Blogger Mobile hates me
Diane’s Double Dare
p.s I have posted the pattern on the Pattern Page if you’re interested.
Center Bead Success
I started this one thinking I had all the right colored beads but when I went to get the seed beads the colors didn’t match the thread at all! So I’m using clear ones instead but I think they’ll work fine.
We’ll see if this goes anywhere.
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost September, but I look around and see that the sunflowers are in full bloom, some even past their prime. This is a small patch of garden variety sunflowers that I drive by every day (wild sunflowers are much smaller and branch out a lot). I had wanted to get a picture of these earlier but never thought about it when I had time and my camera. I finally had both time and camera, but you can see that some of the heads are already finished blooming. Time is getting away from me!
Things have not gotten done this week like I had hoped. I was planning to have the barefoot sandal pattern done by today but it’s not. There are several things that I haven’t figured out how to diagram yet, and it’s taking more time than I estimated it would. And I’ve had a hard time making myself sit down and do it!
Tatting Tea Tuesday
I’m drinking green tea today, iced as the weather has decided to be hot again. Not has hot as we had it earlier this summer but still in the 90’s. My tatting was done earlier today when I got together with my sister and my mother for a visit and all of us were working on projects. My mom and sister were knitting some pretty cool looking scarves and I was working on my hair piece. It was a very pleasant way to spend the morning. We’re hoping to do it more often.
Trial and Error
Another pair of Barefoot Sandles
Graduation Cross Bookmark
Graduation Cross Bookmark based on an old pattern
Something that I have been working on at home is writing up some of my patterns. This is another cross bookmark I made up a few years ago in the normal way that I come up with most patterns: I needed something for – you guessed it – a graduation gift.
I made this one with Lizbeth #115 “Springtime” size 20. It measures 3 inches long by 2 inches wide. The center has one split ring then climbs out with a false picot and another split ring, the rest is just rings and chains. If someone couldn’t do split rings it would be easy enough to make the center as a separate piece then do the outside. The basics of this cross I know is one of those patterns that most of us stumble to on our own, but I haven’t seen a center done quite like this so I’ve added it to the pattern page.
(It will be up later)
I’m hoping to have something more to show next week. So far I’ve had to un-do, re-tat, cut off, and start over several times. I’ve got the idea in my head, just having a little trouble translating it to thread.
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me…Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
Shel Silverstein
Travel Time Tatting
It was a long drive out there but well worth the trip. I enjoyed a glass of iced tea today while looking through the pictures instead of tatting on this Tatting Tea Tuesday. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow 🙂
“And after many days on the close-fed plain and bluffs of earth back we came to an interesting change. We saw a whole day’s march ahead on the plain what looked a big castle, or small mountain. But on nearing it, we saw that it was a big tower of sand-stone far detached like an island, from the bluffs back, which had now all become of that kind of rock, high and perpendicular and strangely worn into many fantastic shapes. The detached mass first seen is called the Chimney Rock a striking, landmark in this prairie sea. The upper, perhaps 100 feet of naked rock and the lower 50 a spreading pedestal, well grassed over.”
From The Autobiography of John Ball
Across the Plains to Oregon, 1832
Wedding gift done!
While waiting on the threads to arrive I practiced the patterns in Sherry’s book, learning the different techniques of branching encapsulation. As I learned them and looked forward to what was to come, I dreamed of what I wanted to do for the wedding gift. It’s amazing that my original vision for the gift resembled branching encapsulation even before I saw Sherry’s book, even if I didn’t know how I was going to accomplish it! The closest pattern in the book to what I was dreaming of were the trees at the end of the book, so I worked hard to reach the end.
I never actually made any “trees”, I practiced on “flowers” instead.
It was quite interesting working with five different shuttles. I took the advice in the book and used a ziplock baggie to keep them all from tangling. It was still quite a challenge, especially while traveling. The color order of the flowers was not quite random, but pretty close. If I had more practice time I would have made a few more leaves along the flowers and done some inter-weaving of the branches. Whatever my “woulda, shoulda, coulda” I’m happy with how it turned out. I think I’ll call this #2 in my current 25 Motif Challenge.
I added one of Jon’s dragonflies to the top of the album, using the Lime Green and some green seed beads. I made a second dragonfly in the same colors to add to the gift bag. I glued it to one of those little gripper clips you put in your hair. I could kick myself – I didn’t even think to take a picture of it! It really set off the bag, which was white and off-white with white tissue paper. The clip was added to the handle – a little bit of color peaking out.
The wedding was in Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, and as previously mentioned, about 550 miles from where we live. We rented a van so one of our daughters and her children, ages three and one, could go with us. Our daughter, who travels quite a bit with her children, has one of those travel DVD players with two screens so both of the children can watch comfortably. This is a real lifesaver if you are traveling a long distance. But I do recommend to take more than one movie with you, for the sanity of the adults on the trip. Children seem to be quite happy watching the same one over, and over, and over, and over… My daughter thought I was bringing the movies with me and I thought she was bringing the movies, so we ended up with just the one in the player – Puss In Boots. (We bought another movie in Scotts Bluff for on the way home – The Princess and the Frog.)
My grandson is a big fan of Puss in Boots.
And for those who would like to know the original story, check it out here.
“Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.”
W.L. George
Faux Tatting
My Not-So-Purple Grapes
I’m still working through Sherry’s new book, Branching Encapsulation.The next pattern to try
was the grapes. Again I just used the thread that was already on my shuttles so they aren’t grape-colored grapes, but they look like grapes 🙂
“Grapevine Edging” Sherry Pence © 2012
The pink and green are unknown colors in Lizbeth size 20 and Cebelia ecru in size 30. They make for slightly odd-looking grapes, but the idea was to learn how to do them. I only made this much of the edging but I’m pretty comfortable with the technique, even if there is room for improvement.
I’m not sure I’ll be getting the tatting done I planned on for the wedding gift. It’s fast approaching and I still haven’t even started it yet! They may get it as a belated gift. They’ll have lots to open right away, maybe they’d appreciate another one a little late? You think?
“I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance, a church filled with family and friends. I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for, he said one that would make me his wife.”