Motif #6 in my second 25 Motif Challenge

Here is motif #6 of my 2nd 25 Motif Challenge. It’s the pendant I made for my exchange partner in the Intatters pendant exchange. I sent both of them to her. I was late – very – but I finally got them sent! She received them a couple of days ago so they can be shared without giving anything away before her first view.
I posted a picture of the pendant I received from Deb (dbrn) last time. If anyone is interested in making one for themselves, she very kindly sent me the pattern. It’s in the comments of my last post. Check it out if you’d like to give it a try.

This was supposed to be a Tatting Tea Tuesday post, but as you can see, I’m a little late. I had the picture downloaded and everything but had not typed anything. This way I could finish the post during break at work. Good idea, right? Yeah, good idea until I back space and delete the picture! And didn’t think fast enough to save it. So the post became late, again.

I didn’t get a chance to tat yesterday, anyway. And no tea, either. We had several errands to run before work so left the house early. It turned out to be a nice day, though windy. After our errands we had a bit of time with nothing to do before we needed to be a work. So we went for ice cream! It was a very pleasant shop we stopped at, backed up to an inner city lake. There were Canada geese, with babies! We counted nine baby geese wandering along with their parents. Very fun to watch. I wished I had my camera with me, but I had taken it out of my purse a few days ago.

Today is a lovely day, too. We don’t have many days that are so pretty, with the temperature in the 70’s, very little wind and lots of sun. Wonderful! So I’ll enjoy the wonderful weather as long as it lasts and try getting a little tatting done, too. Maybe I’ll post on Tuesday next week. Wouldn’t that be a surprise?

A quick note on Tatting Tea Tuesday

Hello, hello and welcome to another Tatting Tea Tuesday! Have you had your tatting and tea today?

I started out with a cup of hot tea while getting my tatting together. I took a few pictures to include here today – I actually tatted this week! – and then things started going not quite as planned. I couldn’t find the cable to my camera so I couldn’t download anything!

I looked for it until it was time to leave for work and still no luck. So no pictures today. Though if I can find that cable in the next day or so I might get some posted before next week. Wouldn’t that be a surprise?

One of the pictures I was going to post was of the pendant I received in an exchange that we had through Intatters. My exchanged partner, dbrn (Deb), sent me a wonderful pendant. The colors will work with several outfits that I have. It’s very nice and nicely done. A picture of what I sent her will have to wait until she receives it. I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. Even though it was a little late – okay, a lot late – it turned out well. When I finally made one that I liked anyway. Hopefully she’ll like it, too.

I’ve made it out there to a few of the blogs I follow. Not many, but a few. I’ve still got a long way to go to catch up on everything going on. But I’ll have a lot of fun doing it!

My new shuttle

This is the shuttle my husband made for me for Christmas. So why haven’t I posted about it yet? Well, it wasn’t quite done. He hadn’t gotten the engraving or the finish on until last week. And then my picture wouldn’t post right. But here it is at last!The shuttle is made from oak, and the point is very sharp. It has a rather tall post in it, and overall it is a little thicker than most of the shuttles I’m used to tatting with. It has the year on one side (2009) and my initials on the other. When I added some thread to give it a try we found out the points were a little too tight and had to be sanded down just a touch. I’ll have to get used to the added height but it will hold a lot of thread.

Isn’t my hubby such a sweetie? I do believe I’ll keep him another 30 years.

If you remember from last week, I had trouble posting a picture. I finally just used another picture because I couldn’t get the other one to sit straight, it was rotated 90 degrees. The engraving isn’t quite as readable in this picture, but you can see it.

I’m wondering if part of the problem wasn’t my camera. The computer couldn’t even recognize the camera was connected last week and had a tendency to shut off. I thought it was just me not doing something right, but it was the camera. We took it in to see what was wrong and they sent it out for repair. It’s not supposed to be back until next week. I’m hoping for an early return but I’m not holding my breath.

I’m working on an exchange piece for Intatters. We’re doing pendants. I’ve not really done jewelry, so we’ll see how it comes out. I haven’t decided on a pattern yet. I’ll probably try to use beads, which I don’t use much of, but I think it will really help on a pendant. I’ll share what I come up with after it’s received by whomever I’m set up with. Let’s hope my camera is back by then!!

I didn’t get much tatting done this Tatting Tea Tuesday because I did something I very rarely do – I slept late! Very late. I had a bad night last night, nothing bad, just not able to sleep. When I finally got to sleep it was after 4:30 AM or so. This doesn’t happen often, which is good, but it makes for a very short day when it happens. I hoping tonight is better!

I hope all of you have a wonderful week.

