Getting Ready for Christmas

I had a plan, one that would have the house ready for guests and get my Christmas tatting done in time for cards and other gifts. I say ‘had’ as I’m not doing a good job of sticking with it.

We are having my side of the family over for Christmas, so some house cleaning is needed and some decorations put up. I’ve been doing a bit of both cleaning and decorating but I keep getting sidetracked, so some things are done, others not so much. But sometimes cleaning one area creates a mess in another area. It would be very helpful if I was better organized. I’ve gotten more of the outside decorations up than the inside. It helps that we’ve been having unseasonably warm weather the last several weeks, which makes it nice to be outside.

I’ve also been working on something for myself, not exactly what I need to be doing right now. Every year at Christmas I think how great it would be to tat an angel for a tree topper, and every year I haven’t done it. This year I’m doing one, but not how I expected to do it.

Tree topper angel on wandasknottythoughts
Tree topper angel

I’ve always envisioned one completely tatted, or maybe white, frilly material edged and decorated with lovely, dainty, white tatted lace. Instead, I’m working on a felt angel with red tatting in size 10 thread. Not exactly dainty or frilly.

I was playing with a piece of white felt the other day while watching TV, not really paying much attention, rolling it up and such. I found it in a cone shape and thought about how it would make a good body for an angel. Then I had to figure how to do the head and arms. I’m still trying to decide how to do the wings, and will probably do more on the skirt. I’m not sure if that will be this year or next. All of the tatting on it is in DMC #816 is size 10. It already looks good on top of the tree.

Felt angel on top of the tree on wandasknottythoughts
Felt angel on top of the tree

What I should have been doing instead of working on the angel is working on snowflakes to put in the Christmas cards. I’ve made a few but not enough, and not all of them have the ends sewn in. None of them are stiffened.

Jasper snowflake on wandasknottythoughts
Jasper snowflake

This is Jasper, a snowflake that takes less time than the Pinwheel snowflake. I am not sure, but I think I may have seen something like this elsewhere but I don’t know where. I was not looking at anything when I made this except whatever was on TV at the time. I have several finished, most in some shade of red in size 20, one in size 40, and one in size 10 threads. This last one will have to be mine as I didn’t notice a major mistake on one leg until I was on the last leg. It will look good on my tree. But I need more so they can look good in my Christmas cards! I really must get on them before it is too late.

There are less than 15 days until Christmas. Are you ready?

Christmas is coming. Keep calm and Tat on!


It’s that time of year when I get really busy, cleaning, baking, and tatting all the things I’ve told myself I would do earlier in the year but didn’t. This year I supposedly have more time to do all this but still find I don’t, I’ve found more things to keep me busy. One thing I have taken more time to do is baking.

Having a gluten intolerance makes baking somewhat challenging. There are flours that say you can use them the same as you would wheat flour, but you don’t always get the same results as you get with wheat flour. This year, with the help of one of my granddaughters, I have already done a lot of baking, and the results have been very good!

Gluten free Pumpkin pie on wandasknottythoughts
Gluten-free Pumpkin pie

This is my first pumpkin pie with a GF flour pie crust. It looks good and it tasted wonderful! And that wasn’t just me saying it, the rest of my family liked it, too.

GF baking on wandasknottythoughts
GF baking

With help from my granddaughter, I made a pudding pie, cut out sugar cookies, and pecan cookies (this is a small sample of the cookies) as well as the pumpkin pie. I took these to a Thanksgiving dinner at my daughter’s house. I had fun baking with my granddaughter, and eating the results!

One of the problems with using GF flours is that it doesn’t have the elasticity(?)of wheat flour, as in, it doesn’t roll out as nicely as wheat flour. I was pleasantly surprised that both the pie crusts and the sugar cookies rolled out nicely, almost like regular flour!

A few days later I tried making cinnamon rolls. This recipe has you make the dough then shape it into a nine by eleven-inch form by pressing it out with your hands, not using a rolling pin. Then you add the butter, cinnamon, and sugar, and (try to) roll it up before cutting it as a normal roll and baking them. No yeast or rising time is needed with this recipe. I couldn’t get the dough to roll up for me, and they came out not looking so pretty.

