the InTatters butterfly exchange.

Tatting Tea Tuesday

I happened across a blog by isdihara, who has a neat idea – Tatting Tea Tuesday! A great excuse to pick up your tatting at least for a little while if you need one. So I thought I might try it.

I didn’t have a lot of time, and the tea tasted suspiciously like coffee (I do like tea but didn’t take the time to make it!! Shame on me!!) but I did get started on an angel. I’m actually trying to empty the shuttles to use for another project, and something like this is much more fun than un-winding a shuttle without tatting to show for it.

So, here is the start of the angel. I’m hoping she doesn’t have to wait until next Tuesday to get her wings – to say nothing of the rest of her!

Patriotic pins and Hobby display

This has been a very busy week.

I was inspired by Steph’s heart and Kathy’s version of Sue Hanson’s 5 point Celtic motif, all in red white and blue. With Flag Day June 14 and Independence Day July 4th there is a lot of time yet to be patriotic also. So I tried the 5 point Celtic motif, too. I did it two ways, one as the pattern shows and one with two rings instead of one large. I’m not a big fan of making large rings even if I like how they work in a pattern. I added a flag star wooden button in the center and put on a pin back on the two on the left. Both were made in DMC size 10. The one on the right is size 20 in a variegated red white and blue. It is so busy it’s very hard to see the actual pattern. The two pins are for my parents and the other was just to make. My sister saw these and said she would love to have several to decorate her side table at home when she sets it up for the 4th. Okay, they don’t take long, I will probably make one or two. I’m counting these as #18 & #19 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

This last Friday the home where my dad lives had a Hobby Day. They had seen my tatting on my dad’s hat (a hat band) and asked me if I would like to participate. So my sister and I dug up stuff we’ve made and set up together. The displays were of hobbies of both residents and staff and us. There were some wonderful quilts (hand quilted!), jewelry, a salt-&-pepper shaker collection, angel collection, wooden toys, a few other things and my sister’s embroidery and my tatting. It was a very fun afternoon. I demonstrated tatting to a lot of people and we showed off a lot of our pieces that we’ve actually kept instead of given away.

They started us out on one table but were so happy with what we had brought that they got us another table so we could put everything out. I even brought a few books along so people could see that patterns are available.

We intermixed our things kind of like we did the few times we did craft shows. And our work some times even compliments the other’s.
Some of these things were gifts to either our kids or each other. The green doll with the embroidered apron my sister made for one of my daughters. Until recently she was in the Air Force and her husband still is so they haven’t got a place they know they’ll be in for any length of time so I still (!!) have a lot of her things at home, including this doll. It came in handy today.

This baby tied blanket my sister made for her daughter. “The Three Little Kittens” was my niece’s favorite book as a child to the point they had to buy several copies of it as it wore out. My sister rarely keeps anything for herself but gives things like this away for birthdays and Christmas.

I used to make doilies quite frequently. I don’t so much anymore because of how much time one has to put into them.

The birdhouse towel in the lower part of the picture was a birthday present from my sister to me. We have to tell people it wasn’t done on a machine, sometimes even turn it over so they can see the back side.

These two pillowcase dolls my sister and I worked together. She made the doll bodies and clothes and embroidered the ladies bodies while I tatted the skirts.

My sister does a lot of pillowcases. They make wonderful wedding gifts, or for graduation or…

The one at the bottom is mine from another birthday.

The large tatted piece is my BIG UFO. It was supposed to be a table cloth for my brother-in-law. It was started many years ago and this is as big as it has gotten. We are all in agreement that I need to find a finishing round and call it good. It’s made in ecru with size 30 DMC so takes a long time to get very far. It has been fun, though.

The green book is my newest acquisition, bought just the day before.

And finally, this is my sister, Elaine, and myself.

We really enjoyed ourselves that afternoon. We weren’t trying to sell anything, just having a good time sharing our hobbies with anyone that would listen. I don’t know how many people came through, but it was pretty constant for the three hours they ran it. While we were setting it up we had people come by, too.

It was a lot of fun, and then I had to go to work. I guess the fun has to end sometime.

Thanks for sticking around through this very long entry. But I just had to share!

How about another bookmark? Or two?

Back in May I was trying to decide which bookmark to make for the Intatters bookmark exchange. I tried several different ones on the way to one I liked enough to send. I just counted, and if I counted correctly, I made five bookmarks before I settled on one.

The one at the right is one of them. This one I ended up giving to my mother for her birthday. It’s made with size 10 DMC thread in red. It’s a bit long, about 12 inches long. I’m not sure what I was thinking, I just kept on going. She liked it so I guess it was okay. I’m counting it as #16 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

This blue bookmark is the one I finally sent for the exchange. It’s made with two shades of Manuella size 20 thread. I hadn’t planned on having a ribbon through it, but it looked like it needed something, and that
ribbon really set it off well. The bookmark is laying across a book about Kansas. As my exchange partner lives in Australia I thought I’d add a little something to go along with it so sent the book to show her something of the place I live in. I’m counting this as #17 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

The fifth bookmark was never completely finished. It ended up being a hodgepodge of ideas. A repeat of this, a repeat of something just a little different, then something with the count just a little different, and…. It looks rather strange and lop sided. But I did come up with several ideas I liked in the process, so it wasn’t a waste of thread or time. The exchange bookmark is the result of one of the ideas. I’m using another part of it on another bookmark. Like I need another one right now. Of course, bookmarks are nice to have on hand for unplanned gifts, so whether I use it or gift it, it will not languish too long in a drawer I’m sure.

