Shortly after I posted this we went out for lunch. We met a nice lady in another booth that recognized that I was tatting and had a nice visit. Before she left I gave her a button and my card.
Do you think I’ll have any left for ITD?
It has been quite a week. Besides the program issue we’ve had some trouble with the Internet so I had trouble posting. We’ve also had a lot of things happening at the house getting ready for a bit of remodeling.
There has been some other distractions as well. You may have heard about the shooting at Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas. Hesston is just down the road from us. It was quite a shock to have something like this hit so close to home. I don’t personally know any of the people that were shot but people I know do. In such a small community, something like this effects everyone.
It’s wonderful how the entire county has joined together to get through this ordeal and help those who need it.
Sherry takes a cautious approach to tatting. She doesn’t like taking out mistakes so doesn’t work very fast but she’s making progress. She’s working on a heart that she would like to frame.
Becky is a lot more bold and not afraid to make mistakes. Since last month she tatted four hearts, framed them and gave them away for Valentine’s day. She didn’t yet have a pattern that called for it but she wanted to learn how to make split rings. She was doing it quite well with them by the time she left.