Sometimes you get lucky

I took some vacation days recently, not because we were taking a trip or anything but just to have some days off.  I had all kinds of plans on what I was going to do, work on and get done.  Yes, I had plans.

What’s that line – “the best laid plans of mice and men”?   Like usual, most of my plans didn’t work out, though some did in a modified way.

The first day I had off I worked on a few miscellaneous things.   I worked on the blog, fixing things that didn’t import correctly.  There are a lot of posts to go through, many still to go.  I went through a few boxes of items that need to find homes in my new kitchen.  Laundry was washed and folded.  Not a total loss of the day but less done than hoped.

In the evening I was ready to sit down, watch TV, and tat.  Unfortunately, I was not in the middle of any projects that I could do and watch TV at the same time.  I needed a new project but of course I couldn’t remember any of the several I’d been thinking of.  To give myself some ideas I went through my craft room, picking out random items to ignite my imagination – or at least some enthusiasm.  I spread them across the table to analyze for tatting inspiration.

4 inch round cotton doily - project inspiration

Hmm,  a round doily center.  I’d purchased this quite some time ago but never was moved to make an edging for it.  That day I was inspired by it.  A review of several thread colors led to using Lizbeth size 20 in #159 Easter Eggs.   I gave a little bit of thought to what I was going to tat and started, attaching to the doily as I went.  I did not count the holes to determine the outcome at the finish, I just started.

"Harper" tatted edging 2016 found on wandasknottythoughts
“Harper” tatted edging © 2016 Wanda Salmans

Sometimes you just get lucky.  I didn’t have to adjust where I attached to the doily by one hole.

"Harper"  tatted edging in Lizbeth size 20 in Easter Eggs #159 © Wanda Salmans on wandasknottythoughts
“Harper” tatted edging in Lizbeth size 20 in Easter Eggs #159

I’ve made a lot of edgings for runners but rarely for anything else.  I had never attached to a doily or runner in this manner, joining to it as I went.  Normally I make the edging, make the runner to the same width, and attach to it as the last step.  I can’t believe it worked so well!

Though I didn’t plan it as a challenge that is absolutely what it was.  I’m calling this #13 in my current 25 Motif Challenge.  Even if it’s not actually a motif.

I’m delighted how this edging came out and overjoyed at the finished doily.  Sometimes you just get lucky.

“Give luck a chance to happen.” Tom Kite                              


Tatting Tea Tuesday in May

A few weeks ago my tatting group got together at Sherry’s house.  She surprised us with tea and brownies served on a beautiful tea set.

Tea on Tuesday on

Everything had butterflies – the teapot, teacups, and napkins.  Even the napkin holder was a butterfly.

Butterfly tea  in May on

I don’t remember the flavor of tea she had found but it was delicious!  The brownie bites were even gluten free so I could have some, too.

She amazed us with her thoughtfulness.

After sipping tea and nibbling brownies we got down to tatting.  Carla was able to come, so there were four of us.  Carla was worried about being too far behind but she remembered much more than she thought she would.  Becky worked on her napkin edging and Sherry her heart.

Tuesday Tatters in May on

I brought several books with snowflake patterns to look through.  Becky is thinking about trying a few.  I also brought a sampling of LIzbeth thread.  We are talking of making an order together.  Not that I need anymore thread, but they could twist my arm.

We have still not officially come up with a name for our group.  At the moment it has defaulted to ‘Tuesday Tatters’ as that is how several of us put our meetings on our calendars.  We usually meet on Tuesdays but we’ve been known to meet on other days, just not as often.

We all had a lot of fun at Sherry’s house.  The June meeting is at my house.  On Tuesday.

“Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy things.”

Chaim Potok,


Please pardon the mess

Excuse the mess of my new blog


I took the plunge – I changed from a Blogger hosted blog to hosting my own with WordPress and Bluehost.  This change is an interesting experience.  Difficulties started soon after I began the move though most were resolved with help from a friend.  The solution to one problem will take a bit longer.  Everything made the move from Blogger to WordPress except the pictures and Patterns page.  I’m going to have to add the pictures back one by one and start over on the patterns page.

