While cleaning out my aunt’s apartment, my sister and I found some pretty neat things. It’s not like she had lots and lots of stuff because she didn’t. In fact, when she moved into the apartment she pared her things down a lot. So what we found must have been important to her.
These old needle books were found in her sewing box. I believe two of them were give-aways. The other one was 25 cents! Both the blue sewing kit and the Farmer Needlebook say they were made in Germany. I wonder how old they are?

You can see these needles were used. Check out the huge needle on the right! My aunt was ready for any sewing problems that came up.

We also found these cute little change purses! What a fun idea! My aunt was in the Red Hat Society for many years, so I’m sure that’s where she got the one and maybe the other. Have you ever seen this idea before? (The shuttle is there as a size reference only)

This bookmark that I gave my aunt in 2017 for Easter we found in her desk. I know it was from 2017 because she wrote the date on the back and then laminated it. The lamination flattened the tatting but it is very sweet that she wanted to keep it nice.

I’m very glad we finally finished cleaning out the apartment. There are so many things we put on hold when this came up so we could take care of it, but family does what is needed.
I had started doing some cleaning at my house before I was needed elsewhere and I’ve been finding a lot of things I didn’t expect. It’s funny sometimes what you find that you have forgotten about. Check out this picture of me from Christmas 1994.

The tie I’m wearing is something I made for one of my daughters several years previous to this. I dreamed it up when she had a special dress-up day at school and needed a tie. This makes me want to look for the picture of her wearing the tie! The teddy bear is wearing a collar I had made for my mother-in-law that really wasn’t big enough for her. But it fit the bear very nicely!
I still have a lot of cleaning that needs to be done at my house. It will be interesting to see what else I find.
“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.” Franklin D. Roosevelt