I have several things I’ve been working on that I haven’t taken pictures of yet and will post them as soon as I can. And I have a list of things I’d like to try from checking out the wonderful blogs out there. Some of you really make me drool with the lovely things you make. Now if I only had a little more time…

Parade and Car Show

Saturday was our town’s yearly celebration of Black Kettle Day. It’s named after the creek that runs through town, which is named after an Indian Chief of the area when the town was settled over a hundred years ago. They have a parade down the main street and then festivities at Black Kettle Park, such as a dog show and a car show. They also have plane rides at the airport and food vendors in several different locations. It’s not a large parade and this year was pretty small. In fact, I didn’t know this was the weekend for it until Wednesday – not very well promoted this year. But I took my mom and dad to the parade, where we met my sister and her son and family. We sat in the shade and watched the participants pass by. Most of the spectators were on the same side of the street we were because of the shade, it was a warm day.
I thought I’d share a few shots of the day.

The flag… The high school band …

A bicycle built for six and a passenger. (This took lots of practice)…

and a toy horse.
And there were a few cars…
The purple one can be seen around the area frequently, he drives it a lot when the weather is nice.
I didn’t get to stay long because I had to go to work later. And I definitely got my workout for the day – I had to push my dad in a wheel chair that is NOT made for off-road. There were several very nice men that helped out when we had a little trouble, going through the ditch and in a few rough places. I think my dad really enjoyed getting to see the cars. He hasn’t been able to get out like this for a while.
I wish I could have stayed longer, I really wanted to see the dog show. It was a very nice day.
I actually have tatting I want to share but I haven’t taken the pictures yet. Some of the pieces I like, some I don’t, but having made them I’ll probably share the good and the bad.

Tatting lessons

Remember about a month ago I mentioned a group meeting at the extension office, Hook Yarn and Needle? Their last meeting for three months was this last Thursday. They had asked me if I would teach them how to shuttle tat.

So I have had a month to organize how to teach shuttle tatting for an unknown number of students. Oh, boy!

I really didn’t think that everyone there would want to try, and the ones that planned on it would probably bring a shuttle of one type or another. But there may be one or two that didn’t plan on it so I had to plan on it.

I didn’t want to buy new shuttles for that contingency and I didn’t want to give up my shuttles – I wouldn’t mind someone using them, but what if they wanted to take it home?

Okay, okay, it was really because most of my shuttles have thread on them and I didn’t want to have to unwind them – small thread isn’t what I recommend to learn with. Sooo..

I made cardboard shuttles. See?

I made four and they worked quite well.

One person there had bought shuttles for her daughters to learn but hadn’t gotten one for herself, so she used one. The other we used for ball thread because a lady was having trouble with tension on her left hand. I thought a little extra weight might help to keep the thread around her left hand.

I took a ball of turquoise thread for shuttle thread and wrapped red thread around note cards for ball thread, both in size 10. It was a nice contrast of colors so the double stitches were very easy to recognize when they “flipped”, or didn’t as the
case may be.

I had four students at one time and they all did great!

The one lady with the tension problem had to leave early without it being resolved but she was beginning to see what the stitch should be doing. I sent her a list of websites with “how to’s” and my phone number so she can call me if she needs help.

The other three were able to make rings and chains and picots, and one of them made a nice length of rings and chains with the rings joined. It was even done front side/back side! I was very happy with their progress.

I had a display laid out of some of my tatted pieces which was very well received. I also had laid out a variety of books so they could see more of what could be done with tatting.

It turned out to be a really productive day. I wish I could show you pictures from the day, except I never took any. I had my camera, I just never got it out of the bag!

We had a wonderful weekend here, with gorgeous weather. We spent a lot of time outside, both getting things done around the yard and sitting around visiting friends and neighbors.

Here in the states we celebrated Memorial Day today, a day in which we honor those who have died, our loved ones as well as our veterans who gave their all for their country. Our flag flies at half mast to honor the fallen. Cemeteries everywhere are decorated with flowers and flags. It’s also a day of picnics and trips to the lake. May we always remember why this day is set aside and not loose it’s meaning in the fun of the start of summer.
God Bless America!

More Bookmarks

I’m still working on bookmarks. I’ve made several for the InTatters bookmark exchange, looking for just the right one for my exchange partner.

I like this one but it’s kinda dark. It’s made with DMC Pearle Cotton size 8 in color #115. The pattern is mine from several years ago. The top tassel is new. I just wasn’t happy enough with it to want to send it for the exchange.

So I tried another one.

This blue bookmark is new, something I came up with in my search for the perfect bookmark. It is also made with DMC Pearle Cotton size 8 in a variegated blue. I really like this one but I messed up on the tassel and it has a kink in it. Aggravation!

But my daughter really likes it so I gave it to her. I’m definitely going to do this one again.

I’m working on what I hope to be the bookmark I’m going to send to Australia to my exchange partner. So far, so good. Which ever one I end up choosing I’ll post after she receives it.

Things are finally settling down on the home front with the family but my husband and I were informed at work to not expect any weekends off until August!!!! We may get Memorial Day off, not sure of the weekend, but 4th of July is in question.

I’m glad I have a job but I’d also like a life! It is going to be a long summer.