We went on our yearly vacation last week. After days of getting things unpacked, laundry done (mostly), and the yard mowed, I can finally start going through all the pictures I took, some of which you’ll find in this post. I only got a small amount of tatting done while we were gone, and nothing at all completely finished.
I take a lot of pictures, hoping that a few will come out without blurring, missing the subject altogether, and be worth keeping. I love digital pictures! Remember when you had to buy film, take pictures that you have no idea if they are what you want, and pay to get them developed to see even if they were bad? Yeah, I like digital pictures. But now I take so many it takes a while to go through and I rarely get any printed, good or not. There are always upsides and downsides to everything, aren’t there? There is a lot of pictures included in this post.
We went west again, to Idaho this time but we did make a stop at a place I’ve wanted to go to for years, coming close but never getting there, Devil’s Tower, Wyoming. Some of you may remember it from the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It’s very impressive. This picture doesn’t do it justice.

While in the car headed to our destination I thought I’d empty the shuttles of the Harvest Orange Medium thread I had left from the August Split Ring Cross I had made with it. I liked where this was going until I made a core thread join and split the thread. I could not get the join undone! I might try to save it later, but it was impossible in the car.
Before leaving the house I grabbed a couple of balls of thread to take with me. As usual, I didn’t really have a plan on what to tat while on vacation so I just take several colors of thread and hope for the best. Why I grabbed Lizbeth #674 Garnet Dark in size 20 I don’t know. I like the color but it is very dark which makes it hard to see in uncertain lighting. But after emptying the shuttles of the Harvest Orange, I wrapped them in the Garnet and started tatting. I think this is partially why I didn’t finish anything.
I started this next with a vague idea of what I wanted to do. There were too many distractions and I only got this far. Another idea I might come back to at another time.
One of the distractions was Yellowstone National Park. It is a huge park, with many features to see as well as wildlife. We stopped to see Old Faithful, the famous geyser that erupts at somewhat regular intervals. Recently it erupts every hour to an hour and a half for two to five minutes while everyone just sits around and waits for it. We watched it twice the day we were there, and some of that waiting time was a good time to tat.

Here’s another start that didn’t get finished. I don’t like this much, it didn’t go as planned at all. Yes, it was a vague plan, but not this. I didn’t have good backgrounds for my tatting pictures so I used postcards I picked up. This one is of a Pronghorn. We saw a lot of these on our trip this year.

This year we stayed at a cozy cabin outside of Victor, Idaho, which is about five miles west of Wyoming and west of Grand Teton National Park. It is cheaper to stay this far away from Yellowstone, anything closer can be quite pricey, though it makes for long days in the car. For all that the cabin was in Idaho, we spent most of our time sightseeing in Wyoming.

We frequently travel in autumn hoping to catch the color change of the leaves in the mountains. When we got there this year there was some color and when we left there was more. I think we hit it about the right time. We also got there just after it snowed in the mountains, in fact, we had to detour because some of the roads in Yellowstone were closed due to snow.

This was a road just outside of Victor that we checked out early one morning hoping to see some wildlife. We only saw two deer, one maybe a 6-point buck, the other a spike (only one point). It was still a nice drive.

This is looking east over West Thumb, a part of Yellowstone Lake. The weather was warm after the snow, so these mountains probably lost most of that snow cover within a few days. It was great seeing them with this much snow.

We took a little jaunt up to the Grand Targhee Resort, which was recommended as a pretty drive. It was. Once there we turned around and drove back down. There was a lot of color and some beautiful views.
I did get one piece of tatting done shortly after we got home. I’m not all that happy with it and it has a few mistakes (dang that dark thread!) which I’ll share next week. Now I get to go back and enjoy all the pictures a little more slowly and re-live a bit of the vacation.
“Happiness is enjoying the vacation, then enjoying them again through the pictures we take.” Wanda Salmans