Denim and tatting

Back in May I made a couple of denim wrist cuffs for my daughters for Mother’s Day.  I was so delighted by how they came out that I decided to make one for myself.

Of course, it had to be a little different.  Instead of tatting around buttons I edged a small piece of material instead.  I planned the material to be white with white tatting.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t find my white thread.  (Can you believe I couldn’t find white thread???)  My solution was using Lizbeth #602 Natural in size 20, sewed to a corner of an old tea towel, then stained in coffee.  The lace bits I had were different shades of white/off white which worked well with the material piece.

Denum cuff with tatting, lace, and buttons on wandasknottythoughts
Denim cuff with buttons and tatting

I have a jar of old buttons that I sorted through to find accents for the cuff.  I tried newer buttons as well, trying to find just the right ones for the look I was after.  It’s amazing how hard it is to find just the right buttons and just the right places to put them.  I also added randomly placed seed beads over the whole thing.

You might notice that the ends don’t have the obvious stitching like my daughter’s had.  I used invisible thread this time.  It gives a nicer, finished look to the cuff, but it’s a lot harder to use than regular thread.  Instead of using a hair band for the closure I braided thread to make the loop.

Wearing the denum cuff with tatting, lace, and buttons on wandasknottythoughts
Wearing my denim cuff

I’m tickled pink at how it came out. I probably won’t wear it much until the weather cools off, but I’m already planning what I’ll wear it with this fall.

I’m still working on my clunies, but also a few other techniques that I don’t use often, like split chains.  I’ve done split chains before though only rarely.  I had to go on-line and refresh my memory.  I have a very strange-looking piece of tatting where I practiced this over and over.  Maybe, maybe, I have this down a little better.

My biggest concern right now is not what I need to know at Tat Days but what tatting should I take with me to do on the plane?  Something not too complicated, without beads, and easy to put down and pick up.   Hmmm.

What do you take with you to do when you fly?

“Denim has always been an everyday symbol for style” Ritu Kumar

Practice and the fair

Tatted earrings based on Lanyard pattern on wandasknottythoughts
Earrings based on Lanyard pattern

I have been enjoying the Lanyard pattern so much I tried making earrings with it. I know there are other earring patterns that are very similar to this but I made these the same as the ends on the lanyard.  Each of these have a couple of mistakes but I will wear them any way.  The next pair will be better.  Unlike with the bigger beads and bigger thread I had to use a floss threader to get the beads on the picots.  It takes so much longer than using a crochet hook!  These were made with Lizbeth #646 Purple Iris Lt in size 20, which is a very similar color to the DMC I used for the lanyard and the bracelet.

Speaking of which, I entered the bracelet in the county fair.

Tatted bracelet made with Lanyard 2016 pattern on wandasknottythoughts
Bracelet made with Lanyard 2016 pattern

My bracelet was the only entry in its class.  It’s great to see a blue ribbon on it as they do not have to give ribbons or top place to any entries even if they have no competition.

Doily with 'Harper' tatted edging at the fair on wandasknottythoughts
Doily with ‘Harper’ tatted edging at the fair

Doilies have to be mounted on cardboard to enter the fair.  My ‘Harper’ Edging looks good on the black background, doesn’t it?   It, too, was the only item in its class.  I’m glad I decided to enter both bracelet and doily so they don’t eliminate the classes.

Now I’m back to practicing cluny tatting.  I am taking one of Mimi Dillman’s classes at Tat Days in September and need to be a bit more comfortable with them.  I’m not trying to be perfect yet, just able to do them well enough that I can understand and learn any tips she teaches in the class.  Then I’ll practice what I learned 🙂

“To practice any art, no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.” Kurt Vonnegut

Lanyard 2016 Pattern as a Bracelet

When I made the lanyard a few weeks ago I was too impatient to add beads, as well as tatting it in the car.  I had thought beads would be nice if I would make the effort.  Sandra (Crazy Mom) commented it would look good with beads, too. I happened to stop in at Hobby Lobby last week and found some pretty beads.  I was trying to think what I could use them for when my husband told me to just get them.  He’s a wonderful enabler!  When I got home and saw the lanyard I realized that the purple thread would work well with the beads.

I noticed right away that the picots would have to be longer to accommodate the 6/0 beads.  Which also meant that the stitch count would need to be adjusted also.  I actually did a little planning before I started, so the beads would end up where I wanted them.  Putting two beads on the top picot it changes the look of the pattern, too, from concentric rings to leaves.  It came out well.

Tatted bracelet based on the Lanyard 2016 pattern
Tatted bracelet based on the Lanyard 2016 pattern

Before starting I went hunting through my stash of findings for the ends.  Because I was looking for gold findings all I located were silver or antique bronze findings.  This was frustrating as I didn’t want to add them after, I wanted to incorporate them from the beginning.  Luckily, the local Wal-Mart carried gold lobster claws.  Finally I could get started!

Tatted bracelet with beads
Tatted bracelet with beads

I added a little extra piece on one end.  This helps to keep the bracelet closure on the bottom of the wrist instead of moving to the top.  Don’t you just hate it when your bracelet shows off the closure instead of the pretty parts?

