Thanks to Toptattyhead, aka Linda S. Davies, and soluranne, aka AnneB, for their wonderful tutorials on YouTube. I have now successfully learned split chains (Linda) and single shuttle split rings (Anne) **happy dance** I have not even tried these before because I thought they would be difficult! Man, when I tried the SSSR I really could have kicked myself on how easy it is!!
The first ring above is a normal ring and the second one is my first try at the SSSR – it looked good until I pulled it closed. The third ring is my next try and I figured out what I hadn’t done on the previous ring – and wa-la! The whole time I’m making these I’m going “Is this all it is? Really?” If you haven’t tried this yet I encourage you to check out AnneB’s tutorial and give it a try.
Linda’s tutorial on the split chain is good. She takes it slow so you can understand what she’s doing. And of course, being a video, you can go back and see it again and again until you get it. The picture shows my first attempt. The piece is just for this practice, it’s not part of anything else. I’m not saying I don’t need to practice this a bit, but I’m not afraid to use it now.
Thanks, ladies!
Update on my doily: I’ve completed the fourth round and still have two rounds to go. This has not been blocked as there is more work to be done.
It’s late summer here in Kansas, obvious everywhere by blooming wild sunflowers. These are in our yard, but can be found in ditches and fence rows everywhere this time of year. I look forward to seeing them as they are hints of the end of hot weather and the start of fall.
Another indication of the end of summer is the Kansas State Fair which starts this Friday. My sister and I plan on going. I plan to take my camera with me, so next week be prepared for a picture heavy post. I didn’t enter anything this year but I’m going to check out what others have. I also want to see the quilts, the photography, the butter sculpture and the pig races and… There is so much to see and do at the fair I know one day won’t be enough time, but I’ll get in as much as I can : )
Today I had a cup of George’s Cherry Tree Tea with my tatting before getting ready for work. As yesterday was Labor Day, a national holiday here in the states, today is the start of the work week. I love short work weeks! May all of you have a great week and fit in a little tatting if you can : )