Of teapots and hearts

For Tatting Tea Tuesday today I’m enjoying my very first Tea-for-One teapot.  My oldest daughter and her family gave it to me for my birthday along with a tin of Tazo Refresh Mint tea, which she knows I like. 

She’s seen that I’ve started drinking more tea in the last few years and supports it by furnishing me tea once in awhile.  This time it was with the whole teapot as well.  She is so sweet!  It’s it pretty?  (I’m going to have to have a slightly larger space to place my tea cup by my tatting chair though – it’s a bit wider than the mugs I usually use.)

Speaking of sweet, Michelle over at Tela Magistrae has recently tatted a couple of my patterns, Christmas Snowflake 2010, which is on my pattern page, and then the heart  that I posted about last week.  She likes the pattern but not the result she got due to the colors she used (it looks white on my computer).  Check it out, I think she did a great job.  Thanks, Michelle!

As the pattern seems to be workable I’m sharing that with everyone now. Check it out on the Patterns page.

Joy’s Heart © Wanda Salmans 2012

There are a couple other hearts that I have made over the last several years that I’m working on the patterns for.  I hope to have them done very soon.  
I invite you to have a cup of tea today for Tatting Tea Tuesday, it will warm your heart. 
I’m a little teapot,
Short and stout,
Here is my handle, 
Here is my spout,
When I get all steamed up, 
Hear me shout,
Tip me up and pour me out!

By George Harold Sanders and Clarence Z. Kelley

Heart and Earrings

Lizbeth Christmas Red #671 size 20
  I told my husband that he should come up with what he wanted to give his mother for Christmas this year;  he asked if I couldn’t come up with “a pin or something”.  This is the pin that I came up with. The tatted heart is a clover surrounded by two rounds of chains, then glued to a wooden heart.  I added the angel charm to the front and a pin clip to the back so it can be worn as a pin/brooch.  I just noticed in the picture that when I glued the heart down one side didn’t lay quite right.  Oh, well, too late now.  It still looks pretty nice.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the heart is similar to someone else’s pattern, but I came up with it without referring to a pattern. In fact, the evening I started on it I had tried one idea and pitched it before starting on the clover and the first round.  At that point I thought it looked pretty ugly, too, but went to bed before starting again.  The next morning when I looked at it again it was still ugly but I thought I’d try one more thing before giving up on this version.  Once I put the second round on it looked a lot better!  I also just realized I don’t have a picture of the heart without the charm in front of it.  I guess that will be for another post. 

Lizbeth Seagreen Dark #688 size 20 and pink seed beads
Both of my daughters were enthusiastic about getting earrings for Christmas.  I made both sets in the same pattern but in different colors.  The other set is in pink thread with black beads (her favorite color combination).
Lizbeth Western Sunset #102 size 20 and silver seed beads
These are my first tatting of the new year.  I made these in the car on January 1 while coming back from a visit to our daughter in Omaha.  I started with the piece on the left, just doodling.  I thought it looked too big for earrings so I made two others a little bit smaller for earrings to go with the pendant.  The pendant is somewhat small and the earrings are somewhat large (for me) but wearable.  I’m definitely going to change the bale on the pendant but it was the only one I could find at home.
Now that Christmas is over I feel the need to start on the list of tatting that I’ve put off for one reason or another.  It’s also possible that I could be giving some tatting lessons soon, so I need to figure out what I need for that. And IsDihara over at Ambitatterous  has me thinking about what techniques I might want to learn this year.  Looks like I’m already busy, busy.
Welcome to 2013!
“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” 
Denis Waitley

