DC Vacation Revisited

Welcome to the last Tatting Tea Tuesday of July. Can you believe that it’s almost August? In many ways this year has seemed to have gone very fast. Is this a sign that I’m getting old? (Don’t answer that.)

Today I’ll start with the little bit of tatting that I’ve gotten done. I’ve decorated another candle holder. I thought this variegated Lizbeth thread would look so good for this, and it does look okay, but I’m thinking solid colors would stand out against the glass better. I also plan on adding beads the next time. I had a bad time this morning trying to take a picture that showed the tatting to advantage. My husband finally helped me get this shot, one of many pictures but one of the few that came out well.

Okay, now I have pictures from our Washington, DC vacation. If you’re only here for the tatting that was it.

While we were in DC we took a Hop On, Hop Off tour. This is where you buy tickets for a day or two to ride buses that tour the city. They have a lot of stops and a lot of buses, so you can get on where you want and get off where you want and spend time at the stops you want. The tours start at Union Station. This had been let to rundown but has been redone beautifully. It’s a tourist stop in itself. It has a round-about in front of it that you do end up going round and round before you can get out.
We rode one of the double-decker buses from Union Station until the White House Visitor’s Center. This place has items in it from the White House and a lot of history about it. It is also very lovely inside. And like most of the sites here and elsewhere you have to go through a metal detector to get inside. If you visit here make sure you leave your pocket knife, no matter how small, at home. (Experience speaking.)

From there we walked to the front of the White House. We could have been a little closer – just across the street from where we were. There weren’t quite as many people on this side, though, which made picture taking a little easier. This is as close as I’ll probably ever get to tatting at the White House.

From there we headed, on foot, to the Washington Monument. That’s around the Ellipse, which is open ground, like a park, where there was a soccer game going on – they were using shoes to mark the goals. I don’t know how far it actually was, but it felt like a long way around. We were very hot by the time we crossed Constitution Ave. There are these fountains there that we took the time to let the grandsons play in. They had a lot of fun there and didn’t want to leave!

You can see the Monument in the background and how far we still had to go!

Then we walked from the monument to the National WWII Memorial. It is very beautiful with lovely fountains at the center. There is a lot of relief images on the walls going down to them. You can see past my husband to the fountains and then the Lincoln Memorial way in the distance.

That was our next destination. When walking in the heat it seems a very long way.

This is one of my daughters and her little boy looking toward the Lincoln Memorial with the Reflecting Pool behind her. And we had a lot of steps up to go before we reached Lincoln. TV and movies had not really given me the true impression of just how many steps you have to go up to get to Lincoln’s chair. It was very impressive and awe-inspiring. It was also very busy! Even in the heat there were a lot of people. One gentleman had the job of spraying a water hose into the air to let the water rain gently down on passers-by if they were interested. Most people were interested.

After we visited Lincoln we were all ready for a break. We bought frozen lemonades and took a rest in the shade. The grandsons weren’t quite sure they liked the lemonade at first, but as everyone else was having some they tried it and liked it. Here’s most of us cooling off. I took the chance to take out my shuttles so I can say I’ve tatted there. (Yes, I know it’s silly, but I did it anyway!)

To Lincoln’s left is the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial. Walking along that wall can be emotional. It was one place that the visitors were very quiet. Before getting to the Wall there is a new statue that isn’t quite done yet, but you can see it through the Plexiglas. These figures are larger than life and very detailed.

South of the Wall is the Vietnam Women’s Memorial. Again, these figures are larger than life and very detailed. It is a very moving memorial to the women who served in Vietnam, mostly as nurses. The standing figure is named Hope, the praying figure is Faith and the one holding the solder is Charity.

To Lincoln’s right is the Korean War Memorial. I hadn’t realized there was such a memorial, though I should have. These figures look to be moving through wet weather as they are wearing capes/ponchos over their uniforms, and carrying their equipment. All are very distinct individuals. There is a quiet pool ahead of them. The granite wall to their right has images of a lot of people, watching them silently.

I was able to capture the reflection of the walking solders in the polished surface of the wall.

I was very moved by these memorials. There were a lot of others we didn’t have time to visit this time around. I guess we’ll have to go back again sometime.