GF cinnamon rolls on wandasknottythoughts
GF cinnamon rolls

I didn’t think to take a picture until after I sampled them. They just came out of the oven and smelled sooooo good! They tasted good, too. I got all of these recipes off of the Internet, and they all came out well.

One recipe I didn’t get from the Internet is for peppernuts. I used a recipe that my Mom always used but changed the flour to GF. My sister makes several batches every year but she halved it to make it easier. The original recipe called for four pounds of flour, so even a half recipe makes a lot of peppernuts. This is the first time I’ve tried them with GF flour, and I still have several ropes of the dough in the freezer yet to cut and bake. They did come out well.

Peppernuts on wandasknottythoughts

When I was a kid, making peppernuts was the start of the Christmas holidays. When Mom made them it meant it was the start of baking goodies, gift shopping, and family get-togethers. When my sister and I were old enough we’d help roll the dough into the ropes and maybe get to cut them. Ours weren’t always the same thickness, so some would be a bit crunchier than others. It was fun for the first several pans, then we’d get tired and come back later as they came out of the oven to sample them. I wish I could do that now – it takes a lot of time to roll them out and cut them up. But at least I can eat some this year!

I did get tatting goodies this week too. I ordered several things from Tatting Corner from her 12 Days of Christmas sale.

Tatting goodies on wandasknottythoughts
Tatting goodies

These are my first Dreamlit shuttles, which I am eager to try. I love the way they come apart to fill the bobbin. I discovered quickly that I didn’t order enough thread when I had the chance. I only ordered a little thread and before they arrived I realized there were several other colors that I needed that I hadn’t ordered! I’ll just have to order again, won’t I?

I’ve got the autumn and Thanksgiving decorations put away now and have started putting out a few things for Christmas. I’ve got a lot of decorations but they are all in different bins and boxes that I only labeled “Christmas”, not actually what is in them. I’ll have to go through them and see if I can decide what I want to put out and what I’ll use another time.

What special things do you do for the Christmas season?

“Baking cookies is comforting, and cookies are the sweetest little bit of comfort food. They are very bite-sized and personal.” Sandra Lee

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving 2021 on wandasknottythoughts
Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving Day in the United States today. I wish all of you a wonderful day, filled with food and family.

I’m thankful for many, many things – the wonderful food that we have, all of my family, both near and far, and the multitude of physical things I have, like my house, car, and all of the threads and shuttles I have around my house.

I’m also thankful for all of you that read my blog and like my patterns. It makes me all warm and fuzzy feeling when I see all the visits to the blog and the interest that you have in my patterns. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4: 6-7

Pinwheel Snowflake Pattern

I have finished the Pinwheel Snowflake pattern! At least the first two rows. I’ll get to the third row later.

Pinwheel snowflake 2 rounds on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel snowflake 2 rounds

I’ve added the pattern to My Patterns page to the left. This will be easier to get now.

Thank you to everyone that has shown interest in it.

Pinwheel Snowflake

It’s that time of year again when our shuttles turn to snowflakes and other winter and Christmas things. Unless you’ve started already, which I should have. Every year I tell myself I’ll start early, maybe even in January, and every year I don’t. So I am behind and trying to hurry and get my Christmas tatting done. How do I do that? By designing another snowflake.

Pinwheel snowflake 1st version on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel snowflake 1st version

I started out with a ‘traditional’ center to make the finished version have six points. In the second round, I tried something a bit different. It took me a while to get from the curve with five rings to the straight chain. Several things I tried didn’t work out too well, but this solution worked pretty well.

Pinwheel snowflake version 2 on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel snowflake version 2

The second time I made the snowflake I thought having it in two colors would be nice. When I got to the straight chain I changed it up again, making it a spiral instead. I liked this but thought something could be done with the center. I wasn’t sure it looked finished like this, so I also added another round.

Pinwheel snowflake version 3 on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel snowflake version 3

On this try, I made the center slightly different but still just rings and chains. I think I made it a bit too frilly on the rings, though. The added third round gave it a whole other look. I wondered how this would look in two colors. FYI, the thread was still damp from blocking when I took this picture. The picots were dry but the tatting wasn’t.

