The right colors

My order of Lizbeth thread from Handy Hands arrived late last week, which included the thread I needed to make my sister’s birthday present. I’ve made a start of her gift but there is a long way to go, mainly because I haven’t decided exactly how I’m going to join them together or finish it off. I have a few ideas that are bouncing around the back of my mind about it, but they haven’t come together yet. Some of you might recognize the motif I’m using is from last October, the Priscilla Tatting Book No. 1. This time I’m using Lizbeth size 20 in 686 and 688, Seagreen Lt and Dk. The inner long picots are a half inch in length, probably a little long, but I like how it gives them a swirling effect 🙂

Some of the other colors that I ordered are ‘Paint Brush’, ‘Butterfly Breeze’, ‘Root Beer’ and ‘Peacock Blues’. A few of these I have plans for, others just appealed to me. I guess that means I’ll have to find projects to make with them. Not to justify their purchase but to have the opportunity to use them and enjoy their colors.

The newest dragon
Ryan hasn’t shown herself completely yet. Okay, I got excited about getting started on my sister’s gift and did that instead. I’m using DMC Cebelia size 30 with one strand of metallic embroidery floss, which makes the finished project bigger than one made in size 20 Lizbeth. Only her wings are missing yet, and then framing and finishing. I don’t think I’ll get her done yet this week as we’re having company this weekend – our daughter and her son will be here for a few days. Somehow having a two-year-old running around doesn’t give a person much time to tat!

I had an interesting email yesterday from a woman who lives here in Kansas and also tats who would like to get together sometime. Oh, goodie, goodie! The biggest problem right now is I’m so busy with a lot of different things that our meeting might have to wait a week or two. But I’m sure eventually we’ll find a time that will work for both of us. I’m really looking forward to it.

Blogger issue
I happened to use a computer using Explorer to view my blog yesterday and I found out what Kathy and Margarette found – that the end of my 2/15 blog post was now showing in Wingdings! As I post using Firefox I hadn’t seen it before. I changed it, hopefully for all the different methods of viewing.

Japanese disaster
I’m praying for all those that have been effected by the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. May God bless and protect them from further harm. I don’t know how many who read this blog may live in the effected areas but I hope they are all safe.

In this disaster, as well as the ones recently in Australia, I don’t always know how I can help, one person a long way away. But there are ways, including donations of money to organizations that are capable of being there to help. The company I work for has employees in Japan and has announced that all are accounted for. Now the company is donating $1 million dollars to the Japanese Red Cross and getting out information on how the rest of us can help. It’s good to work for a caring company.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”
Helen Keller

Tatting Tea Tuesday with Chocolates

Have you heard? Isdihara, from Ambitatterous is having a contest, to decorate an empty box of chocolates with tatting. The one she likes the best will win 25 balls of Lizbeth thread of your choice! 25 balls of Lizbeth! For that I have to at least try!

Okay, how do you decorate a box of chocolates? I was having a terrible time coming up with a theme or idea, so I went with what I was working on. Snowflakes. I don’t know how good an idea it is, but I came up with something! The box didn’t show off the snowflakes very well so I covered it in brown paper, which shows off the white thread very well. Then I tried laying out snowflakes on the top in different arrangements. That looked way too busy no matter what arrangement I tried them in, so I reduced it to just one larger one. I’m not sure about this, but it’s what I came up with. I hope you like it at least a little bit, Isdihara!

I have been very busy, both with tatting and with other crafty things, but they’re all for gifts so I can’t show them yet. I’m in a Secret Santa exchange on Intatters and an Advent swap on Ravelry, besides having projects to make for family and friends. As the Internet things have to be sent out first they’ve been first on my list to do. I’m getting close to being done with those – I think! I have done a few things I’ve thought about for awhile but never got around to trying and I’ve been pretty happy with ’em. They’ll be shown in future posts, after I’m sure they’ve all been opened.

I’m still working on snowflakes today as I enjoy a cup of peppermint tea. I keep humming Christmas songs which helps keep me in the gifting mood. “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

May you all have a wonderful week with a little tea and tatting if you can!

Tatting Tea Tuesday and Motif #10

This morning I’m enjoying a glass of iced Vanilla Rooibos tea, which I have come to like very much. It is described as “a lush and indulgent blend of rooibos, Tahitian vanilla, cinnamon, apples and peaches” (Tazo box label). Mmmm. I’m drinking my tea with my feet up -ignoring the dirty house – glad that I’m inside instead of outside. We’re currently enjoying very hot weather, but that should be no surprise, it is August in Kansas.

There has actually been a lot of tatting done this week but there’s very little to show for it. Several things have gone directly into the trash after completion, or maybe a little earlier. I was trying for some earrings – there are so many beautiful creations on others’ blogs that I just had to give it a try – but my first try was pretty ugly. First, I don’t use beads very much, and second, some days things just don’t work!! It did get a little better on my second try.