Tatting Tea Tuesday July 20, 2010

Welcome to Tatting Tea Tuesday. I started off the day with a cup of George’s Cherry Tree Tea, described as “China Tea Scented With Luscious Burgundy Cherries.” I picked it up on our vacation when we visited Mount Vernon, the home of our first president, George Washington. The cup belonged to my maternal grandmother; my mother gave to me a couple of years ago. This is the first time I’ve used it but it looked appropriate to use for this particular TTT. This tea has a definite scent and taste of cherries. I’m pretty hesitant to try new tastes sometimes, but today I took up my courage and tried it. It has a very nice taste. I am pleasantly surprised.

(Warning! I kept adding pictures!)

We visited Mount Vernon on July 5th. Talk about hot! This is a very busy time of year there – people were everywhere. There were long lines that snaked into other buildings before getting in

to the main house. They had people dressed in period costumes talking to the visitors in line, probably to keep them interested and entertained while they waited. The gentleman to the left was supposed to be George’s physician. The gentleman below was an upper-class servant. They were very interesting to talk to because they stayed very much in character. My daughter wasn’t quite sure how to be greeted in such a manner.

There are several rules you have to follow when you visit Mount Vernon: No chewing gum on the estate, no strollers in the main house, no pictures in the main house. The property is owned and run by The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association so they can have any rules they want and they do make sense when you think about them. They have done a wonderful job of furnishing the house with period pieces and returning the rooms to their original colors and uses (you wouldn’t believe some of the colors!). The property had deteriorated greatly after Washington’s death and before being sold to the Ladies’ Association. They’ve returned this to a working farm with animals and gardens and everything.
The building on the right of the main house is the kitchen. I took this picture standing in line waiting to tour the house. We had to go through a building that housed servants most of the time but sometimes guests (if they stayed for awhile) on our way to the main house. There was a line of people from us, through this small building, through the house and then exiting, with no gaps. We talked to people around us as well as the costumed characters. There was actually quite a few things to see before we reached this point. Then, before we entered the first building, we had to park the strollers to be picked up later. Un-costumed members of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association were along the route, explaining what each building and room were used for and which room belonged to which one of the family members.

Behind the buildings seen here (kitchen on the left, storehouse/clerks quarters on the right) there are a lot of other buildings – smokehouse, wash house, coach house, stables. Past those are the fruit garden and the nursery and then Washington’s tomb and the slave memorial.

After walking around looking at as many things as we could before the heat got to us we had lunch in the food court at the visitor’s center, then checked out the shops. They had some lovely things in the shops. It was hard to keep my money in my purse.

After we were fed, cooled off and wallets a little lighter, we were off to the distillery and gristmill, which are a couple of miles away. What amazed me about both the main grounds and this place is where they are located. They are located not very far out of Washington DC in the midst of residential areas. We drove the few miles over to where the gristmill and the distillery have been rebuilt in the locations they were originally. Neither are more than a few years old but built as close as possible to what they would have been in Washington’s time.

We started with the gristmill. Like the main house they have costumed characters here, but unlike at the house these people are the ones that describe what was done in here and how it was done. And unlike the house there are no restrictions about taking pictures. They actually started the water wheel and ground a little corn while we’re there.

In Washington’s time they made the corn meal for local use and very fine wheat flour that was shipped all over the world. There are lot of things I didn’t know about Washington that I learned here. Okay, there’s still a lot I don’t know.

My grandsons were fascinated with a

ll the things going on. It was great to be able to let them touch things and let them down to walk once in awhile. Here are my daughters and their sons checking out where the corn hulls drop into a barrel after the corn has been ground. (A SIL is under the hat behind the kids.)

Then it was a short walk over to the distillery. The gristmill and the distillery share the mill race (a small stream) that once came from a mill pond. There is no longer a mill pond, houses being built up since Washington’s time, so it is a very small stream. Then this woman explained how whiskey used to be made here. It was a hot, hot job! They didn’t have anything brewing while we where there. They said they only made whiskey when it was cool as things just didn’t come out well when it was hot.

And there’s me, sitting on a grinding wheel outside the gristmill. We were so busy doing things I completely forgot to do this at the main house. I think I can still say that I have tatted at Mount Vernon.

There is actually tatting in this post as well, more than me doing a few stitches at Mount Vernon. I want to mention that the doily that I posted about last week did get a blue at the county fair(yea!). I don’t know what competition it had as it was not in a tatting category and mine was the only tatting entry, but it is still exciting. I’ll have to try to get something there next year as well.

