Category: tatting
Tatting demonstration
Yesterday my husband and I were cleaning before re-arranging the living room when I came across one of my daughter’s old school newspapers from 1993 with my picture in it. My youngest was in second grade that year. Her teacher, Mrs. Val Graber, had the students invite parents or other family members to come in to share their skills and hobbies. My daughter asked me to share tatting with her class. I remember trying to come up with a presentation for 7 & 8 year olds. I talked about the different names tatting goes by in different countries and had them help me try to pronounce them, then shared some of it’s history. We had them sit on the floor close by and I tatted a few rings and chains for them. Each child received a 3″ x 5″ note card with some little bit of tatting on it, a butterfly, a caterpillar, or flowers I had made, the backgrounds made with markers. They were very pleased to get them, as I was very pleased to do them.
This was the first time I had gotten up in front of people to demonstrate or talk about tatting. Since then I have given other demonstrations, most to people of a slightly more advanced age, but all built on the confidence I found in sharing my enthusiasm about tatting with second graders.
Bell pattern
Yesterday I posted the picture of the bell ornament. Today I’m going to add the pattern for it. I’ve not written out patterns that others have had to follow yet, so, please try it if you’d like and let me know if you find any mistakes. Refer to the picture from yesterday if you have any questions. I do make things that have a definate front and back so I don’t know how it will turn out if you don’t do that also. Happy tatting!
Bell Dec2007
2 shuttles
R 5-5-5-5. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW.
Repeat between # 3 times, joining 1st p of each R to 3rd p of prev R.
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev Sht1 Ch. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. RW
Ch 3+2-2-3. DNRW
R 5-5-5-5. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev Sht2 R. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R. RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. DNRW
R 5-5-5-5. RW
Ch 3+2-2-3 to 3rd p of prev Sht2 R. RW
5+5-5-5 to 3rd p of prev R.RW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
Repeat between * 2 times
R 5+5-5-5. DNRW
Ch 3-2-2-3. RW
R 5+ to 3rd p of prev Sht1 Ch 5-5+5 to 1st p of 1st Ch
Ch 3-2-2-3. join to base of 1st R.
Add hanger and jingle bell clapper if desired.
p.s. I’ve added the diagrammed pattern to my sidebar August 2011
Colonial lady applique

Crochet doily

Tatting in public
A couple of days ago I drove my parents to Wichita so Dad could visit the VA clinic. While waiting for his turn to have blood drawn and what-not I pulled out my tatting, it looked to be a long wait. There was a couple beside me that instantly wondered what I was doing. The gentleman was quite intrigued with it. Another lady across the way had to come over and see what I was doing, also. She knew what it was but had never actually seen anyone do it. We had a nice conversation about tatting. The gentleman commented that he had used the word ‘tat’ in crossword puzzles before but had never known what it was. When they left he thanked me for the knowledge about tatting. I always enjoy meeting people this way.