Thoughts on edgings
I used to work a lot with DMC Cebelia thread because I could get it in quite a few colors and sizes, though I still had a tendency to work in only one color at a time or only in ecru. Recently I’ve been working almost exclusively in Lizbeth as there are so many colors and sizes available. I’m trying to use more colors in my projects, like the edgings I’m working on. I admire those of you that work in so many colors at the same time. The tat-a-long doilies like Renulek’s Wionsa 2015 that I’ve seen lately are good examples (Fox’s and Diane’s are great examples) of using lots of color.
I have added this pattern to my Patterns tab. I’m not exactly happy with how I diagrammed it but the way I usually do the count just wasn’t working with this pattern.
Now, on to the next edging. What color will it be?
“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.”
Allen Klein
Where’s that pattern?
Martha Doily
So I took a break from edgings and tried Martha in two colors.
Martha Doily © Wanda Salmans 2010
This one is made with Lizbeth #658 Ocean Turquoise Light and #657 Ocean Turquoise Dark, both in size 20. It is seven inches across from point to point. The original was made in DMC size 30 ecru and ended up being six inches across from point to point.
Martha Doily © Wanda Salmans 2010
Here’s a comparison of the two doilies side-by-side.
Does anyone see the mistake in the ecru doily? Obviously the judges at the county fair in 2010 didn’t see it, either, because it won a blue ribbon that year. I only found it now because I was going through it trying to jot down the stitch counts to write out the pattern. I had to laugh about it – I’d never seen it myself. An obvious but very well hidden oopsie.
When I made the original doily it was in July and very hot. This second one was done in February with cold temperatures though very little snow here. If we lived just a few miles west we would have had a lot more snow. Today is mild with temperatures in the 30s and low 40s F but the forecast is for much colder weather and snow. Quite the contrast, just like the doilies.
“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy.”
Anton Chekhov
Queen’s Crown Edging
I thought drawing out the pattern would be harder than it turned out. It was a little more difficult writing out the directions than drawing it. At least I think so. Most of it isn’t that hard but there is a lot of switching shuttles involved. The one tricky part is a picot that is on a turn where you change directions and shuttles at the same time. It seems to work best with a lock stitch, and it comes out looking like the other side where there is a join to an existing picot.
Test tatting my pattern I used two shades of blue, Lizbeth #658 Ocean Turquoise Light and #657 Ocean Turquoise Dark (I think, I lost the label) in size 20.
Valentine’s Day
What to do with leftovers
Catching up on the TIAS
Purple passion
Last fall when she saw my dragonfly earrings she expressed a desire to have some, so I decided to make them in purple for her. But this was getting late in the fall and I was busy making things both for the craft show and for Christmas so I didn’t get to them right away. In fact, I just recently realized I hadn’t done them yet. Then I had trouble – the dragonflies gave me all kinds of grief. I finally just did something a little different and things went much better.
I hope all of you that have been effected by Storm Juno are doing okay. It sounds like a few places got hit very hard, while others were a little more fortunate. Dealing with that much snow is not a good thing at all. Over here in Kansas we are basking in 70º F temps, literally 30º warmer than is normal for this time of year. Love the temperature but could use some of that moisture the east coast is getting. But not all at once.
Thanks to all of you for your sympathy and suggestions on my mouse problems. We’re still fighting them (of course) but I’m hoping we are making progress with getting rid of them. We’ve had several dead ones, if that is any indication of success. I’m getting pretty passionate about getting them gone!
I’d like to be able to forget about them and get back to my passion of tatting.
“It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind.”
T.S. Eliot