I have chocolate, thread, and shuttle ready for International Tatting Day. I had hoped to be able to tat in public today, but I have so many things to do at home my only public will be the internet. Tatting IS a large part of what I need to do today, and chocolate will be eaten!
Happy International Tatting Day! May you have time to tat, eat chocolate, and enjoy the beverage of your choice. If you can do it in public that’s even better!
Today, April 1st is International Tatting Day. Traditionally, we celebrate by tatting, in public if we can, eat chocolate, and drink a beverage of choice. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?
On April 1 I was able to tat in public. It isn’t always easy to get out this year to do so, but much easier than last year. I would have like to be in a slightly better spot, but being out was better than not going at all.
Tatting in public on ITD 2021
I invited my sister to go with me to a local coffee shop called Norm’s. The place was pretty busy so my choice of sitting was limited. Though no-one stopped to talk, my sister and I enjoyed a lovely visit.
My sister’s birthday was several weeks ago. She found out she had been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID 19 the day before, so instead of taking her out to celebrate then, she was quarantined. The good news is she didn’t didn’t get it! So we celebrated it on International Tatting Day.
After visiting at Norm’s for a while I took her to lunch. With the last year the way it’s been, we haven’t had the opportunity to get together much. The time flew by, making the morning seem very short.
For her birthday I gave her a bracelet I made of Liz Metallic # 319 Turquoise Blue.
Bracelet in Turquoise Blue Liz Metallic
I like this thread but it does tat a bit different than cotton thread. I notice this a lot on the chains, especially when they are long chains. It still came out well, and she was excited to get it. This is one of her favorite colors. It is a simple pattern but the metallic thread gives it a fancy look.
We had a wonderful time and I got to tat in public. Not a bad way to spend International Tatting Day. And there was chocolate.
‘Frequent conversations will fill your heart with joy.’ From a fortune cookie
Last week I thought I wouldn’t be decorating any Easter eggs with tatting. But during the week I found the box that had the fake eggs I bought several years ago. Then I decorated them with just a touch of tatting, not encasing them. This year I was inspired by so many people encasing the eggs with tatting that I decided to give it a try.
Decorated egg for Easter 2021
This is tatted with Lizbeth # 662, Turquoise Lt., a ball that was in a box of miscellaneous tatting things I found in my craft room, one of many such boxes. This color was found in one of the first boxes I went through that day and goes well with the pink egg.
More of the top of the egg
This egg is the size of a real hen’s egg. Doesn’t it look real? It is light but not fragile like a real egg; I didn’t have to worry about dropping it. (Drop it? Me?!) If I did this pattern again I would definitely change the very top, so that each ring of the next round could attach to it. The second round does stay up okay, but I think it would look better joined to the top. This is my pattern, made in four rounds plus the bare thread used to sew the top and the bottom together.
When this one was finished, I tried something else on a much smaller, wooden egg.
Small decorated wooden egg
This one is made with only two rounds, a bottom round with the top added next, then a thread going through each of the picots of the top to enclose the egg. I don’t use a picot gauge very often but I did while making this. Did you notice that the egg isn’t painted? I thought about painting it, but decided I’d rather just leave it as is.
The two eggs side by side
I used the same thread on both. It looks about right on the larger egg but a smaller thread would have been better on the small one, don’t you think? Give it a more delicate look.
Easter egg size difference
I have these eggs hanging from the bottom of the light shade next to my computer. Other than that I don’t have any Easter or spring decorations out. As I have the decorated eggs from 2016, maybe I’ll put those out as well. Will I decorate any more? I’m not sure.
International tatting day is coming up on April 1st, just over a week away. I’m still trying to decide if I’m going to do anything special for it, or just make sure I have chocolate and time to tat. How about you? Any plans?
I hope you all have had a wonderful and blessed Easter.
This year Easter and International Tatting Day happen to fall on the same day. Which made it a very full day! Church in the morning, big family dinner and visiting in the afternoon, then finally a chance to sit down and tat.
I was trying to make a cross that was quick but simple to tat. I also was trying not to spend too much time on the Internet, which is extremely easy to do. So I fiddled around a bit and came up with this one. It’s made in Lizbeth #620 Azalea Medium size 20.
Now that I have time to put my feet up I’m making a couple more but with findings in the center. I think I can use the same stitch count as I did for this one. We’ll see.
I’m also working on a doily that is currently pinned out. I need it to be flat so I can decide what the next round will look like. It has been quite an interesting project so far. I’ll be sharing it later.
Now, I’m going to get me a warm drink – it’s pretty chilly today – put my feet up and tat. And have some chocolate!
“If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax.” Christian Louboutin www.brainyquote.com