Pinwheel snowflake version 4 on wandasknottythoughts
Pinwheel snowflake version 4

I like the center of this one with fewer picots on the rings and the different lengths of the picots on the chains. When making the spiral chains on the second round I made too many repeats, making the chains longer. I didn’t realize I’d done this until I was farther along and didn’t want to go back and fix it so I just made all of them the same. Not bad, but I like the shorter chains a bit better.

All of these snowflakes were made with Lizbeth size 20 thread. The first two are in Harvest Orange #694 (I think) with the center in Autumn Spice #136. The blue one is Country Turquoise Lt #660. The red and white are Christmas Red #671 and Snow White #601. The first two measure 3 1/2 inches (9 cm) across and the other two measure 4 3/4 inches (12 cm) across.

Looking at the pictures on the screen I’ve changed my mind, I think the first two snowflakes look finished without the last round. They look okay with the third round as well. What do you think?

“Be willing to accept help. Look at what the pinwheel can do with a little help from the wind.”

Done and Delivered

Way back in July I was working on a runner for my daughter’s birthday. It didn’t get done by her birthday, which was expected due to starting it too close to the date. And then I ran into the problem of the length of the table is longer than anticipated, which caused other issues. I have been working on it over the last few months, but part of the problem was deciding exactly was I was doing. I finally figured it out and finished it!

To make the runner longer I planned to put an insert in the center, but what that insert was going to look like I had trouble deciding. I had the edgings done for a normal rectangular runner back in July, though I never attached them because I didn’t know how I was going to end up cutting the material. I finally came up with an oval for the insert.

birthday edging pinned on wandasknottythoughts
Center edging pinned on

This picture shows the center with the edging pinned to the material, so it looks pretty wonky. You can see that it is pretty large. One of the issues of coming up with the shape was to somehow make a pattern of the size I wanted. I finally used a serving platter. Then I had to sew it, oh boy.

The center edging pattern isn’t exactly like the end pieces due to the curve. I also used size 10 for the blue (Wedgewood Dark, Lizbeth #656) in it where the end pieces I had used size 20, though the red (Terra Cotta, Lizbeth #673) and white (Natural, Lizbeth #602) were in size 10. Why I had to make all the edgings so complicated I don’t know! Simple rings and chains would have gone so much faster!

After I got the center this far I kind of stalled out. I was afraid of making a mistake with the truck material or coming up with something I couldn’t finish. My sewing skills are minimal, mostly just straight(ish) lines. The two sides were going to be attached to the curved center. What had I gotten myself into? I hemmed and hawed with this for weeks – ok, months – before just doing it. I did cut out a paper pattern first, to test out the look.

Truck runner center on wandasknottythoughts
Truck runner center

I finally sewed the two sides and figured a way to attach them to the center. I’m hoping the tatting and the cute material will distract everyone from looking too closely at the sewing, LOL!

Truck runner edgings sewn on wandasknottythoughts
Truck runner edgings sewn on

The ends were much easier! Why didn’t I keep the center edging more like this? I just have to keep changing things up!

Truck runner finished on wandasknottythoughts
Patriotic truck runner finished

This is the finished runner on my table. It turned out nice. Her table is a rectangle so the ends will hang just a little differently. This patriotic truck-themed runner birthday gift was supposed to be for July and Independence Day, now she’ll have it for next year. I had jokingly told her I might have it done for Veteran’s Day, November 11, which amazingly I did. I finished it yesterday and took it to her today so she could put it out for tomorrow.

My daughter loves it! She sent me pictures of it on her table and it looks good. I’m so happy she’s happy with it and that I was able to deliver it before Christmas. Or next July.

Tomorrow, November 11, is Veteran’s Day here in the USA. To all the veterans out there, thank you for your service.

A few facts about Veteran’s Day from

Veterans Day occurs on November 11 every year in the United States in honor of the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918 that signaled the end of World War I, known as Armistice Day.

Veterans Day commemorates veterans of all wars

Great Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World War I and World War II on or near November 11th: Canada has Remembrance Day, while Britain has Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November).

Rings and Dragons

Fall has arrived here in the lower midwest, with cooler temperatures and leaves that are starting to change. I have made it through Halloween and am ready to decorate for autumn and Thanksgiving. I did have fun doing a bit of decorating for Halloween, including making a couple of costumes. There has also been tatting done, some in fall colors.