It could take a couple of days – or more :-).  If you don’t find something you’re looking for on your next visit come back later, it will show up eventually.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”    Seneca

Under construction

I’m doing some work on my blog and I’ve seem to have lost my Patterns Page.
Fear not, it will return.
As soon as I figure out what I did with it.
“I put my heart and soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.”
Vincent Van Gogh

Putting on cuffs

No, I didn’t get arrested.
I put tatted buttons on denim with a little lace and made cuffs for my daughters for Mother’s Day.
Tatted buttons on 2 denim cuffs in purples and blues @ wandasknottythoughts

My original idea for my daughters did not work out, so I scrapped it and looked for something else.  While on Pinterest, where I spend way too much time, I came across decorated material cuffs.  They sparked an idea that had a chance to get done in the time left before Mother’s Day.

I started with a known favorite color – purple – and tatted the buttons.  These could be done in the car going back and forth to work as the passenger.  The easy part.
At home I found an old pair of jeans to cut up for the base.  At first it was going to be one piece of denim for each cuff.  It didn’t take long to decide there needed to be a backing to cover up all my stitching and keep the back pretty.  I collected odds and ends of lace, ribbons, and buttons to play with, laying them out on the denim with the buttons in different ways.
Tatted buttons on a denim cuff in purples @ wandasknottythoughts
I had recently purchased some leftover pieces of lace material from a local second hand shop which made a nice base for the other decorations.  It didn’t take long to notice the buttons could be flowers.  And what are flowers without leaves?  A few leaves of green material – didn’t quite look right.  They were very plain and boring.  A few simple stitches with embroidery floss helped them look much more like leaves.
It took longer than expected to put the first one together.  Mostly because I couldn’t make up my mind how to place things or what, exactly, I wanted.  But, at last, the first one was done.
Tatted buttons on a denim cuff in blues @ wandasknottythoughts
The second one didn’t take as long.  Other than changing the thread colors to blues on the buttons it was pretty much the same.  Except – the green material used for the leaves didn’t look as good with the blues.  I had to find a different shade of green material and thread for them.  I also added silver beads as I stitched everything down.
My sewing machine is not accessible at the moment so I stitched the ends down by hand.  Which would have looked much better in something other than white, especially I as I can’t sew straight.  I purposely left the sides frayed-looking but it won’t fray far.  The two layers of denim are glued together.
Tatted buttons on denim cuff in purples, worn @ wandasknottythoughts
The cuffs are finished off with a button on each end and an elastic hair band in the same color as the flower buttons.  They are easy to put on.
I gave the cuffs to my daughters the week after Mother’s Day.  One was completed on time but not the other.  Gotta be fair, right?
I’m thinking about making one for myself.  Will I continue with flowers or try something else?
I would hate to be cuffed to only one idea.
Okay, I’m done now.
“Don’t let your habits become handcuffs.”
Elizabeth Berg

No tatting, just the new kitchen

 No tatting today.  Thought I’d share the improvements to my kitchen.
Kitchen sink wandasknottythoughts

 The sink is now in the island.  I love it this way.

There are also cabinets in the corners, which we didn’t have before.
New kitchen floor wandasknottythoughts
The floor is concrete with hardwood on top.
Kitchen stove wandasknottythoughts
 We bought a new stove and microwave.
New kitchen cabinets wandasknottythoughts
 I have a lot more cabinets than I had before.
My goal is to keep the counters clear.
Kitchen counter lights wandasknottythoughts
 We put lights under the top cabinets.  It’s great!
Kitchen prior to remodel
This is what the kitchen looked like as we started emptying all the cabinets before the remodel.
The main reason we did the remodel was the cracks in the kitchen floor.  We had put duck tape over all the breaks for years.  So great to have a new floor!
We are still in the process of putting things back in the cabinets.  The kitchen is now bigger and I have a lot more cabinet space.  Now comes the decision making of where the best places are to put everything.  My hope is that the best place for some things is a second hand store.  I’m sure I don’t need everything I took out.
I really love my new kitchen!
“Kitchens are made for bringing families together”

Medallion Cross Bookmark Pattern

Tatted Medallion Cross Bookmark, found on
Medallion Cross Bookmark
© Wanda Salmans 2016
Finally!  I think it’s ready!
Medallion Cross Bookmark, tatted, found on
The pattern is on My Patterns tab.
This sample is made in Lizbeth #657 Ocean Turquoise Dark in size 20.
5/26/15 – the patterns page is not up yet on this site.  Coming soon. 
I hope there isn’t any trouble getting to it.  The hosting site changed a few things and I had a little trouble.
Now on to other things.
“Being the first to cross the finish line makes you a winner in only one phase of life.  Its what you do after you cross the finish line that really counts.”
Ralph Boston