TTT, March 9, 2010 and the weather

I had a wonderful picture for today. I had chosen the best picture of the several I’d taken, with everything showing up well and the lighting right. I had my cup of tea ready and had already taken a few minutes to tat. I was all set to have a nice TTT post.

And every time I upload the picture to Blogger it’s rotated 90 degrees!

In every program I look at the picture it is showing correctly which side is up and which side is down. But every time I upload it to Blogger – Boom! – it’s sitting side ways!

I’ve been playing with it, trying to get the picture right, but it’s just not happening. I might just end up taking another picture and starting from scratch.

Unfortunately, I can’t do that until I get home again after work. So no picture today : (

The good news is that it’s looking like I will have a little more time for tatting. At least in theory. They’ve cut back on all the over time, at least for a little while. So I should have a little more time to do stuff I want to do, including tatting. I’m hoping to have a little more energy for a lot of things. And we have a lot of things we’ve let slide at home because of the over time. Of course, it’s also beginning to feel like spring here, so we’ll probably end up with a lot more things on our “to do” list.

On the weather front we’ve had a bit of spring-like weather, you know, spring rains. It’s also Severe Weather Awareness Week here in Kansas. This is to remind people to be prepared in case of severe weather – including tornadoes. They (the state of Kansas) were planning a state wide tornado drill today but because of the cloudy skies and rain it has been postponed until Thursday. They don’t want to alarm people by having the sirens go off when there is no threat but the weather is such as it could be. This drill includes having the local warning sirens go off and the All-Weather Radio and the Emergency Alert System activated to signal the start of the drill. Everyone is supposed to treat the drill as if an actual tornado was imminent. Also to be in readiness for other severe weather such as flash floods, large hail and damaging winds.

Where I work we do the drill and everyone goes to the closest weather shelter in whichever building you are working in. They’ll do it when the sirens go off on Thursday, about 1:30 PM, and then again with second shift later in the evening, though there won’t be the city sirens for that one. We have a lot of turn-over of people, so there will be some who wouldn’t know where to go if we didn’t do this. There are signs showing where to go, but it’s not the same as actually going to it. We’ve had to go to the shelters for real several times in the last few years, but fortunately for us we were never hit during those times.

If anyone is interested in some Kansas weather statistics this has some interesting information in it. Even if you don’t live in Kansas, it has information of what should go into emergency kits for your home. Every location has some sort of hazard to be prepare for.

I’m looking forward to spring, for warmer weather and sunshine. I’m betting most of you in the northern hemisphere are, too. Of course, winter isn’t officially over yet, so the weather could get cold again, but I’m hoping not. But I’ll have to take what the Lord sends us.

I hope to have my picture problem figured out by next week. One way or the other!

May you all have a great week!

Sherry’s Hope

Welcome to Tatting Teas Tuesday! Sit back and have a nice cup of tea….

What? It’s not Tuesday? Are you sure? You mean I missed it? Oh, man!

I had a lot of things going on yesterday. I actually did start this post yesterday but was never able to get back to it. So I missed TTT! I hope every one took a few minutes for themselves with a little tea and tatting even if I wasn’t able to.

I did finally get a little tatting done this week. Sherry Pence shared her “Hope” butterfly pattern with the world and I actually made one. It’s such a wonderful butterfly! I was going to make this is shades of blue, but this brown and gold were already on shuttles. Both are Lizbeth size 20. I think it came out nicely, though I know I’d like it better in blue. I’m counting this as number six in my second 25 Motif Challenge.

I would like to thank Sherry very much for this wonderful pattern. It didn’t take very long and it came out looking wonderful. I know that I’ll be making more of these cute little flutterbys. I can just see this on a card with a few flowers.

I’m hoping to not miss Tatting Tea Tuesday next week. And maybe I’ll get a little more tatting done, too!

Tatting Tea Tuesday and the Olympics 2/23/10

Welcome to a wintry Tatting Tea Tuesday. For those that commented last week that there didn’t seem to be snow here – in the vein of ‘misery, loves company’? – we now have snow – and ice. Saturday and Saturday night we had freezing rain in our area. Other places in Kansas had more snow but we only had a little on top of the ice. It’s sunny today and a little warmer so we’ve been listening to the ice falling off the roof and the trees. The sad news is that at least five people in the state died in traffic accidents due to the weather. We didn’t get out of the house at all Sunday and watched the traffic on the road go by very slowly.

What we did do this weekend is watch the Olympics. We have watched a lot of it this year. Skiing, ice dancing and curling the most.