Tatted bracelet with clasp assist
Tatted bracelet with clasp assist

This little piece helps when you put the bracelet on by yourself, too.  Hang on to this little dangle and it will hold the end in place while you clip it with the lobster claw.  I can put it on by myself without fighting with it!

The bracelet was made with DMC Cebelia Lavender size 10 thread and Bead Treasures 6/0 glass beads Metallic Turquoise.

The county fair is coming up soon. I’m debating if I should enter something, and, if so, what.  It is fun entering items in the fair but you have to enter them in a certain time frame and pick them up at a certain time.  I need to check my schedule.

“Let’s do what we love and do a lot of it.”    Marc Jacobs

Lanyard 2016

I’ve had several people ask how I made the Lanyard from last week.
Tat Days Lanyard
Tat Days Lanyard

I hadn’t planned on writing it out but changed my mind.  This is my version of a simple idea that tats up quickly.

Lanyard, Wanda's version
Lanyard, Wanda’s version

I’ve added the drawing with text to my Patterns page.

It has been a busy week.  We’ve had a lot going on around the house as well as putting in a lot of overtime at work.  The only tatting I’ve done is not worth sharing; it’s not pretty.  I’ve been practicing cluny tatting.  One of the classes I’m taking at Tat Days in September is a cluny pattern.  Yes, I’ve made them before but only enough to say I know how to do them.  Now I would like them to look good as well.  I can’t say they look good yet but it doesn’t take me as long now to make them.

I have a lot of ideas of things I would like to tat.  Now I’m trying to make the time to do them.  Hopefully when I have the energy to do them and not just think about them.

“A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s: She changes it more often.”

Oliver Herford


I sent a card to my mother the other day just to let her know I was thinking of her.  I found this lovely card that expressed what I wanted to say beautifully.  When I send cards I like to personalize them with a bit of tatting.  My mother is very fond of dragonflies, so it seemed the perfect touch to add one.
Dragonfly tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Easter Eggs on wandasknottythoughts
Dragonfly tatted in Lizbeth size 20 Easter Eggs

I tried to remember where I had seen the dragonfly pattern I was thinking of.  Jane Eborall has an awesome pattern for one but it takes a lot of beads, which is no surprise.  Also no surprise I’m not wanting to use that many beads.  As I couldn’t remember where to find the pattern and didn’t have time to surf the ‘net for it, I doodled a bit and came up with a reasonable dragonfly.

Over a week after I sent the card I saw that Michelle, over at Tela Magistrae, had made dragonfly earrings. The pattern was pretty much what I was looking for.  Eliz Davis commented they looked like a pattern from Jon Yusoff.  Sure enough, that’s the pattern I was looking for.  I think it will be easier than the one I made.  Michelle’s earrings turned out so well!  I think I’ll be making a pair for my mother.  And maybe me, too.

Instead of tatting much this weekend my husband and I spent it with family.  We went to our oldest daughter’s house to spend the day Saturday.  Our daughter and family from Nebraska were able to come down, too.  We have tried to have a longer vacation together like we have done the last several years, but we just couldn’t get the timing to work.  We had a great day visiting, doing things together, and watching the kids play together.  Sunday we had all of them over to our house along with other family and a few friends.  It was a great weekend.

With the busy weekend I’m behind on reading all the tatting blogs I like.  But that’s okay! I knew all the blogs would be there when family had gone home.  Now that I have time I’m looking forward to seeing what all you’ve been up to.

“It’s not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote to the time that counts.”  Found in a fortune cookie

Color of the day is Lavender

I decided to make myself a lanyard for Tat Days.  It should be in a color that looks good with shirts I may be taking with me.  It’s amazing how that one requirement limits color choices for me.  I have a lot of thread, most of which are colors that I like – who wants to tat with colors they don’t like?? – but inevitably a lot of my clothes are those colors, too.  But not always the same shade.

With much comparing and mind changing I finally settled on DMC Cebelia Lavender.  For some reason I’ve had a ball of this in size 10 for quite some time.  A lanyard made of size 10 would tat up fast and be quite durable.   So far, so good.

In the beginning, I planned to make Patti Duff’s Beaded Lanyard (you can find it on Craftree).  I got a bit ahead of myself while trying to find beads that would work with the thread. I started playing without having Patti’s pattern printed.

Tatted hatband instead of lanyard in DMC Cebelia size 10 on wandasknottythoughts
Hatband instead of lanyard

I went for a while before admitting I didn’t like the looks of my efforts for the lanyard.  Not one to throw tatting out just because it didn’t turn out as expected, I put it on my hat as a hatband.  I like it better as a hatband than as a lanyard.

I started again, and again I was impatient.  This time I didn’t want to string the beads.  The black beads weren’t the right size anyway.  With no pattern but an idea, I started once more, this time without beads as well.   I know I’ve seen something akin to this out there on the Internet but I made it without referring to a pattern.