Christmas gifts

Merry Christmas! (a little late) and Happy New Year! (a little early)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  We did, and still are.  We had lots of family get-togethers over the last week and still have one more to go this weekend.  For all that I thought I was ready for all of them, there still seemed to be a few things I didn’t get to until the last minute.  How normal.
Every year I try to have one snowflake that is “the” snowflake of the year.  I posted about 2012’s snowflake here. I didn’t get as many of these done as I would have liked to, but that is how I feel every year.  I did get a few others done as well – mainly due to the fact that it’s hard for me to do the same thing over and over.
The red and two blue are motifs/’flakes that I came up with this year.  The green one is ‘Betsy Snowflake’ by Betsy Evans.  I saw it on A Happy Bluebird a week or so ago and just had to give it try.  I added silver seed beads to it and left out a couple of non-joining picots.  I really like how it came out.  All of them are made in Lizbeth size 20 thread.  These were also given away as gifts. 
I gave away a few tatted gifts that I had made previous to this year.  I found these while looking through a few things and they made excellent additions to what I was already giving without me having to hurry up and make anything else. 
My Sunday school class consists of three girls. One girl is very fond of purple (the butterfly), one girl loves shades of orange (the flower), and one girl loves horses, no matter the color.  The crosses went to the pastor and his wife.  All are made in Lizbeth size 20 threads, though I can’t name off the colors right now. The butterfly and flower are my patterns, the horse is a variation of Debbie Arnold’s Sea Horse and the two cross patterns can be found on my pattern page. 
I still have in mind a lot of things I wanted to make for Christmas that didn’t happen.  Maybe I’ll stay motivated and start them now so they’ll be ready for next Christmas.  It could happen. Maybe. 
“In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it ‘Christmas’ and went to church; the Jews called it ‘Hanukkah’ and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank.  People passing each other on the street would say ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Hanukkah!’ or (to the atheists) ‘Look out for the wall!'”
Dave Barry

Are you ready

For Christmas? 
A farmer in his trusty tractor bringing home the Christmas tree
Nutcrackers guarding the door
 I am, mostly.  I still have a few things I want to tat (of course!) but I’m not going to stress if they don’t get done.  I’ve got some of the cards sent and hopefully I’ll finish them tomorrow.   That’s what I was doing today instead of posting here.  In fact, I forgot to take pictures of what I have been working on so I’m sharing a couple of pictures of some of the Christmas lights we saw a couple of weeks ago.
As I don’t have any tatting to share today I’ll share the poem I wrote instead.
A Christmas Poem
Twas the week before
Christmas, and all through the house
I decked the halls for
the season (with help from my spouse.)
Ornaments were hung on
the tree with great care
Even out on the lawn
decorations were there
With gift-giving in mind
and a list in my hand
We headed to town the
crowds to withstand
To buy just the right
present, for each person we knew
Just the right gift – I
hadn’t a clue!
As we walked down the
street, as we shopped in the mall
There were toys of all
sizes, for kids large and small.
Through every speaker
there was many a shout
“Be the first to
have this!” “You can’t live without!”
For every age, and for
every type
Were gadgets and widgets
and a whole lot of hype
To convince you to spend
every bit your dough
In this place and that
place and hard to say “No!’
After suffering the
crowds as we traversed the aisles
(Of which there many,
each one seeming like miles!)
We turned to each other
with strain on our faces
And agreed with a glance
to get out of these places!
We returned home from
the stores with sighs of relief.
But relief was
short-lived, reprieve very brief.
No gifts did we have and
time was now short.
What gifts could be given
as a last resort?
We glanced at our tree,
at the star there on top,
That symbol of the
season made us just stop.
It glittered there
brightly, shining down from above
Reminding us of the gift
that had been given with love.
One night long ago, in a
faraway place
A boy-child was born,
one filled with God’s grace.
He was born to save us,
a gift to us all
A gift we should share,
and it’s not found in a mall.
We realized that it
wasn’t how much that was spent
Or how new or how snazzy
or what the content.
To celebrate this birth
we give gifts to each other
A small token of the
gift once given by Another.
So, in this season of
gift-giving and fun
Remember that God gave
us His Son
To save us from sin and
make all things right.
Blessed Christmas to all
and to all a good night.
                                                          Wanda Salmans 2012

Finally, Snowflakes!

Happy Tatting Tea Tuesday! Have you taken time out for tea and tatting today?
My tatting today was finishing off several snowflakes. Yes, I finally made a few! This pink one is my pattern for this years Christmas card snowflake.  It looks suspiciously like ones I’ve done before, though I’m not finding a picture of any exactly like it. The beads do give it a different look than it would have without them.  It measures just shy of two inches across when made with size 20 thread and a 1/2 inch center, so it’s not very big.  This pink snowflake is for one of my daughters, who happens to like pink.  I’m not sure of the Lizbeth color number though it looks pretty close to the actual color, at least on my screen.