Curling. I’ve heard of it before but I’d never watched any. It’s kind of interesting though I still don’t understand it, really. The Americans have not done well in it this year with both the men and the women being eliminated already. But it was interesting watching.

If we watch the winter Olympics we’ve usually watched the figure skating. This year we’ve actually watched the ice dancing. It’s very beautiful. They had some fantastic dances, with some very high scoring (so they tell us). One of the American teams won silver, while a Canadian team won gold. Wow! For not having jumps and throws it was fun to watch.

It’s amazing to me what people can do on skis. Those jumps! Those moves! It seems a lot of them were skiing with injuries or just getting over injuries. I’m way to much of a wimp to understand how and why they would go to such extremes, but it makes for some fascinating viewing. I’m in awe of all the these athletes.

Here on the home front my husband has the dreaded cold. I’m trying very hard to not catch it from him, washing hands a lot, drinking orange juice and taking my vitamins. I’d like very much not to share this with him.

Hopefully I’ll have some tatting to share next week. Not taking any bets, though.

Tatting Tea Tuesday, Pancake Day

Welcome to Tatting Tea Tuesday. Remember to take a little time for yourself, make yourself a cup of tea and pick up a shuttle even for a few minutes. A little chocolate might be good, too.

February is the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day, usually with hearts and pretty cards. This year it also has Shrove Tuesday, the last day before the beginning of Lent.

In Liberal, Kansas they also call this day Pancake Day, and have a four day celebration that includes a pancake race with the women of Olney, England. Woman in both towns compete wearing a head scarf and apron and carry a skillet with a pancake in it. They race over a curving 415 yard (about 380 meter) course and must flip a pancake once before they start and once after they cross the finish line to show they still have the pancake. The woman of Olney have been running this race since 1455. The woman of Liberal having been doing this since 1950 when the local Jaycee president saw something about the Olney race in a publication. He contacted the town of Olney and asked if they would like to race again the woman of Liberal and they have been doing it ever since.

The story goes that it started when a woman was busy making pancakes to use up cooking fats, which are forbidden during Lent, when she heard the church bells calling everyone to service. Grabbing her headscarf, which was required in church, and still with with apron on and pan and cake in hand, ran for the church. In the following years other woman took to doing this as well, making it a race to see who could get to the church the fastest.

This year’s race was won by a woman in Liberal with a time of 63 seconds, beating the winner of the Olney race by 4 seconds.

Liberal, Kansas is a little more than 300 miles (485 kilometers) west and south of Wichita, Kansas and about the same distance south and east of Colorado Springs, Colorado (it’s pretty much in the middle of no-where). Olney is almost 60 miles (93 kilometers) north of London.

If you’d like to see a little more about this race you can see an older website from last year here and a current one here.

I didn’t have time for pancakes today, but it does sound good!

Tatting Tea Tuesday with Hearts

Welcome to Tatting Tea Tuesday. And a bunch of hearts.
As it’s February, the month of hearts so to speak, I thought I’d share one of the hearts I made quite a few years ago. This is “Gypsy Heart” by Teri Dusenbury from her Tatting Hearts book. I put it on a T-shirt with two accent pieces on the sides that are the same as part of the heart, the lines with what I see as butterflies straightened out. I didn’t sew this on, I glued it on with material glue. I can’t remember what brand, but it’s still on the shirt. Not that I wear it that much, but still.

The other hearts are on this cute mug I found at a second hand store and a strawberry chocolate covered heart from Russell Stover, mmm!

If you haven’t tried any of Teri’s patterns, they can be challenging. They aren’t the type you can watch TV and do. You need to pay attention. But they are definitely worth doing. She has been putting up a lot of patterns on her blog Tatbits Tatting. She does lots with beads and crystals. Wonderful stuff, you should check it out.

I made this heart in January of 1993. It’s hard to believe I have been tatting this well, if I do say it myself, that long. Okay, I think it came out very well. This is me showing off the shirt way back when.

I haven’t gotten much of anything else done this week. I’m hoping that this next week will settle down a little bit. I’ll let you know next week!

Teapot, Heart and Edging

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I put out my little teapot that my grandmother gave me when I was a child (many years ago, we won’t say how many). It is similar to hers, though mine is much smaller. I have many happy memories of playing “tea” with this. It’s almost amazing that it is still in such good shape today. And, no, I didn’t put tea in it this morning. I had my cup of Refresh mint tea in a big mug, as usual (which holds way too much for this little pot).

