What to do with a bucket
The trouble with Angels
Doodads in the middle
Getting the kinks out
Where have they gone???
Home again
Blogger Mobile hates me
Diane’s Double Dare
p.s I have posted the pattern on the Pattern Page if you’re interested.
Center Bead Success
I started this one thinking I had all the right colored beads but when I went to get the seed beads the colors didn’t match the thread at all! So I’m using clear ones instead but I think they’ll work fine.
We’ll see if this goes anywhere.
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost September, but I look around and see that the sunflowers are in full bloom, some even past their prime. This is a small patch of garden variety sunflowers that I drive by every day (wild sunflowers are much smaller and branch out a lot). I had wanted to get a picture of these earlier but never thought about it when I had time and my camera. I finally had both time and camera, but you can see that some of the heads are already finished blooming. Time is getting away from me!
Things have not gotten done this week like I had hoped. I was planning to have the barefoot sandal pattern done by today but it’s not. There are several things that I haven’t figured out how to diagram yet, and it’s taking more time than I estimated it would. And I’ve had a hard time making myself sit down and do it!
Tatting Tea Tuesday
I’m drinking green tea today, iced as the weather has decided to be hot again. Not has hot as we had it earlier this summer but still in the 90’s. My tatting was done earlier today when I got together with my sister and my mother for a visit and all of us were working on projects. My mom and sister were knitting some pretty cool looking scarves and I was working on my hair piece. It was a very pleasant way to spend the morning. We’re hoping to do it more often.