Medallion cross once more

Tatted Medallion Cross Bookmark on
Medallion Cross Bookmark © Wanda Salmans
I seem to have a lot of these crosses now, all just a little different from each other.  I keep trying different stitch counts, looking for just the right pattern.
This cross is in Lizbeth Twirlz #404 Mermaid Lagoon.  I’m not all that excited about how it looks in this thread.  I also had an awful time taking a good picture of it.  This is the best of the lot.  Can you tell that is a piece of white printer paper behind it?
I think I finally have the pattern done to my satisfaction.  I still need to tat one with this stitch count to go on the pattern page.  I started one, then I lost it under my seat in the car.  Up until then I thought I’d have it done today, but that was the end of working on it while we were driving.  I lost a bit of tatting time so it won’t be finished as soon as I’d hoped.
Due to a couple of rainy days my kitchen didn’t get finished until Tuesday, but the construction is done! *happy dance* What this means is I now have to put things away.  I have lots of cabinet and drawer space and I have no idea where I want a lot of things.  We just started putting items in cabinets where we (I) think is a good idea, at least at the moment.  If they don’t work there I guess we’ll rearrange.   Pictures will be coming as soon as I get a chance to download them to the computer.
Through all of this mess and muddle I’ve been tatting small things like this cross.  Now I need to move on to other things.  Not sure if I can call them bigger and better, but different anyway.
“See any detour as an opportunity to experience new things.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Lace in the dust

In an earlier post I mentioned we are remodeling our kitchen.  As you can imagine, it is a dusty process. There is dust everywhere! It gets into everything!
A couple of days ago I was looking for something in a drawer in the living room and found something unexpected.  I wasn’t even sure what it was at first glance because I couldn’t think of anything I had that looked like it.
This is a glasses case.  There was a hanky with a tatted edging laying across it in the drawer.  The dust infiltrated the drawer and left a lovely pattern in dust on the case.  It’s amazing how disappointed I am that I messed up the pattern when I picked up the case.
Dusty tatted lace - dust left an impression on a glass case. The tatted edging of a hanky echoed in the dust.
The good news is that the kitchen is almost done.  We can actually start cleaning up some of the dust, as most of that work is about over.  The contractor is putting the finishing touches on.  I may have my kitchen done by the weekend!  The background in the picture is my new kitchen counter.  Isn’t it pretty?
I’ve been working on the pattern for the Medallion Cross bookmark.  I want to review it a bit before I post it but I’m hoping to have it ready in a couple of days.
“An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.”
William Bernbach

Eenie, meenie, meinie, moe

Two tatted Medallion Cross Bookmarks on
Medallion Cross Bookmarks © Wanda Salmans 2016
in Lizbeth #122 Caribbean size 20
I shared this bookmark a few weeks ago.
Original tatted Medallion Cross Bookmark on
Medallion Cross Bookmark © Wanda Salmans 2016
This is how I made it originally.  Well, not quite, but almost. After looking at this picture I thought there must be a way to make the medallion center look a little better. For the last several weeks I’ve thought about it and tried a couple of different things.
Tatted Medallion Cross Bookmark version 2 on
Medallion Cross Bookmark v2© Wanda Salmans 2016
This version has several changes.  In this one the chains are joined at the arms to make it a bit less likely to twist.  The long, bottom arm is also made with one ring at the top of it instead of two.  The picot count has been reduced making it less frilly.  It came out pretty well, but is it the way to leave it?  Maybe the long arm should be a bit thinner?
Tatted Medallion Cross Bookmark version 3 on

 Medallion Cross Bookmark v3© Wanda Salmans 2016

Version three is the same as v2 except for the long arm.  It was made a bit skinnier by making the ring and joins between the sides a little different.  Not bad, but good enough? Is this the way to leave it and write the pattern?
The chains are joined at the arms where they weren’t before and now both of these versions cup slightly.  In a book they would probably soon loose the cup and wouldn’t be noticed, but it’s not pleasing.  Looking at the picture of the original it’s obvious that the way the chains were modified changes the look of the medallion more than planned. Maybe the chain stitch count needs to be altered back to how it was.
Hmm.  What do you think?
Which version should make it to the pattern page?
“Eenie, meenie, meinie, moe
Catch a tatter by the toe
If she hollers make her tat
Rings and chains to make a mat
My mother told me to pick the very best one
and you are not it!”
Children’s choosing game –
modified 🙂