This is what I’ve been working on since we got home from vacation. They aren’t showing up very well. These are glass tea candle holders that I have put tatting around. I’ve actually put beads on them! They look much better in person. I did have quite a time gluing the tatting down. It just looks like it’s on lopsided! I’ll have to work on that.

The shuttle in the picture is one I bought 10? 15? years ago. It is made of tulip wood by Dennis Hand. I’m not even sure if I picked this up in person or sent off for it. Strange how memory is. But it is a beautiful shuttle and it fit in with the theme of this post. The doily everything is sitting on was made by one of my neighbors as a gift. It makes a lovely backdrop.

I took a lot of pictures while we were on vacation. This is a warning that there will probably be more in the next few posts.

Until then, may all of you enjoy a little tea and a few minutes of tatting.

Tatting Tea Tuesday at home again

We are back home again after a wonderful vacation. I wouldn’t have minded if it had lasted a little longer! We had a great time with our family and look forward to doing something like this again.

As the picture from last week showed, I’ve been working on a new doily. It started with a doodle and just kept growing. It’s made in DMC Cebelia size 30 ecru with two shuttles. This is it so far; it’s six inches across from point to point. I’m not sure about the last round. Does it look like it’s finished? Does it need another round? Is this round how I want it to be?

The local county fair is at the end of the week. I was thinking about entering something but with our vacation I haven’t gotten anything ready. The fair book actually came in the mail the day we left! Not a lot of time to decide on what I could enter. There is only one tatting category – pillowcases – but there are a few other categories that I could enter tatting in. “Tea towels (set of 4 or more) – Miscellaneous”; “Doilies – Miscellaneous”; and “Household – Miscellaneous”. Well, obviously I don’t have time to make four tea towels or a pillowcase (sewing the tatting to the case would take me forever!). I have this doily that might (!) be done. And I might be able to come up with something for the household category (napkin rings? decorated candle holder?). Whatever I decide I have to make up my mind by Thursday afternoon. I’ll let you know what I decided next week.

And now for the vacation! Okay, one picture – or maybe

two. Our first destination was Nashville, TN. Our SIL really wanted to stop here and all of us thought it would be fun. We spent the morning in the Country Music Hall of Fame. So this is me, with shuttles in hand, in the entry hall. This is after we went through the museum and, obviously, after we had gone to the souvenir shop ; )

Mostly my husband and I bought gifts for family but I did find a little something for myself. I did leave home with the glass case for carrying a working project in but I had couple of shuttles to use for my ‘documentary’ pictures. I didn’t want to mess up on a nice project just for pictures! So I thought this little change purse would work great with this in mind.

This worked great! There was nothing to fall out unexpectedly and I knew exactly what I’d get when I reached inside. And I have a little something to keep small take-along projects in that will always remind me of our 2010 family vacation.

There will be more vacation pictures next week. And the results of my decision of what, if anything, I take to the fair.

Tatting Tea Tuesday while on Vacation

I’m on vacation! Woo hoo!

But it’s hot! We were out sight-seeing in the sun and the heat – oh, man! We were so glad to be able to sit down in the cool when we got home!

As I don’t want to carry my regular tatting bag with me, but I do want to have a little something with me, I have had to come up with something else.

I just got a new pair of glasses and the case that came with them presented itself for a new job. I think it’s working well. It’s not exactly light, but carries just what I need, especially since the thread here is size 30. And the size 14 crochet hook won’t poke through ; )

This piece that I’m working on started as a doodle on another road trip about a week ago and has been growing ever since. When I have the chance – and when I think I’m done with it – I’ll share a picture with it laid out all nice and flat.

My tea today tasted suspiciously like coffee, but it was what was available. I did pick up an interesting tea that I’ll be trying next week and sharing with you.

Until then, everyone have a safe and fun summer. Try to stay cool.

The Hatband is Done! TTT 6/29/2010

Yea! The hatband is done! It’s attached to the hat and everything!

This isn’t exactly how I envisioned it on the hat. The white band was to be smaller, not as wide. But when the material was cut and shaped to fit the hat a narrower band was just not going to work, so wide it is. In excitement to get it done (and lack of practice and knowledge) the band has slightly uneven edges. And the tatting would not win any awards. Looking at the finished piece there are quite a few places that don’t really look all that great. I’m still excited about it and I’m going to wear it anyway!!! For at 50 paces no-one will notice it’s not great! LOL! Hopefully there will be no losing the hat where someone might pick it up, so no-one should see it very closely but me!