Tatted rings on wandasknottythoughts
Tatted rings

These two rings are made with the same pattern, one that I doodled. The ring with the button started as something else when I realized it wasn’t going to work, so I changed it up a bit and made a ring. Orange (this is Lizbeth #694 Harvest Orange Med) has never been one of my favorite colors to wear so I added the button. I had enough fun with it that I decided to make another ring, this time in Lizbeth #136 Autumn Spice. The doily background was made a few years ago and surprised me with how well it looks with the fall colors of the rings and pumpkin. I’ve been working on a couple of other things, but that will be for another post.

The local county historical society put on a costume parade for kids and their pets the Saturday before Halloween. My granddaughter was very interested in going with their dog. Her costume for Halloween was a dragon so we decided to dress the dog as a dragon, too. My daughter suggested that we dress the dog as a sheep, which would have been much easier, but it was too late, my granddaughter wanted a dragon.

Two dragons on wandasknottythoughts
Two dragons

During the week before Halloween, my daughter and her kids went shopping with me for items to make the dog’s costume. We found pink felt and fairy wings at a second-hand store that was the basis of the costume. As we didn’t know exactly what we were going to need to make it at that time we ended up using some green felt that I already had to make part of it. My granddaughter helped me with ideas, cutting out the felt, and putting it together. Amazingly, once we put the costume on her, the dog didn’t have any issues with wearing it. I think she looked pretty cute in it.

My granddaughter’s costume had been ordered online, which consisted of a tail, wings, and a mask. The sweats that were ordered to wear with them didn’t come in, so others had to be worn. But it was a pretty bare-bones costume and the mask hurt my granddaughter’s face. These deficiencies weren’t known until way too late to do anything about it for the parade. But there was time to do a little something before going trick-or-treating the next night.

Costume changes on wandasknottythoughts
Costume changes

While we were still in town after the parade we stopped and picked up some gray felt. It took several hours but I came up with a different mask, some shoulder pieces, and even horns. The mask didn’t hurt her face like the purchased one and was not as heavy, either. The arm pieces broke up her profile without restricting her movements. She still wore the wings and tail that her mom bought, as well as a gray pullover jacket to keep warm. She seemed very happy with the end result and I think the costume was much improved. I had a lot of fun making both it and the dog’s costume.

Though I plan on putting out Thanksgiving and autumn decorations I need to get busy making things for Christmas. I’m not sure what I’ll be making for family and friends this year. I only have a few weeks left, I’d better get on it!

Have you got your Christmas tatting done yet?

Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves.” Elvis Duran

Tatting in the movies

This is my opinion. I am not compensated for anything mentioned in this post.

I was watching a Christmas movie yesterday (yes, I know it’s not Halloween yet!) and there was a dress with tatting on it!!

I was searching for something to watch so I could sit down and tat. I’m not into watching scary movies so those are out. I just wanted something kind of light-hearted, maybe with a little humor. There are a lot of Christmas movies streaming right now so I tried a couple and found them too silly so went on to another one. I found the 2015 movie “The Spirit of Christmas”. I’d never seen this one and it sounded interesting.

The movie is a little different than most Christmas movies as Christmas isn’t the center of everything. It is a romantic mystery set at Christmas time about a ghost. I was pleasantly surprised by it and my husband liked it, too. Parts of the movie take place in about 1921. And one of the characters wore a dress with tatting on it!

Tatting in "The Spirit of Christmas" movie on wandasknottythoughts
Tatting in “The Spirit of Christmas” movie

I think tatting was on the dress cuffs as well, but I’m not sure. But this is obvious! So cool!

If you are into this kind of show, I highly recommend it. Not just for the tatting.

“The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it’s as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues.”
― Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures

Book and button

Last week our library had a book sale which I actually had time to go in and check out, which is dangerous. I like books. I like to browse through books of all sorts, getting lost in all the interesting things they present. It is also very easy to give them a nice new home. My husband was fortunate that I only brought three home with me, for the amazing donation of $5. One of them was a tatting book in very good condition.

