“It was a cold and stormy night…”
Okay, it was a cold and cloudy day, this first Tatting Tea Tuesday of the year. And it’s supposed to get much colder. Those of you north of here already have it worse. I hear the high in Omaha, Nebraska was -5 yesterday. Brrrr! I need a cup of hot tea just thinking about it!
For today’s tatting I sat down with a nice cup of hot tea and started Jane’s TIAS (Tat It And See). I’ve never participated in one of these before, but it looks like fun. Plus the added factor of doing it “with” other tatters is appealing. Jane has already posted the first samples on her TIAS blog. Here is my attempt at Day 1. I have no idea where this is headed.
In the introduction to her TIAS, Jane recommends at least three shuttles, and five if you don’t want to wind and unwind, and three colors of thread that ‘get along’ with each other. I have located four empty shuttles and started emptying the fifth. Just to make it easier on myself you understand. As we have no idea how much thread is going to be needed it’s hard to know how full to wind the shuttles. Oh, well, I chose colors I like so I’ll be able to use the left-overs pretty easily. I’ve chosen Lizbeth threads in size 20; Caribbean, Victorian Red and Black. I’ll find out whether that was a good choice or not pretty soon, I suppose.
Other than that, I have three projects I need to work on. The most pressing is a Christmas gift that I didn’t have time to do. I had to give them an IOU – to our Pastor and his wife! Every year I make them a table runner – material for the center, with tatted edgings. They really look forward to them *warm fuzzy feeling* but I just ran out of time this year. So that will be my main project, hopefully finished in a couple of weeks. (Hey, I dream up new edgings for this every year. This time I have a very ambitious one that I hope works out!) I’ll post about it when it’s done.
The second project is for my sister. She gave me some material that she has collected, to use for runners. A couple of pieces she really likes and wouldn’t mind a runner of her own. As she does so much for me (and she has a birthday coming up) I thought I should make her one. I’ll start it right after I finish the one for the Pastor and his wife.
The third project is *head hangs in shame* something I started for my sister and her husband a long time ago and never finished. A table cloth – in size 30 thread! Why, oh why did I do that?? Actually, I tried to find a pattern I liked and do it in size 10, but I never liked any of those that I saw. So, what else could I do but come up with my own pattern, which looked wonderful in size 30? It’s been a running joke that I give it to them, enlarged each year (mostly), at Christmas and then they give it back so I can work on it. I really think it’s time I just get it done, once and for all. Well, okay, it might take several months, but I’ve got it out, my shuttles are wound and I have some motivation for it. Wish me luck!
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