Since the last time I posted, we have had two deaths in the family. Neither was unexpected, but it still means many things have to be done in a short amount of time including the viewings, the funerals, the dinners, and the family visits. In one case there was taking care of bills and property and other associated issues after. Sad times with a lot of family get-togethers with many happy memories shared.
During all this, I have done quite a bit of tatting but without a lot of computer time to share them. Things may be slowing down a bit, finally, with other, more normal, happenings to take up my time now. Grandkid sports for one thing – or two, or three. I’ve been able to get tatting done but again, not a lot of computer time.
Something I’ve been making a lot of lately is my newest cross. I call it March SR Cross because I’m so ‘good’ at coming up with cool and memorable names for my tatting.

Those of you familiar with my August SR Cross may notice some similarities with this one. The March one is based on the August SR cross but the center is different. The center on this one is layered over the main body, which is pretty, though I don’t know that I’d want to keep it in the center of my Bible.
I made it in several colors, mostly two shades of green, and pink and blue.

I made them to give out in the sympathy cards, and to other family members.

I usually add a bit of tatting to the card as well, mostly butterflies and single-ring flowers aroundd the words. This time I added a bit more.

The card had plenty of open space and I had a few minutes. It’s nice that a small amount of thread can add that little bit extra to make a card personal.
I’ve been working on the pattern for the new cross in fits and starts. I think it’s about ready, I just need to tat through it to see if it works. It helps that most of it has been done already with the August cross, but that different middle is a bit tricky to re-diagram.
There are several more things I’ve been tatting that are only partially done and I have several more patterns that I’d like to write out. Plus the grandkids will be keeping me busy with sports and visits. This is the kind of busy I enjoy.
“No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.” Billy Graham