Category: Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is Coming
Valentine’s Day will be here in a week and like most years I think I have to re-invent the wheel, or in this case, the heart. Sometimes I do okay, sometimes I don’t. I think I did okay this time.
I like the proportion of these hearts, which I don’t always get. These are made with only one shuttle and ball thread, simple and quick to make. Amazingly, I didn’t get overly complicated, LOL! I made these in Lizbeth # 671 Christmas Red in size 20, which makes a nice earring, but they wouldn’t have to be earrings.
Something else amazing, I have the pattern done for these already! Imagine that! I’ve added it to My Patterns page.
Speaking of patterns, I am making a few changes to the pattern page. The Keep and Share site where I have the downloads have a limit on how many downloads they allow in a day. If I want to allow more, it costs more. As I don’t charge for my patterns I don’t want to do that. I am changing which patterns can be downloaded to more recent or popular patterns. All the patterns are still available but may have to be requested by email.
I’ve been seeing a lot of tatted hearts on Facebook, Instagram, and blog posts the last week or so. Are you planning to tat hearts this year for Valentine’s Day?
“I enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day. It’s a nice way to say you’re thinking about your family, someone special, or dear friends.” Camila Alves
Happy Valentine’s Day 2019

Valentine shuttle
I think I might have mentioned before that I have a wonderful husband. Just in case I haven’t – I have a wonderful, thoughtful, sweet husband! 🙂
He knows me very well. Instead of flowers for Valentine’s Day, he got me a beautiful Abalone tatting shuttle.
The other side looks a bit different from the front.
According to the seller, it is a 19th-century shuttle. It looks and feels lovely. It came a few days early, but he couldn’t wait to give it to me.
I look forward to using this one. Only at home though. It is so smooth and slick it will be a bit hard to hold on to. I would hate to lose it in the car or the floor in some strange place. I plan to keep this one for a while.
Wishing you all a fantastic Valentine’s Day!
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”Charles M. Schulz brainyquote.com
Happy Valentine’s Day
Can you believe it’s February 14th already? It seems like it was New Year’s Day just last week.
To celebrate this day of hearts I’m sharing the heart pin I wear when I do demonstrations or have a booth at craft shows. It has an edging in red and green DMC size 10 that I started and didn’t like how it turned out. It got thrown in a box until I thought to use it for this. The shuttle is actually half a Susan Bates shuttle that came apart. Then I glued a heart charm to the center to add a little accent. It makes a very nice accessory when I’m out sharing tatting with the world – or at least the local community.
I don’t think I picked up a shuttle at all this week. Between a lot of overtime at work and not feeling so good, I wasn’t motivated at all to do much of anything, not even tat. We did get a chance to watch our grandson this Tuesday, which it one reason I didn’t post for Tatting Tea Tuesday. Some things are more important than others : )
I’ve decided that I may have to come up with one or two small projects to do to get me back in the groove. Something that gives a little instant gratification. It’s not that I don’t like the projects I have in line, but all of them are not that easy to take with me, and I do a lot of tatting away from home. If I can get started on something maybe in a few days I’ll have something new to share. We can hope, right?
I’ve also not had much time to get online, so I am way behind on seeing what everyone is doing. I’ve also had some trouble responding to some of the comments from last week. Every time I had a few comments typed, I’d get kicked out with nothing saved. I do appreciate all the comments, and I will respond, soon, I promise!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Valentine’s day with the one who is closest to you. Maybe share a little chocolate…