Tatted lanyard in DMC Cebelia size 10 Lavender on wandasknottythoughts
Lanyard in DMC Cebelia size 10 Lavender

I like it this version much better.  It went fast and was easy to do while a passenger in the car.  I did get a bit carried away – it’s a bit long.  Oh, well!  Better than too short.  I added a couple of clips to the ends that can be clipped together or to a name tag or some such.  Done!

Tatted hatband and lanyard in DMC Cebelia Lavender size 10 on wandasknottythoughts
Tatted hatband and lanyard in DMC Cebelia Lavender size 10

I’m ecstatic about going to Tat Days.  I’m counting down the days!  I keep checking the Palmetto Tatters Guild page for updates.   I’m planning what clothes to pack and what to wear.  I’ve traveled before but not anywhere like this, not with tatting as the destination.  **happy dance**  Anyone else getting excited about going?

“Over prepare, then go with the flow” – found in a fortune cookie

Tatting by P. Melanie Vliet

P. Melanie Vliet contacted me a few months ago apprising me how she had used my pattern “Flagged Edging” to make a garter for her son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law’s wedding.  She actually made two, one to keep and one for the groom to toss. She added beads for a little added elegance.
Wedding garters tatted by P. Melanie Vliet using 'Flagged Edging' on wandasknottythoughts
Wedding garters tatted by P. Melanie Vliet using ‘Flagged Edging’

I love her manikin leg display!  Can you guess what it is?  It’s a box of oatmeal wrapped in skin-colored paper inside a pair of old pantyhose.  What an inventive way to display garters!  She’s going to exhibit them at this year’s Orange County and Southern California fairs.  The wedding party won’t miss them; that event isn’t for several more months.  I hope she does well with them at the fairs.  I give them top marks!

Using the same pattern as a start she also made herself earrings.

Earrings made using 'Flagged Edging' by P Melanie Vliet on wandasknottythoughts
Earrings made using ‘Flagged Edging’

Amazing, aren’t they?  I would never have thought of using the pattern like this.

Melanie has used another of my patterns, ‘Hanging Basket Edging’, to decorate an eye-glass case.  I love the colors she used.  Another great job!

Tatted glass case cover done in 'Hanging Basket Edging' on wandasknottythoughts
Tatted glass case cover done in Hanging Basket Edging

Thanks, Melanie, for letting me share your wonderful tatting here on my blog. Such a wonderful way to imagine tatting.  Good luck at the fairs!

P Melanie Vliet is a member of the Facebook group “Tatters of Lace.”  It’s a closed group but you can request to join if you are a tatter.

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.                       Albert Einstein
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Happy Independence Day!

4th of July Bracelet made with Jane Eborall's Beaded LockChain pattern on wandasknottythoughts
4th of July Bracelet

A little 4th of July tatting using Jane Eborall’s Beaded Lock Chain pattern in Lizbeth #652 blue and #671 Red in size 20.   I wanted to make it out of size 10 but I didn’t have red and blue in it.  The beads would have worked better with size 10 as well, but it was fun to make.

Today is pretty soggy due to heavy rains last night and light rain off and on today, but it is supposed to clear up by tomorrow night.  At least all the rain makes shooting off fireworks very safe this year 🙂

Wishing all of you in the States a happy and safe Independence Day!

The Star Spangled Banner

Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

By Francis Scott Key 1814

Tatting on Tuesday

Goodies for Tuesday Tatters meeting found on
Goodies for Tuesday Tatters meeting

A couple of weeks ago we had our monthly Tuesday Tatters get together, at my place this time.  It gave me an opportunity to use several dishes I rarely get out or even think about.  All of these pieces are from either my grandparents or my husband’s grandparents.  They made for a pretty table with lemon wafer cookies and assorted M&Ms with coffee.  I had hot water ready for tea but decided coffee was just fine.

Becky and me tatting on Tuesday on
Tatting on Tuesday with Becky

Becky was the only one that was able to make it this time.  That’s okay, we had fun anyway.  She had some questions that I had plenty of time to answer with no distractions.

Old child's dress with tatting found at flea market found on
Old child’s dress with tatting found at flea market

Becky brought this beautiful infants dress to share.  It was obviously worn, as there were a few stains on it.  Washing it took most of those out.

Detail of tatted neckline and sleeves of old child's dress found on
Detail of tatted neckline and sleeves of old child’s dress

Look at the fine tatting on this!  All the way around the neck and the sleeves holes.  All that tatting and then sewn on.  The thread must be size 100, don’t you think?

Details of tatted hem and insert on old child's dress found on
Details of tatted hem and insert on old child’s dress

Besides the tatting on the neck, sleeves, and hem, there was also an insert.  Someone spent a lot of time tatting all this and then stitching it on the dress – wow!  All that time and effort in such small thread!  Sad that it ended up in a thrift shop/flea market selling for a couple of dollars.  It is of heirloom quality.  Becky was glad to snatch it up!

It is wonderful to get together with other tatters, though sometimes not much tatting gets done, we’re so busy talking!  Come September I’ll be getting together with a lot more tatters – I’m going to Palmetto Tat Days!  I’m so excited!

“Heirloom” is knitting code for “This pattern is so difficult that you would consider death a relief.  ~Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, At Knit’s End:  Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much

The Quote Garden