Motifs, TIAS and Tea
I am in the current Design-Tat class that Sharon is doing. We’ve designed our motifs and are learning how to write them out, both in text and with diagrams. We are also supposed
to test tat some of our classmate’s motifs, both to help them write better and for us to learn
to write better as well. This is the second one I’ve successfully done.
We all started with the same basic center and had to design a second round. Didn’t Barbara do a great job on coming up with something totally different? This was fun to do and I can think of several places to put a motif like this. I was trying to empty a couple of shuttles so the threads aren’t exactly the greatest match but they still aren’t too bad. The center is Lizbeth #114 Sea Shell and the outside is Lizbeth #641 Lilac Dark, both in size 20. And I got to use my new shuttle that I got from a swap partner for Christmas. It handles nice but it’s going to take a little bit to get used to it.
This year I’ve joined in on Jane’s TIAS. I started the one last year and life got in the way so I didn’t finish it. I’m hoping to do better this year. So far, so good! I’m using Lizbeth size 20 thread in #657 Ocean Turquoise Dk and # 662 Turquoise Lt. I have no idea what this is going to end up.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, TIAS stands for “tat it and see” – Jane’s idea of how to have fun in the winter. She gives just a little of the pattern every few days without telling us what it’s supposed to be. We try and follow along and make guesses as to what we think it will be. It’s fun because there are people from all over the world doing this together. Not quite like being in the same room with other tatters but kinda close. If you’d like to try it there’s no time limit to start or to finish so you would have plenty of time to join us. Here’s a link to Jane’s blog and a link to the TIAS blog, where she posts the updates.
Did you know that this is National Hot Tea month? Over at they have several tea-related crafts in honor of Hot Tea Month. So today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I’d thought I’d share one of them with you.
It’s taken me almost all day again to get this posted! I have to figure a way to get done a little earlier than this. But I am happy with what I have achieved this week, and that I did actually get this posted on Tuesday!
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort
Franklin D Roosevelt
Others, as in Wendy from Umi & Tsuru and Fox from tat-ology. Both volunteered to tat my Design-Tat homework motif “Elcie”. Check these out:
What is kind of funny is I had just finished tatting Fox’s “Abigail” when she sent me the picture of “Elcie”. So I had to show Fox how I had done her “Abigail”“Abigail” design by Fox
tatted by Wanda
In Red! 🙂
Well, that’s all folks! It has taken me all day to write this much. Hopefully I’ll feel better next week and do a little better job.
So, what do you do with a motif? I’ve done lots of them over the years, but when they’re done, just what is their purpose? Some I’ve done in white and hung on my Christmas tree, though they may not be a snowflake, and a few I’ve put in frames. Quite a few are tucked away, hidden from sight, because I didn’t have anything planned for them. I think the main thing done with motifs is to join them together to make mats or runners or tablecloths – something bigger anyway.
Okay, I have a motif: let me try to make something bigger.
I played around with my motif a little and soon realized that it, at least to me, did not lend itself to be joined together, not as it was anyway. The edges are very frilly, and when two are joined together as designed end up with overlapping picots. Not very aesthetic. So I made a few modifications, which helped a little, though I still wasn’t happy with them. I played around with them a little more and came up with adding corner pieces. Much better. This design leaves the finished piece a little floppy as there aren’t many joins to the center. I found that a bit of hair spray after blocking does a great job of stiffening it enough to fix that without being too messy or taking too long to dry (hair dryers are a wonderful tool)
Both the single motif and the mat are made in Lizbeth size 20 in white. I’m going to call the single motif #15 of my second 25 Motif Challenge and the mat #16. I’m hoping someone in the class will be kind enough to test-tat the motif. It really does a help a lot to have someone else read over a pattern and try it. I always see what I know should be there, not necessarily what’s really there. I haven’t written out the changes and additions to the mat pattern yet – I’m waiting on the proofing of the other pattern first.
And now, on this pretty Tatting Tea Tuesday as I sip my “Constant Comment” tea (“tea flavored with rind of oranges and sweet spice”) – which was a gift from my Advent swap partner – I’m going to share what my wonderful husband did for me this weekend.
He made me another shuttle!
It was hard to take pictures of this; I had a hard time getting the camera to focus. Finally I got the right setting on the camera and was able to take some clear pictures but not as good as I’d like.
