I made it to the fair yesterday, but by the time I got home I was just too tired to do much but go to bed. So the pictures had to wait until today.

This is what I came up with for a Christmas decoration. I didn’t expect it to win anything and it didn’t. I wanted to enter as much tatting as possible, and that I had time to make. It’s not quite what I planned to do, but it’s what got done. You can see the picture that won champion in the same class, Christmas decoration.

As you can see, my doily took third place. When it was shown at the Harvey County fair it was laying down, so the way I mounted it was fine. At the state fair they hung it on the wall and the center sagged a bit. I’ve learned a lesson for next year! Below my doily is a red, white and green doily. It’s hard to tell with it mounted that way, but it looked pretty good to me.

These are the entries that competed with my spider and web. This was Holiday decoration, and you could enter one per holiday. It looks like all holidays compete against each other, not each holiday by itself.

And, yes, it got a blue ribbon! I was pleasantly surprised. I knew it would be competing against a variety of media, and didn’t know if the judges would like the tatting or not.
Next week I’ll show some of the other tatting that was entered.
“If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything.”
Win Borden