I’ve made several of these snowflakes so far, none in white.   I’m trying to be daring this year.  The first two I made I did a little differently than I made this one.  This one is done strictly with one shuttle and ball and no fancy techniques.  The ‘rings’ on the outside are chains that are joined in the same place they started.  On the first two I did I made them as self closing mock rings.  I had to work a little harder to have the SCMRs close prettily, and I didn’t like the look of the back of the ‘flake.  I had pictures I was going to post of the backs done both ways but I forgot to upload it and it’s too late now (I don’t have access to them at the moment.)

I have done a couple of other snowflakes, too.  This pattern is from several years ago (as seen here and here – it’s hard to believe it’s been that long!) but this time I added beads. It’s a little hard to tell from the picture but the beads are a clear crystal. They really sparkle pretty on the Christmas tree.  I tried (and tried!) to get pictures of them on the tree, but none of those came out.  I had a hard time finding a good background that didn’t make the red look washed out or orange.  

We’re keeping Christmas simple this year, so other than getting several tatted things done I’m pretty much ready.  Okay, I haven’t gotten out the Christmas cards yet.   There’s still time, really!
“For disappearing acts, it’s hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work.”
Doug Larson

A funny thing happened

On the way to the yarn shop.
Three things, actually.  They say that things happen in threes, and they did!
The owner of  Odd Balls Yarn Shop, a local store, asked if I would be interested in selling some of my tatting at the store on consignment.  I thought this could be fun.  For the last week or so, between doing a few other things, I’ve been getting ready earrings, stitch markers and wine glass charms to take over, as well as some way to display them.  Tracie Anderson, the owner, suggested the small Christmas tree I used at the craft show and she would have it on the counter by the register.  Great!

Yesterday I made a list of what I had, put it in a box with my tatting and left for work early so I could stop at the shop on the way.  A few miles down the road I realized I didn’t have the tree and had to turn around and go back home to get it. (Funny #1)

I ran in the house for the tree, then on the way out I pulled the house door shut – and the door knob came off in my hand.  After some work I got it back on, kinda sorta, and left again. I called my husband to let him know that he had a little project when he got home from work. (Funny #2)

I live out in the country and take the Interstate to Wichita to work, passing through Newton on the way.  Odd Balls is in a mall just south of Newton. I drive this every day.  But yesterday, before I get to Newton, I hear and feel this “THUMP!” while I’m driving. No, it wasn’t a deer.  It was a tumble weed, a big one, that tumbled out in front of me as I was driving 75 miles an hour.  I slow down but the thing just hangs on.  I have to pull over, put my flashers on and get out to pull it our of the front grill of the car.  A highway patrolman just happened to see the attack and stopped over to make sure I was okay, which I was.  (Funny #3)

I was just glad that was the last “funny” for the day.  I had been a bit worried that my entire day at work would follow suit, but it didn’t. The evening passed quite uneventfully.

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I had a cup of – Hot apple cider.  It’s not that the weather is cold here, it just sounded good.  I found these cute mugs at Dillon’s and have decided that I’m going to use them for everyday instead of just special occasions. I’m bad about saving nice or pretty things for “special occasions” and they sit in the cabinet and never get used.  Not this year!

I’m trying out some new thread that Odd Balls carries.  It’s a rayon thread, which is very different than cotton, about a size 12.  It’s a very pretty purple shade that feels very nice to work with.  The biggest problem is that it’s soft and rayon.  If the stitches are tight rings do not close completely.  I’ve been working with it, practicing rings and I’m getting the hang of it.  I’m hoping it works out because I’ve seen some very pretty things made with this brand of thread.  Any body else tried it?

I haven’t gotten any snowflakes done yet, I keep getting side-tracked!  Okay, okay, Wanda,  stop procrastinating and get on with it!!!

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”
Francis Bacon, Sr.