This shuttle is made with, we think, Japanese walnut; he actually got the wood from one of our neighbors. In the pictures it looks like the sides are rough but they are actually smooth. In person it looks the same, you touch it expecting it to be rough. It’s also very light weight. The color was much lighter before the hand rub polyurethane was applied. The tips don’t, and aren’t supposed to, meet, but when dangled the thread doesn’t unwind because of the way the slots are cut. I will have to keep a crochet hook with me when I use this shuttle because it doesn’t have a sharp point, but that’s okay, I have several hooks:) It’s a little longer than the Clover shuttles I usually use, but not bad. I think it will hold a bit more thread than a Clover, too. It might be a good shuttle for when I use beads.
Can you tell I’m a little excited about this shuttle??
May this be the start of wonderful new year
May you have enough thread for all your projects
May your shuttle always hold just enough thread
And may there always be a little tea with your tatting on Tuesdays: )
Happy New Year!
2010 is almost over
I look back over the year and think of all places I went, the new things I’ve tried,
and the people I’ve met – I must say it was a year well spent. We went on several great trips, both with family and by ourselves, and made wonderful memories. I learned
several new tatting techniques that will open up all kinds of possibilities for
projects this next year. I met some great people in the travels I made this year as well as
locally and on-line, people I hope to keep in touch with in the years to come.
The last week I did some tatting, some right up to Christmas Eve, but then the projects were done or they weren’t and it was time to enjoy family and friends. We had
great get-togethers with both sides of our families (the in-laws and the out-laws, LOL!) and
still have one to go. It has been a wonderful holiday season.
I did want to share one more gift I received from my Advent swap partner. She really
spoiled me this year.
tatting shuttle! (I haven’t tried it yet, but I will soon!) It came in a cute little tin. There was
also a beautiful beaded tree ornament that she made – very nice, very sparkly! Her
son had her include someSpongeBob Squarepants candy books for my grandsons and their families and one for us, too. And a large ball of size 30 white thread. She was very
I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas this year. And may your New Year be filled with wonder and joy!
Getting ready for Christmas
… and I’m still very busy. I have quite a few things yet to tat before the big day arrives. I did take a little time out from all that to make this bookmark for The Tatting Forums’ bookmark-a-month challenge, just for fun: ) It’s made in Lizbeth color 625 size 20.
I was thinking how busy I’ve kept myself the last several weeks, and though it’s been fun it’s also getting to be a bit stressful as the day gets closer and I don’t have everything done. So I took a little time out for a different kind of fun. With a nod to Isdihara of Ambitatterous, famous for her twisted lyrics, and an apology to Clement Clarke Moore, sit back and enjoy a cup of tea this Tatting Tea Tuesday while I leave you with a poem that I – hmm, adapted – from Mr. Moore.
‘Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the house
I was still stirring, and I think so was a mouse.
The stockings weren’t hung, the mantle was bare,
I sure wasn’t ready for Christmas to be here!
Patterns of lace were strewn all over the bed,
While visions of things undone danced in my head.
With thread on the table and a cat on my lap
I couldn’t settle my brain on one thing to tat.
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Hanging down from the table a part of my stash
Caught me off guard, I went down with a crash!
The glitter that fell from the table like snow
Gave quite a shine to my head down below.
When, what to my watering eyes should appear,
But a miniature person in fancy foot gear.
She was dressed all in lace, from her head to her toes,
And her clothes were all covered with lots of picots.
An array of bright thread she had clutched in her hand,
And she looked very lovely, in fact very grand.
Her eyes – how they twinkled! Her tresses, how lovely!
Her cheeks were like roses, her stance very queenly!
Her red little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
The dress she was wearing was as white as the snow.
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her task,
What she was doing I had no thought to ask.
And plying the thread, not seeming to bustle,
She made gorgeous lace with a bright silver shuttle!
Her hands flew through the thread, this lovely small elf,
And I laughed as I watched her, in spite of myself!
Each piece as she finished she laid on the table,
Fine tatting she made, her face very tranquil.
When her tatting was done, when finally she finished,
Then as quick as she’d come she suddenly vanished.
But I heard her exclaim, ‘ere she faded from sight,
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good knot!”
Based on “Twas the Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moore
PS Real quick – did you see the lunar eclipse last night? Pretty cool, wasn’t it?
It’s white all over
The snowflakes are ones I’ve come up with this last week trying to decide what I wanted for my 2010 Christmas card snowflake. After making all of these I’ve decided the one I will consider this year’s snowflake is the one at the top right.
Speaking of snowflakes, did you see what Kathy did with one? She hung it from the inside a clear plastic ball ornament. It looks great! I’ve got to try this. I know I had some clear glass ornaments somewhere but I can’t find them. If I don’t find them I’m going to go get some! I just love this look. Great idea, Kathy!
