Apples for Auction
Can you believe I forgot to take pictures of our prizes until after I had it wrapped??? So this is the best picture I have. I also found some decorative green apples at the Dollar Store. I spray painted them red, which turned out great as they looked more real this way. I added them to the basket, too.
I didn’t get a picture of the book by itself, I was trying to get an interesting picture of the bookmark.
Apple Bookmark © Wanda Salmans 2015
I was very happy with the basket we came up with. The auction was last week but I have no idea who won our basket or how much it went for. It doesn’t really matter – whatever it went for and whoever got it – it was all for a good cause. I’m hoping that the winner is enjoying all their apples.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
George Bernard Shaw
Tatting Class
Mail from Fox and Others
I’m still trying to decide how to make the lining/insides of the bag though I haven’t spent a lot of time on it. Besides, letting ideas percolate for awhile helps me come up with solutions that usually work pretty well. Putting it on a back burner for a little bit doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about it.
I’m busy making things for a craft show right now. I just bought some beautiful material at Jo-Ann’s that I want to make into runners for the show, which will need edgings, and I need to work on gifts for Christmas. Of course I don’t have the right colors or enough of the right colors for what I want to do so I had to place an order for thread which meant more mail!
Don’t you just love getting packages in the mail?
“What a wonderful thing is the mail, capable of conveying across continents a warm human hand-clasp.”
Author Unknown
Two Crosses
Tatted Bag Trial and Error
I’ve been to the fair
TARDIS Bookmark
Autumn Pumpkin
It’s not what it looks like
Groucho Marx