Are You Ready?
Bedside tatting
Decorated Ball Ornaments
Two Snowmen
Dressing up for the neighbors
Happy about the bookmarks!
Special Order
I had most of my bookmarks on a board for display at the craft show a few weeks ago. A lady looked them over and requested two of the same pattern, one in Oklahoma State colors and one in Bethel College colors. She wasn’t in a big rush but would like them before Christmas. I said “sure, no problem!”
Bethel College is a local college whose colors are maroon and grey. I’m thinking that shouldn’t be much of a problem. I didn’t have a clue what the colors are for Oklahoma State University until the buyer told me but I didn’t think it should be that hard to find them. For Bethel I planned on going to the school store and checking out the colors; for OSU I thought I’d check on-line or maybe a sports store.
On-line I found that OSU’s colors are orange, light orange, silver and black. No, that’s OSU orange, OSU light orange, OSU silver and black. On their website they tell you specifically the colors and how to achieve them when printing. Oh. My.
The Burgundy turned out to be the closest of the colors. The hat is from the school store so it must be the accepted color, right? The spool of thread is the maroon I found at the store, regular sewing thread, and the ball is the Burgundy. It is still a little bright but as close as I’m going to find any time soon I think. I have started the bookmark in Burgundy and silver – okay, it should be grey but I think it will work.
I took a special order without asking enough questions and agreed without knowing enough! And now I’m worried that I should have done the bookmarks in one color instead of two – the one at the show was one color. I guess I should call the buyer and ask. Or maybe make one of each in two colors and one of each in a single color and let the buyer choose????
I sure hope they like them!
“The most successful people are those who are good at Plan B.”
James Yorke
I am not affiliated with either OSU or Bethel, I was given no compensation for mentioning them or linking to them.
watching TV. Sometimes there was a plan when I started tatting, other times the shuttle went where it wanted. Some started out going one way but took off on a tangent and ended up differently than planned (the one with four points, lower left corner, as an example). There are some that are not, strictly speaking, snowflakes, as they do not have six points, but done in white and hanging from a tree they give the impression of snowflakes. Or at least look pretty.