This Tatting Tea Tuesday I’m enjoying a glass of cold, sweet tea while I steal a few minutes of another busy day to tat a bit. I haven’t had a lot of time to tat lately, and what I have been tatting has been for a purpose, either to learn a technique or to make something specific. Unfortunately, none of those things needed to be red, white and blue, so I don’t have anything patriotic tatted up. The date kind of snuck up on me.
Tomorrow is July fourth, our Independence Day. It will be celebrated throughout the country with picnics and bar-b-ques, get-togethers and fireworks. And probably a bit too much to drink by a lot of people, hopefully not the ones lighting the fireworks! Hopefully, too, at least a little thought will go into what exactly we’re celebrating, what it took to get it, and what it takes to maintain it.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July everyone!
“July Fourth means a lot to me as an American,…It is a patriotic day. It is not particularly about WWII or any war. It just shows a patriotic way of life we really should celebrate not just on Independence Day but every day.”
Robert Davies
Gift from umintsuru
I’ve always wanted to do some Crazy Quilting – but I don’t quilt and rarely embroider, so it hasn’t happened yet 🙂 Instead I did a little “CQing” on Altoid tins for their gifts.
I added a few things on the inside. Each was different inside and outside, but similar.
The pink heart is a needle threader. The “match book” is a needleholder. Each one also got a decorated shuttle that coordinated with their thin, and a ball of J & P Coats size 80 tatting thread – it all fit inside the tin.
This was a lot of fun to do. And really nice to win Wendy’s PIF. Thanks again, Wendy 🙂
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” William James
Technical Difficulties
Reflections on things I’ve learned
I remember this piece of tatting – made entirely of plain rings and chains it was supposed to be a round motif that I put too many stitches/too many repeats in, making it ruffle a lot. By gathering it up around the flowers it allowed the rest of it to lay flat. It was a good way to use what might have been a mistake. This wasn’t my first attempt at designing my own patterns but everything I knew about tatting had been gleaned just by the experience of doing it. The only person I knew that even knew what tatting was, was my grandmother and she didn’t do much at all. There was no Internet to see other people’s tatting, so my exposure to patterns were in whatever books and magazines I could lay my hands on. The library didn’t have many books on it and magazines with tatting were few and far between. Yes, Workbasket was out there with a pattern or two a month, but that’s almost nothing compared to what we have available now. I had taken to coming up with my own patterns a lot of the time, simple though they were. I was following unknowingly in the footsteps of designers everywhere – trial and error: keep what you like, throw away what you don’t, but most importantly, keep trying!
As I look at the gift now I see all of it’s flaws, but also what went into it: the effort, the imagination, the skill, the courage to do something out of my comfort zone. And mostly the desire to give my mother something special that she would like and, hopefully, treasure. I must have succeeded as it still sits out in her living room, visible to all who enter her house.
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!”
Garage sale find
Harvest Time Tatting

Insulated cup – finally!
I also gave my granddaughter the clothes to which I added tatting – and didn’t get a good picture of her showing any of them off. This is not to say I didn’t get some cute pictures of her, just none with a good shot of the tatting. As I mentioned, there was a lot going on. Maybe I can get her momma to take a couple of pictures for me.
I actually had a cup of tea this morning, but it wasn’t while relaxing or tatting, it was while getting ready to go to Hobby Lobby. My sister, mother and I had a girls day out – a little shopping, a little lunch and a whole lot of talking – an almost perfect day. It just needed a little tatting in it. Well, maybe I’ll get a little of that done tomorrow.
“The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.”
Jules Renard
from thinkexist.com
I had a really nice lunch this weekend at the Spaghetti Works. They have a gluten free menu☺
Tatting for Special Days
These are made in Häkelgarn #2015, size 20. I had to look through my entire stash of thread to find a green that would look good with the dragonfly and also the scarf that I was hoping it would go with. Christmas green was definitely out, it was much too bright. In truth, I don’t have a lot of shades of green, but I do have a lot of thread that I had to dig through. This was a perfect choice.
I know there are leaf patterns out there but I was running out of time, so, as usual, I tried to re-invent the wheel – I made up my own. I was also going to use the Catherine Wheel join to make the edges smooth – think the beautiful designs of Marilee Rockley – but just couldn’t get them to co-operate. Then I realized that the ragged edge looked pretty good on a leaf (at least I think so). So I made then next one just like it.
And then I put them together.
Dragonfly pattern by Jon 2010
My mother was very happy with this. As you can see, I didn’t find the long hat pins I was looking for, but this worked. I can see this being used as a scarf pin, too. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the scarf I gave my mother for Mother’s Day, which was the inspiration for the pin in the first place. Oh, well, it looks good on the hat, too.
I didn’t get the cup done yet. It’s all laid out, the tatting ready to be glued down, but that’s as far as I’ve got. It should take long now, but I’m running out of time before work, so it will have to be for another day – again.
The DragonFly Symbolizes Maturity and a Depth of Character
The dragonfly, in almost every part of the world symbolizes change and change in the perspective of self realization; and the kind of change that has its source in mental and emotional maturity and the understanding of the deeper meaning of life.
The traditional association of Dragonflies with water also gives rise to this meaning to this amazing insect. The Dragonfly’s scurrying flight across water represents an act of going beyond what’s on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.
May is Celiac Awareness Month. The following information is from celiac.com.
Symptoms of Celiac Disease (as if it wasn’t bad enough by itself!)
- Abdominal cramping, intestinal gas
- Distention and bloating of the stomach
- Chronic diarrhea or constipation (or both)
- Steatorrhea – fatty stools
- Anemia – unexplained, due to folic acid, B12 or iron deficiency (or all)
- Unexplained weight loss with large appetite or weight gain
- Dental enamel defects
- Osteopenia, osteoporosis
- Bone or joint pain
- Fatigue, weakness and lack of energy
- Infertility – male/female
- Depression
- Mouth ulcers
- Delayed puberty
- Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
- Migraine headaches
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Early onset osteoporosis or osteopenia
- Vitamin K deficiency associated with risk for hemorrhaging
- Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
- Central and peripheral nervous system disorders – usually due to unsuspected nutrient deficiencies
- Pancreatic insufficiency
- Intestinal lymphomas and other GI cancers (malignancies)
- Gall bladder malfunction
- Neurological manifestations
Kitties and dragonflies
Disease (CD) is a lifelong
inherited autoimmune condition that affects both children and
reaction that
to the small intestine and does not allow
nutrients to be properly absorbed.
Damage can be present in the small intestine even when there are no symptoms. Currently, the only treatment is
strict adherence
to the gluten-free diet.
common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons
with celiac disease. These proteins are
found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro)
and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST
be eliminated.”