I tried to remember where I had seen the dragonfly pattern I was thinking of. Jane Eborall has an awesome pattern for one but it takes a lot of beads, which is no surprise. Also no surprise I’m not wanting to use that many beads. As I couldn’t remember where to find the pattern and didn’t have time to surf the ‘net for it, I doodled a bit and came up with a reasonable dragonfly.
Over a week after I sent the card I saw that Michelle, over at Tela Magistrae, had made dragonfly earrings. The pattern was pretty much what I was looking for. Eliz Davis commented they looked like a pattern from Jon Yusoff. Sure enough, that’s the pattern I was looking for. I think it will be easier than the one I made. Michelle’s earrings turned out so well! I think I’ll be making a pair for my mother. And maybe me, too.
Instead of tatting much this weekend my husband and I spent it with family. We went to our oldest daughter’s house to spend the day Saturday. Our daughter and family from Nebraska were able to come down, too. We have tried to have a longer vacation together like we have done the last several years, but we just couldn’t get the timing to work. We had a great day visiting, doing things together, and watching the kids play together. Sunday we had all of them over to our house along with other family and a few friends. It was a great weekend.
With the busy weekend I’m behind on reading all the tatting blogs I like. But that’s okay! I knew all the blogs would be there when family had gone home. Now that I have time I’m looking forward to seeing what all you’ve been up to.
“It’s not the amount of time you devote, but what you devote to the time that counts.” Found in a fortune cookie