What we did do this weekend is watch the Olympics. We have watched a lot of it this year. Skiing, ice dancing and curling the most.
Curling. I’ve heard of it before but I’d never watched any. It’s kind of interesting though I still don’t understand it, really. The Americans have not done well in it this year with both the men and the women being eliminated already. But it was interesting watching.
If we watch the winter Olympics we’ve usually watched the figure skating. This year we’ve actually watched the ice dancing. It’s very beautiful. They had some fantastic dances, with some very high scoring (so they tell us). One of the American teams won silver, while a Canadian team won gold. Wow! For not having jumps and throws it was fun to watch.
It’s amazing to me what people can do on skis. Those jumps! Those moves! It seems a lot of them were skiing with injuries or just getting over injuries. I’m way to much of a wimp to understand how and why they would go to such extremes, but it makes for some fascinating viewing. I’m in awe of all the these athletes.
Here on the home front my husband has the dreaded cold. I’m trying very hard to not catch it from him, washing hands a lot, drinking orange juice and taking my vitamins. I’d like very much not to share this with him.
Hopefully I’ll have some tatting to share next week. Not taking any bets, though.