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I’m enjoying a cup of Raspberry Royale tea, a gift from my Advent swap partner on Ravelry. I wasn’t sure I’d like it because I’m not that fond of the taste of raspberry, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s pretty good: ) In the spirit of TTT I’m trying a new technique (to me) I saw online yesterday. Who knows, if I really like this, and I can do it, my snowflake for the year may change.
For my Advent gift today my partner sent me a cute little crocheted stocking for the tree and a ball of hand-dyed thread from Crochet 4 U 2 Dye 4 in “Mistletoe”, size 20. I’m looking forward to using it. Isn’t she the sweetest swap partner ever?
I hope you are taking the time to enjoy the season, without getting too stressed. Take a few minutes for yourself, have a cup of tea and tat a few minutes this week – a gift to yourself.
A busy busy elf
This is a candle jar that I decoupaged with red tissue paper then added small tatted snowflakes. There was also a candle tucked inside. I had never done decoupage before I started adding a little bling to my shuttles and now I can think of so many things I could do with it. In fact, I have all kinds of things in mind for Christmas gifts now that include a little decoupage. Now if I only have the time!
I have also received some wonderful gifts in return. These are just a few of the great gifts I’ve opened so far.
This is a Kritter Craft Case from Clover. Isn’t it cute?! It’s a semi-hard case that will be just perfect for a tatting project.
This advent swap has been so fun! There is talk of doing this again next year and I am seriously thinking about it already! I will certainly start making things much earlier, though: )
In the midst of all this crafting I’ve also been trying to find time to put up my Christmas decorations. The tree is up but not decorated (it’s one that already has lights so it doesn’t look too bare) and that’s about it so far. Maybe this weekend…
Speaking of decorating, did you hear? Sharon has won Isdihara’s decorated chocolate box contest? If you haven’t seen Sharon’s box you definitely should check it out. Check out all the others, too, the links are on Ambitatterous, Isidhara’s blog. There are some very cute decorated chocolate boxes! This was a fun competition. Congratulations, Sharon! You had an awesome entry.
I’m enjoying English Teatime tea this morning that was in the box of gifts from my swap partner. I’m fortifying myself for another busy day of playing elf. I have a long list of things that I would like to get done before Christmas though I keep telling myself if I don’t get them done it won’t be the end of the world – no sense in stressing over doing things that should be fun!
Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas season. Take a little time for tea and tatting, and maybe a little time to reflect on the reason for the season.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
The little guy on the top left is a giraffe paperweight, very cute! The two little boxes have paperclips in them, one regular sized and the other large. There is also a large-eyed needle taped to the inside top of one box, and when I say large-eyed, I do mean large. I’ve never seen a needle quite like it. There is also some neat little stamps for scrapbooking or what ever, a Christmas-y bookmark that she tatted for me (very nice!), and a journal to write in. Wasn’t she generous? Thank you, crazytatter!
I also joined an Advent Swap on Ravelry. You make/buy/use-from-your-stash gifts for every day of December through Christmas. This is the first of three boxes from my exchange partner, Medictabs.
She also put in a few little things for right now. I wonder how she knew I’d like these?
It was just in time for Tatting Tea Tuesday, so I’m trying the Cranberry Apple. Yum! The CD with the snowman on it is a mix of Christmas songs! I’m taking it to work to listen to tonight. It has a few of my favorite songs on it, isn’t that great?
A lot of the tatting that I’ve been doing was made for these exchanges and now that they’ve all been mailed I’ve actually got a little bit of tatting done that I can show. And guess what? They’re snowflakes. Surprise! Okay, not really.
The top one is a pattern from a few years ago but I added glass silver seed beads to it to give it a little shine. The larger one on the right is the center of one from last year but with a different outside round. I’ve got a look in mind that I’m trying to achieve, so tried something a little different this time. It didn’t come out quite like I had in mind – not bad, just not quite “it”. The other two are variations on a theme, so to speak, one with six points and one with five. Again they didn’t come out quite like I envisioned, but they still look pretty good. All of these are headed to the center this year’s Christmas cards – cards I need to get busy with very soon! All of these snowflakes were make with Lizbeth white, size 20.
May you all have a wonderful week, with a little tea and tatting somewhere in there!
Making wreaths and wrapping gifts
Thank you, xstchntat, for the wonderful gifts!
May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving this week, and take a little time out for tea and tatting if you can!