Library book on wandasknottythoughts
Library book I found

This book is edited by Barbara Foster and published by Handy Hands Tatting Publications. It is a reproduction of a 1952 Australian book written by Norma Benporath with a few additions from Barbara.

Original cover of library book on wandasknottythoughts
Original cover of library book

Except for the later additions the patterns in this book are all written in the long form.

Example of written patterns from book on wandasknottythoughts
Example of written patterns from book

This method of writing out patterns is not used much anymore, for good reason. There are other, easier to read, methods that also take up less space that are used today. I learned to tat reading this kind of pattern but I would probably note down in an easier form any pattern I make from this book.

There are other things in the book, too, like a a short history and a few tips and hints on tatting, tools, and mounting tatting to material, as well as pictures and written directions for tatting. I love reading about this kind of thing. This book had not been used much, which is sad for the library (probably why it was in the sale) but exciting to me, giving me the chance to purchase it.

I have been tatting a bit, mostly around buttons and other small things. I have other projects going on that I’m working on but nothing to show yet. One button that I did yesterday was to wear to my granddaughter’s volleyball match last night. They were having a ‘pink out’ night, their way of supporting breast cancer awareness and support. They had QR codes posted around the gym so you could donate money on-line if you wanted. They encouraged everyone to wear pink, which is great, but I don’t have anything that is pink. I had to make something.

Pink button and ribbon on wandasknottythoughts
Pink button and ribbon

I used Lizbeth #622 Pink Med in size 10 to make these. I added a pin back to the button and wore it on my shirt. I made a second ‘ribbon’ and wore them as earrings. It was fun seeing all the kids at the school in their pink shirts, skirts, and face paint. FYI, my granddaughter’s team won both matches, yay!

My daughter helped me do a bit of Halloween decorating in my yard this year though not in my house. It was a lot of fun but I think I’ll just do Autumn and Thanksgiving decorating inside instead. I can leave it up longer that way. I haven’t done much ‘fall’ tatting but I suppose fall isn’t over yet. Maybe I’ll get a bit of it in before I start the Christmas tatting.

Books are a uniquely portable magic” Stephen King

Victor and other fall things

Believe it or not, I have finished the pattern for the Victor Snowflake! Amazing, isn’t it? If you are interested, please leave a comment or email me for the pattern.

Victor Snowflake in fall colors on wandasknottythoughts
Victor Snowflake in fall colors

When test-tatting Victor I decided to use Lizbeth # 694 Bright Orange and # 698 Fudge Med in size 20, because it is fall and I felt like using fall colors. Using two colors helps define the pattern, which is helpful when writing it out.

I’ve been getting out the fall and Halloween decorations in the hopes of putting a bit up in the house. I usually decorate at work not so much the house, but this year is different. Now I have to decide what I’m putting where, and how much. It would look best if I clean up the house a bit first, so this may be limited. I think I’ll leave the spiderwebs until after Halloween, LOL.

One thing I have already hung up is the quilted ball ornament I received from Isdahara way back in 2009. She had a giveaway on her blog, Ambitatterous, and I won! The really fun part about the giveaway was that we actually met up for her to give me the prize.

Victor Snowflake and quilted ball for fall on wandasknottythoughts
Victor Snowflake and Quilted ball by Isdahara

Not only did she make this lovely quilted ball but she added tatting to make it extra special. The pumpkin on the front and back is ‘Tatted Pumpkin’, pattern by Sherry Matthews ©2004, and the edging is ‘Pumpkin Vine Edging’ pattern by Heidi Sunday. Isdahara doesn’t do much with her blog these days but she is the admin for the Facebook group Summer Snowflakes. Always fun snowflakes to see there if you’d like to check it out.

To enter Isdahara’s giveaway you had to make up a ‘fractured quote‘ about tea and tatting. Tatters came up with some good ones! Below are the two I came up with. Not saying they were good, but they were fun to make!

“Tea and tatting – Mmmmm, two of life’s exquisite pleasures that together bring near-bliss” tattrldy (mis-quoted from Christine Hanrahan)

Hey diddle duddle, the cat and the shuttle
Tatting all over the room
The little dog sipped on honey and tea
And wrapped all the knots on a spoon