My tea today was plain ol’ green tea. It was not actually consumed while the tatting was being done though. Tatting time was mostly in the wee hours of the morning and drinking too much of anything before bed is not wise. There was this idea playing around in my head that I just had to see if it would work, so bed was a little later than it should have been! Then there were a few minutes here and there during the day while waiting in the doctor’s office and tea was not available. But the little idea is looking pretty good! I’ll share it in another post.

Until then, may you all have a blessed week with a little time for tatting and tea.

Tatting Tea Tuesday in Red, White and Blue

On this hot Tatting Tea Tuesday I had my tea iced! It’s a sweltering 94 d F with a heat index of 101, making it a good day to stay inside. If I could have I would have stayed home so I didn’t get out any more, but that was not to be. But I’m not working outside, thank goodness!

As I mentioned last week I’m taking a short break from my doily to work on another project. It needs to be done before we go on vacation! And as it’s getting close to Independence Day I thought I’d do this project in patriotic colors. This is going to be the hatband on a floppy brimmed hat and it’s about half done. As you can see the ends have not yet been trimmed. I like to leave those until I’m done and then go around and trim them all off. I’ve always thought that the most aggressive handling of a piece is usually in it’s construction and if an end is going to have trouble, this is when it will happen. By leaving them all to the last I can check all my ends as I finish the piece when I cut the threads. I’m calling this motif #7 of the 25 Motif Challenge, even if it’s not quite done.

These stars are done in size 20 thread; Hakelgarn color 2011 (red) and Manuela color 019 (blue). I am trying to get this done pretty quickly so I’m not using LHP joins. As this is going to be permanently attached to material or a ribbon the back won’t be seen, so those pesky little color spots will remain hidden and unremarked. (If you wonder what I mean by LHP joins I spoke about learning to use them in this post and directions on how to do them are here.) I think this troop of stars will look great on my hat. I’m pretty excited about it : )) I hope to have it done by next week, mounted on the hat and everything. Done or not, I’ll try to have a picture.

The wheat in the picture is from the field outside our house. They’ve already started cutting the fields close by and this field could be cut at any time. We actually came home from work yesterday and were surprised that it hadn’t been cut. This is what it looks like today. Any time now it will be much shorter.

Take some time for yourself with a little tea and tatting, and may all of you have a blessed week.

Doily Restart and Blogging Buddies

Good morning this Tatting Tea Tuesday! It’s a good day – the sun has come out! Yea!!

It has been raining here the last few days, but only about 4 -5 inches instead of the 10 inches they had in Oklahoma City a few days ago. And not as much as a few other places here in Kansas. And now it looks like we have a chance for a few days without rain – maybe. Now it’s just hot and muggy.

I’ve re-started on my doily, this time in Lizbeth Springtime and black, both in size 20. This is as far as it’s gotten after starting it last week. I haven’t taken a lot of time to tat lately. I did finish the round this morning – the tatting part of this Tuesday, while drinking my favorite mint tea. I may have to put off working on this for a little while as there’s another project that needs to be done in a short amount of time. I’ll share that when I have some progress to report on. But I do like the look of this so far.

I thought I’d share a picture of my blogging buddies. And tatting buddies. And TV watching buddies – pretty much when I sit down in my chair buddies. Cat 1 is on the arm and Cat 2 is on the seat beside me. They’d both be on my lap if I let them.

Looking forward to doing a little more tatting this week – I can hope!

Chamomile any one?

Anyone out there like chamomile tea? I haven’t actually tried it myself, though my neighbor really likes it and recommends it. I’m kind of a wimp when it comes to trying some new things and this is one of them. I’m not saying I won’t, just that I haven’t taken that step yet. So this Tatting Tea Tuesday I drink just decaffeinated tea of an unknown brand instead of something exotic or exciting.

The subject of chamomile came up the other day when our neighbor, a really great guy, was mowing our lawn for us. Probably because it was getting pretty tall. And because he’s really a great guy. But when he got to our driveway up by the house he left a large patch un-mowed. He stopped and explained he thought it was chamomile. We both agreed it smelled very good where it was mowed. These plants are where we don’t want plants, though. My DH is planning to get rid of them soon.