This is the only picture I have of these, because I was lazy and didn’t snap a picture until I was on my way out the door. I was on my way to enter a few things in a local county fair, including these. I had this last minute thought that I should enter some tatting that wasn’t “old fashioned”, something to show that tatting could be modern and fun. These are a long way from being as pretty as, say, any that I’ve seen so far, but I will wear them. My sister liked them, too. These are made in Lizbeth #682 Country Grape, Dk, size 20. I’m going to consider them motif #10 in my second 25 Motif Challenge.

I also made another cross bookmark in the same color based on the motif from the November 1953 Workbasket. I don’t know how I made such a mess of hiding the ends when I was done, but it is terrible! : (
Oh, well, I guess I need bookmarks, too.

Wishing you all a little time for tea and tatting.

First Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2010

“It was a cold and stormy night…”

Okay, it was a cold and cloudy day, this first Tatting Tea Tuesday of the year. And it’s supposed to get much colder. Those of you north of here already have it worse. I hear the high in Omaha, Nebraska was -5 yesterday. Brrrr! I need a cup of hot tea just thinking about it!

For today’s tatting I sat down with a nice cup of hot tea and started Jane’s TIAS (Tat It And See). I’ve never participated in one of these before, but it looks like fun. Plus the added factor of doing it “with” other tatters is appealing. Jane has already posted the first samples on her TIAS blog. Here is my attempt at Day 1. I have no idea where this is headed.

In the introduction to her TIAS, Jane recommends at least three shuttles, and five if you don’t want to wind and unwind, and three colors of thread that ‘get along’ with each other. I have located four empty shuttles and started emptying the fifth. Just to make it easier on myself you understand. As we have no idea how much thread is going to be needed it’s hard to know how full to wind the shuttles. Oh, well, I chose colors I like so I’ll be able to use the left-overs pretty easily. I’ve chosen Lizbeth threads in size 20; Caribbean, Victorian Red and Black. I’ll find out whether that was a good choice or not pretty soon, I suppose.

Other than that, I have three projects I need to work on. The most pressing is a Christmas gift that I didn’t have time to do. I had to give them an IOU – to our Pastor and his wife! Every year I make them a table runner – material for the center, with tatted edgings. They really look forward to them *warm fuzzy feeling* but I just ran out of time this year. So that will be my main project, hopefully finished in a couple of weeks. (Hey, I dream up new edgings for this every year. This time I have a very ambitious one that I hope works out!) I’ll post about it when it’s done.

The second project is for my sister. She gave me some material that she has collected, to use for runners. A couple of pieces she really likes and wouldn’t mind a runner of her own. As she does so much for me (and she has a birthday coming up) I thought I should make her one. I’ll start it right after I finish the one for the Pastor and his wife.

The third project is *head hangs in shame* something I started for my sister and her husband a long time ago and never finished. A table cloth – in size 30 thread! Why, oh why did I do that?? Actually, I tried to find a pattern I liked and do it in size 10, but I never liked any of those that I saw. So, what else could I do but come up with my own pattern, which looked wonderful in size 30? It’s been a running joke that I give it to them, enlarged each year (mostly), at Christmas and then they give it back so I can work on it. I really think it’s time I just get it done, once and for all. Well, okay, it might take several months, but I’ve got it out, my shuttles are wound and I have some motivation for it. Wish me luck!

‘Sunflower’ doily

Earlier this year I designed a small doily that I call Arches over Arches. For my blogoversary giveaway I made the doily in Lizbeth Falling Leaves size 20. This thread has such a wonderful fall look. I was then inspired to put a brown center in it.

And this is how it turned out.
Doesn’t it remind you of a sunflower?

I hadn’t posted this earlier because I wanted to make sure the winner of my giveaway – Trayna – had received it before I shared it here. It was hard to wait! I really like how this turned out : )

And now fall is almost over and it’s time to think of Christmas and winter weather.
Today is supposed to be the last really nice day for awhile. Sunny, not too windy and pleasant temperatures. After today the temperatures will return to a more normal range – in the 40’s – so we are planning to put out our Christmas lights this morning. Not that we put out a lot of lights, but I would much rather do this when the weather is mild and then enjoy them when it’s cold and snowy!

And then it’s back to tatting snowflakes. Between the colder weather and the Christmas lights, it should really get me feeling festive!

Look what I got!

See what came the other day?
A box of Lizbeth thread from Handy Hands! Whoopee!

This is all size 20, mostly solid colors. To coordinate with some of the variegated colors that I bought last time. Don’t they just look yummy?

I did get a couple of variegated threads, like Western Sunset. It sounded so pretty I just had to get some. Not sure what I’ll make with it, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out.

Lizbeth has just wonderful colors. I usually buy just one or two balls at a time, but if you have to pay for shipping, you might as well buy enough to get free shipping, don’t you think?

Now I’m going to have a hard time deciding which color to use first! I did have a thought, though – maybe I should make samples with each of the colors. I’d have a thread and a size sample and I’d get to use all of the colors soon! Okay, I’d have to wrap shuttles a lot, but I’m sure I could figure out just how much each sample takes and only wrap that much. Hmm, I’ll definitely have to think on that.

The candle on the table is “Pumpkin Spice” and it smells wonderful! It makes the house smell sooo good. It is an inspiration to use those fall colored threads that I just bought – like I need any more incentive!