Birthday gift

I made this cross bookmark for one of my Sunday School students who’s birthday was this week.  I had planned on making it several weeks ago but that was while I was getting ready for the craft show, so it got put off.  Then there was the week before Thanksgiving trying to get some neglected cleaning done before our daughter’s family arrived for the weekend.  Then there was Thanksgiving and all the get-togethers and dinners.  Sunday morning arrived and it wasn’t done yet!
Luckily I woke early, even before the grandchildren, and was able to get started on it.  I kept making mistakes on stitch counts and joins, and then the kids got up.  Just a few more distractions while I hurried to finish it before church.  Amazingly, I did it.
This is made with Lizbeth size 20 in #641 Lilac Dark for the rings and #633 Dark Purple for the chains.  The pictures, at least on my computer, come out looking like shades of blue, but trust me, they’re purple! I’m pretty sure she’ll like it as purple is her favorite color.  
I say pretty sure because after all that hurrying to get it done, her family was out of town for the holidays so she hasn’t seen it yet. Oh, well, it’s done.  Much better to have it done and her not there that the other way around!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with several dinners and lots of family. We don’t see much of some of the families that much anymore, which is sad.  Fortunately we still try to get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas and most are able to make one or the other, and if we are lucky, both.  Hopefully some that couldn’t make it for Thanksgiving will be able to come for Christmas.
Now things have settled down a bit, at least for a few days, and I can think what I still need to make and do for Christmas.  Unlike Diane I haven’t been getting any snowflakes made.  She has made some beautiful ones this year.  I need to get motivated and make some myself.
“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! May we all take a few minutes out of our day of family, food and football to remember what we are thankful for.

“Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude.”

E.P. Powell

A little ingenuity

The craft show was last Saturday.  We didn’t do too bad, though not as good as we’d hoped.  but all in all it was a fun day.
I did run into a few issues.  I’ve done craft shows before but I wasn’t selling jewelry or anything attached to a card like I was this year.  There it was, Friday night, we’ve set up the tables and other displays in the show hall but not our sale items – we planned to put those out Saturday morning – when I realized I hadn’t planned on how to display the earrings and wine glass charms.  I had spent time attaching them to cards but hadn’t given a thought to what I was going to do with them after they were attached!
I start wandering around the house trying to think of what I had to hang them on, my mind a blank.  It was getting late and I was tired and getting a little frustrated.  I thought of putting several strands of wire in a picture frame but I would still have to prop or hold up the frame and that was the problem.  I figured I could lay out a few on the tables here and there but that wouldn’t do for all of them.  
Then I had an idea.  Do you see it?  Can you guess what it is? (I know, the picture is pretty blurry)
Does this help you see my wire cooling rack?  And an ankle weight.
I found a wire display stand, like you would use to display a book or plate on a table top, but putting anything on it tall enough to display the earrings made it topple over.  So an ankle weight around the legs and covered with a piece of cloth, then the rack wired to the front legs of the stand.  A little garland around the top, and I had an earring display stand. 
Then I had another idea. 
There on the left back – it’s a spool tree, to hold spools of thread.  I only used two sides but it did lift a few earrings up so they could be seen. 
My sister and I are talking about trying another show, maybe in the spring.  If/when we do, I’ll have taken the time to come up with a little better display idea.  But they worked for this time.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein

Variations on a charm

I have continued making charms for the craft show coming up this weekend, but I’ve also been making a few earrings.  These earrings are just a little more elaborate than the wine glass charms, but still just chains around a doodad.  With beads.  

The colors are not showing up true to life.  The four on the left are Christmas Red, Lizbeth # 671, the center two are Navy Blue, Lizbeth # 654 and the four on the right are Burgundy, Lizbeth # 672.  They are all in size 20. 
As most people seem to like silver jewelry instead of gold right now I’ve been doing most of the charms and  earrings in silver.  I have made a few things with gold centers and beads because they just look so good in them.
I’ve not been checking out too many blogs the last week or so.  I just get sucked in and go from one to another and totally loose track of time.  And I’m a bit short on time right now!  I’ve tatted a lot of the charms, now I need to put the rings on them.  And do some more earrings.  And a few other things I’m wanting to get done for the show.  Then there are a few things I can’t not do, like cook once in a while, do a little laundry, that type of thing.  The good news is I’ve taken this week off from work to get some crafting done.  I’m not sure just how much I’ll actually get done, but certainly more than if I was having to go to work. 
After the craft show is over I’ll be concentrating on getting things done for Christmas.  And  cleaning my house, which has been very much neglected.  I have thread, beads and other miscellaneous crafty things all over the place – imagine that!
“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” C.S. Lewis