The Shape of Hearts
The top one is one end of my “Heart’s Honor” book mark with the top redone to be a stand-alone heart. I think the top works well like this. I added a couple of rings at the top thinking I might wear it as a pendant though it’s a little larger than I would normally wear. Maybe it would be better as a pin or brooch? Beads would look really good on it. I actually like the shape of the inner heart better than I like the finished piece but it just didn’t look finished without that last round.
I haven’t tried making any one else’ heart patterns yet this year, though I’m thinking about trying Jane’s button heart. I did start on her TIAS for this year though. She posted Day 2 today but I haven’t had time to do it yet. I’ll post pictures another day.
Are you planning on making hearts for Valentine’s Day this year? Have you started yet? What is your favorite heart shape?
It’s quite a surprise to me that I have already started as I’m usually only getting started the week of February 14. And I’m not done yet!
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller
Of teapots and hearts
As the pattern seems to be workable I’m sharing that with everyone now. Check it out on the Patterns page.
Joy’s Heart © Wanda Salmans 2012
Heart and Earrings
I wouldn’t be surprised if the heart is similar to someone else’s pattern, but I came up with it without referring to a pattern. In fact, the evening I started on it I had tried one idea and pitched it before starting on the clover and the first round. At that point I thought it looked pretty ugly, too, but went to bed before starting again. The next morning when I looked at it again it was still ugly but I thought I’d try one more thing before giving up on this version. Once I put the second round on it looked a lot better! I also just realized I don’t have a picture of the heart without the charm in front of it. I guess that will be for another post.
Christmas gifts
Are you ready
Christmas, and all through the house
the season (with help from my spouse.)
the tree with great care
decorations were there
and a list in my hand
crowds to withstand
present, for each person we knew
hadn’t a clue!
street, as we shopped in the mall
sizes, for kids large and small.
there was many a shout
have this!” “You can’t live without!”
every type
and a whole lot of hype
every bit your dough
place and hard to say “No!’
crowds as we traversed the aisles
each one seeming like miles!)
with strain on our faces
to get out of these places!
the stores with sighs of relief.
short-lived, reprieve very brief.
time was now short.
as a last resort?
at the star there on top,
season made us just stop.
brightly, shining down from above
that had been given with love.
faraway place
one filled with God’s grace.
a gift to us all
and it’s not found in a mall.
wasn’t how much that was spent
or what the content.
we give gifts to each other
gift once given by Another.
gift-giving and fun
us His Son
make all things right.
and to all a good night.
Finally, Snowflakes!
A funny thing happened
Three things, actually. They say that things happen in threes, and they did!
Yesterday I made a list of what I had, put it in a box with my tatting and left for work early so I could stop at the shop on the way. A few miles down the road I realized I didn’t have the tree and had to turn around and go back home to get it. (Funny #1)
I ran in the house for the tree, then on the way out I pulled the house door shut – and the door knob came off in my hand. After some work I got it back on, kinda sorta, and left again. I called my husband to let him know that he had a little project when he got home from work. (Funny #2)
I live out in the country and take the Interstate to Wichita to work, passing through Newton on the way. Odd Balls is in a mall just south of Newton. I drive this every day. But yesterday, before I get to Newton, I hear and feel this “THUMP!” while I’m driving. No, it wasn’t a deer. It was a tumble weed, a big one, that tumbled out in front of me as I was driving 75 miles an hour. I slow down but the thing just hangs on. I have to pull over, put my flashers on and get out to pull it our of the front grill of the car. A highway patrolman just happened to see the attack and stopped over to make sure I was okay, which I was. (Funny #3)
I was just glad that was the last “funny” for the day. I had been a bit worried that my entire day at work would follow suit, but it didn’t. The evening passed quite uneventfully.
Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I had a cup of – Hot apple cider. It’s not that the weather is cold here, it just sounded good. I found these cute mugs at Dillon’s and have decided that I’m going to use them for everyday instead of just special occasions. I’m bad about saving nice or pretty things for “special occasions” and they sit in the cabinet and never get used. Not this year!
I’m trying out some new thread that Odd Balls carries. It’s a rayon thread, which is very different than cotton, about a size 12. It’s a very pretty purple shade that feels very nice to work with. The biggest problem is that it’s soft and rayon. If the stitches are tight rings do not close completely. I’ve been working with it, practicing rings and I’m getting the hang of it. I’m hoping it works out because I’ve seen some very pretty things made with this brand of thread. Any body else tried it?
I haven’t gotten any snowflakes done yet, I keep getting side-tracked! Okay, okay, Wanda, stop procrastinating and get on with it!!!
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
Francis Bacon, Sr.