I’m not much on plants, herbs or edibles from the field, so I did a little (key word,

little) checking on the Internet about chamomile. I understand that it has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries in Europe and then here in the States as well. It sounds like it could be very good for you as well as quite tasty (so they say). Wikipedia also says that it can become quite a pest because it spreads out everywhere, including in fields where it’s not wanted. I must agree, what’s growing and spreading in our driveway is going everywhere! So whether it’s chamomile or not, smells nice or not, some of it is going bye bye very soon.
I don’t know for sure if the little plant in the picture is chamomile or not but it looks kind of nice there with my tatting. The colors are not quite true-to-life though. The cross actually has purple as the outside, not blue.

The little doily is the center of the one I’ve been working on for several weeks. I’m not very happy with the way it lays now that this much has been blocked. The ds count has to be corrected for it to look better, so this is as far as this one is going. The next one will be in another color with a few more stitches in the pattern!

The cross bookmark is one of my patterns. It will have a ‘tail’ on it soon. I made one just like this for an insert in a wedding card last week but didn’t take a picture of it before it was given away, so I obviously had to make another to share, right? It is made with Lizbeth size 20 thread in Springtime, I think. (The label came out of the middle *ahhhh*) It’s pretty anyway. The outside is also Lizbeth size 20 in purple but which shade I’m also not sure of except it’s pretty close to K States’ purple.

Pretty sad, isn’t it? Until I started this blog remembering what the colors were was only a very minor thing. But sharing what I’m doing with others means keeping track of these things. I’ll have to find a better way of keeping the labels with the threads, won’t I? While I’m making changes I might just have to give chamomile tea a try.

Tatting Tea Tuesday June 1, 2010

Is it Tuesday already? And it’s been two weeks? Oh, my!

Yes, I’ve been lazy. Not really that busy, just lazy. I’ve done a little tatting but not much. I made this on a cabone ring, just messing around. I have no plans for this, I was just seeing what I could come up with.

I did do a little work on the doily. I’ve counted stitches several times so I know the count is correct but it has to be blocked to lay out flat. I’ve gone ahead with it the way the original is made but I’m making adjustments to the written pattern, making a few changes to it so it will lay better right off the shuttle.

It looks okay but I designed this quite a few years ago and have no memory of issues that I had with it when it was done. Also, I didn’t know then a lot of what I know now. There are several things I would do differently with it. It would probably come out looking similar, but I think it would be a lot less work after the tatting is done.

I had a nice, quiet Memorial Day weekend, not going anywhere or doing anything. My husband volunteered to work all three days so I was by myself in the evenings. He also worked slightly different hours which really messed up the days. We had planned to go to western Kansas to visit the cemeteries out there but that didn’t happen. We didn’t visit any cemeteries at all. I’m hoping another weekend yet this summer we’ll make it. Monday afternoon I went over to our daughters’ house for supper and spent the evening. It was a very pleasant time, though I wish my husband could have been there, too. Oh, well, our vacation is coming up soon, when we will have a little more time to enjoy our time together without going to work. At least for a little while.

I think I’ll have another cup of tea and see if I can get a little more done on the doily. May you enjoy your tea and tatting for another week.

Tatting Tea Tuesday after a stormy Monday

It was a wild night last night. There were storms all over Kansas and Oklahoma and a lot of tornadoes came out of them. There are reports of 21 tornadoes between the two states last night. We were fortunate here in Wichita as we didn’t have any tornadoes, but there were a couple that weren’t that far away. There was a tornado warning in Wichita – imminent threat of a tornado – so the plant was sent to the storm shelters. I know my daughter and her family went to the basement. It calmed down here after that but the storms kept moving east and causing damage. I was very glad to see the night over.

Today is a much nicer day here. There will be a lot of people out today checking out the damage and making determination on how strong the tornadoes were yesterday. I hear that the storms are moving east with lots of dangerous potential. I feel for all those people that may have to go through that kind of storms.

Now, on to a much lighter subject. I’m not getting much tatting done yet today, though I might have a chance later. But I’ve been going through a few things – trying to organize (hahahaha!) -and came upon a doily I made years ago. You might have seen it in this post.

I’m trying to figure out if I wrote the pattern down for this. So far, I haven’t had any luck finding anything. So I thought I’d start over and count stitches and get this written out so I can make another one. I’ve got so many more beautiful threads today than I did then. I think this could look pretty cool in colors. Now if I can just get down on paper what I put together in thread!