What do you think of this heart? Does some of it look familiar? If you look closely at the center you can see “Heart’s Desire” from Susan Fuller. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I did this. I had taken thread to make “Heart’s Desire” with me when I knew I’d be sitting waiting for awhile. I still had it with me that evening when I had to wait on my husband after work. As I had time on my hands and the heart in front of me and nothing better to do, I started making it a little bigger. I was thinking if it was just a little bigger it would be a small doily and a nice gift. Let’s just say it was challenging to make another round in the spirit of the original heart. This is not exactly how I wanted it to come out, but at a certain point I just wanted to finish it.

I’m not sure what I think about this heart. Did I ruin it? I really like the shape of the original, and this doesn’t keep quite to that. I’m thinking that the sides towards the bottom need a little work. I’m not going to take it apart to change it, but maybe I’ll try again sometime and make a few adjustments. One way or another, it was a challenge, so I’m making this number five of my 2nd 25 Motif Challenge.

Talking of challenges, I’ve been making Jane Eboral’s TIAS. No pictures to show and I’m a little behind. I definitely have to be awake a little longer than I have been before I work on it. It’s not that hard, but I’m making it hard! I still have absolutely no clue what it will be. Check out how everyone is doing here. Maybe one of you can figure out where she’s heading with this : )

I’ve gotten several comments on the picture in my last post, the one with the edging. A few people have indicated they would like the pattern. Okay, you asked, I give in. It was made in DMC white size 10 several years ago. This is a very simple pattern that, I think, is mine. If anyone has seen it before somewhere else I’ll be glad to give credit where it belongs. I make up a lot of edgings and rarely use a pattern from someone else (usually because I’m starting it without a pattern book around and/or because I can’t find one that fits what I have in mind) so I probably designed this one, too. Note that the picots are generous, which was intentional. You are welcome to make them any size you want.

For My Sweetheart Edging

2 Shuttles

Sht1 R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5+3-3-3-3-3 to 1st p of prev ch. DNRW SS (Switch shuttles)

Sht2 R 3-5-5-3. DNRW SS

Sht1 Ch 3-3-3-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5+5-3 to 2nd p of prev Sht1 R. RW

Ch 5+3-3-5 to 1st p of prev Ch

Repeat from start for desired length.

Good luck! As always, beware of mistakes lurking! I would love to hear from anyone that makes this. And do let me know if you find any of those lurking mistakes. Nasty critters, those. I’ll take a broom to ’em and chase ’em off!

P.S. Thanks TattingChic for correcting me on the designer of “Heart’s Desire”. My pattern has Georgia Seitz web address at the bottom – my oops and my apologies to Susan Fuller.

Tea, TIAS and a Surprise

Welcome to Tatting Tea Tuesday!

Okay, I’m a little late in the day posting, but I made it! We had a lot of running around to do today and I didn’t get much chance at the computer ’til late. While we were out I had to wait on my husband for a short time so I was able to get a little tatting done. It wasn’t on any of my current projects – they are a little hard to take with me at the moment. I’ll probably find time to finish it soon, so will post about it next time.

So, how many of you are doing Jane Eborall’s TIAS? Isn’t’ it fun? If there are any of you out there that are not participating because you’re not sure what it’s about, check out her blog and give it a try! It’s a lot of fun. And you’ll be tatting it together with a lot of other people, so you can see how everyone is doing. These two pictures are of my Day 2 and Day 3. Day 3 looks HUGE compared to Day 2, but they are in the same size thread. I scanned these on two different scanners, one I’m familiar with, the other is new to me. I didn’t realize just how it would come out! The one on the left is made with Lizbeth size 20 in Caribbean – and it’s actually both Day 1 and Day 2 together – and the one on the right is in Victorian Red, Lizbeth. I have no idea how these will eventually go together or what the end result is going to be!

And what is the surprise I mentioned in the title? Well…

A couple of days ago I found an envelope in the mail with a lot of foreign stamps on it. ???? It was quite intriguing. Upon opening it I found a Christmas card and this beautiful snowflake! Isn’t it great? It’s from Trayna, who won my blogoversary give-away.

Thank you, Trayna, this is lovely!

I took it to work to show everyone there and got into a little discussion with my boss about if this is a snowflake or a star. I insisted it is a snowflake, he thinks it’s a star. We left it that it’s very pretty, which-ever it is!

I have made some progress on our Pastor’s table runner. It’s slow going, basically because I only have a general picture in my head on how it’s going look when it’s done. And then I change my mind every once in awhile, which doesn’t help. But I finally like where it’s headed. Now, if I can just find time to work on it! I have to work on it at home, so that slows me down a bit. Small projects like snowflakes and bookmarks are so much easier to finish because they can be taken almost anywhere with me. A ring and chain here, a few more there, and it’s done before you know it. *Sigh* But this will get done, eventually!