Don’t forget to leave a comment if you want to enter my giveaway. One more week!

And check out LadyShuttleMakers giveaway, too. She’s also shared pictures of her “Girl Cave” – I want one!

The good and the not-so-good.

This week has had it’s good moments and it’s bad. Let’s start with the good. I won Isdihara’s Fractured Quotes: “Knot-TEA” Parody & GIVEAWAY! This was a lot of fun to enter. She asked that you write a ‘fractured’ quote about tatting and tea, based on a quote, to enter. I wrote a couple, not necessarily that good but they were fun to come up with.

Now for the not-so-good. I’ve worked on several pieces this week. And none of them have turned out like I planned. The above is one of them. Can anyone see what’s wrong with the unfinished piece on the right?

The problem started because I started the piece with a different size thread than I’ve used before. In the past I’ve made it with size 10 but this time I thought I’d use the size 20 Lizbeth I just bought. Nothing wrong with that – I knew it would be a little smaller. And I added another ring to make it bigger. One ring. That doesn’t work with the rows that follow. So, I had to start it over. **sigh**

I also was going to make a cross bookmark for friend. I probably still will, but I mis-counted the repeats in the long arm and made it too short. **sigh** There should still be enough thread on the shuttle to start over.

I think I just need to slow down a little, sip a little tea, and do it right the first time!

Grandma’s tea cup and a new bookmark

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I used a cup and saucer that belonged to my grandmother, the one who taught me to tat. I’ve always loved this golden tea set. It looks so rich and elegant. And it really looks good with that bookmark, don’t you think?

The bookmark is new this week. The center is entwined together before it’s joined at the last clover. I’ve seen something like it somewhere but I don’t remember where. Thank you, who ever you are, for a great idea. My husband really likes the look.

This one is made with Lizbeth thread “Springtime” in size 20. And it does look like springtime! I also made one in Lizbeth “Caribbean” with black on the outside. That looked pretty good, too.

This should be #25 of my 25 Motif Challenge. That is a wonderful site. They gather together what other bloggers have done, which is great so you don’t miss some wonderful work. I might just have to start it again!

I hope everyone had a few minutes to enjoy a little tatting and a cup of tea. It really is a great idea.

More paperclips and a box of thread

It’s Tatting Tea Tuesday again! That day of the week when you make yourself a nice cup of tea, put your feet up, pick up your shuttles and take a little “me” time.

This week I did have a cup of tea instead of coffee. I picked up my shuttles and tried making one of my butterflies with two colors so I could maybe write down the pattern. It ended up being a little loosey-goosey from my stopping, checking what and where I was and chasing the cat off my lap, where she insisted she should be. Oh, well, I need bookmarks, too.

These paperclip bookmarks are some of what I accomplished this week. The handy thing about this kind of bookmark is they are small and don’t take long to make. I don’t do a lot with beads but I thought I’d give it a try on one, and will probably do a few more as well. I’m not sure about the hearts because they loose their shape pretty easily. Hmm, they need a little work. The horse heads are getting to be pretty easy though. I like them.

These bookmarks are great for taking out when you only have a few minutes to tat. In fact my husband needed new work shoes this week and I was tatting while he tried on shoes. The sales lady was very curious as to what I was doing – she’d never seen or heard of tatting before. She thought it was very pretty. Tatting in public, a great way to introduce people to a great art.

I received a package in the mail yesterday from Handy Hands. A few days ago I decided I needed more thread (who doesn’t??) And HH had sent out an email coupon so I had to buy something, right? I’ve noticed that I usually use solid threads, mostly blues, white and ecru, so I thought I would get some variegated threads. And a few in colors I don’t usually think of, expand my horizons so to speak. They are all Lizbeth size 20.

The colors, reading across from top left to top right, are:

Mocha Swirl, Black, Golden Yellow Med; 2nd row, Denim Whisper, Marble, Jewels, Jewels (I’ve seen a lot of people use this and just had to have some) ; 3rd row, Caribbean, Caribbean (I really like this color!), Sea Shell, Springtime; 4th row, Grape Pizzaz, Red Burst, Christmas Delight, and Country Side.

A color chart was included in the box, so now when I need a new color I have a great place to start. They have started making Lizbeth in size 40 but I am very comfortable with 20 so this is where I’ve started. Maybe next time it will be the smaller thread. Another good excuse to buy more thread don’t you think?

Tea and Tatting again

Well, it’s Tatting Tea Tuesday again. I made up a cup of tea and sat back to tat.
Today I’m working on coasters for my daughter’s birthday. She chose two colors and I’m trying to decide if I can use them together, or should just use one or the other. The tatting is going to be attached to denim from old jeans.
She chose this Lizbeth thread in green variegated and antique red in size 20. I like them both,
I just don’t know if I like them both together. Make it all in the green, all in the red, or together?

I think the pattern will work. If I leave it like this it will be about 4 inches (about 10cm) across. I’m planning on making four to six of them – it will depend on how many I get done by her birthday!

Now, if I can just make up my mind how I want to do the colors….