Pizzaz Tatting

Grape Pizzaz anyway.
Tatted cross in Grape Pizzaz size 20 Lizbeth on wandasknottythoughts
Tatted cross in Grape Pizzaz

I spent most of Tuesday in a waiting room while my mother underwent a medical procedure.  It was supposed to be at 9:30 A.M. but of course they want the patient there early.  I arrived at 8:30 A.M, a little late to see her as they took her to the back at 8:00 A.M.

And then we waited.  And waited.  And waited.  They finally started the procedure at 12:10 P.M.

Then we waited some more while the procedure was done.  Which took two hours.

Then we waited some more while she was in recovery.

I have been making a few bookmarks to refill my gift supply.  Most recently it has been the Graduation bookmark in Lizbeth Grape Pizzaz size 20.  I’d finished one in it and begun another.  This thread is what I had in my purse Tuesday morning.  The only thread I had in my purse.

Two tatted crosses in Grape Pizzaz size 20 Lizbeth thread on wandasknottythoughts
Two tatted crosses in Grape Pizzaz

Finishing the cross was the first thing I tatted in the waiting room.  I could have done another one – or two, or three – during the wait but I chose to do other things.

Waiting room tatting in Grape Pizzaz size 20 Lizbeth on wandasknottythoughts
Waiting room tatting

Tatting around the button was because, um, I had the button.  The butterflies and flowers as small things I make when there isn’t much thread left on the shuttles.  I use these on letters and notes to brighten them up 🙂  A clear glass gem from the bottom of my tatting bag became an Ice Drop.  Thanks to Diane for having the information on her blog to refresh my memory on how to make them!

I took quite a few breaks from tatting during the waiting for lack of a strategy for the day.  If I’d had a large project with me a lot could have been accomplished.  Alas, I didn’t have much of a plan for tatting, so was unprepared.  How odd of me.  This was not a surprise procedure, I should have had a better plan.

The good news is my mother is doing well.  She’ll have to take things easy for a while, but she is at home where she can be comfortable.

I have found several UFOs I should work on.  I’ve also started a list of things I want to tat.  Hmm, which will it be?

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment.  Take the moment and make it perfect!”

Fun with Bookmarks

InTatters is having a bookmark exchange and I joined it. I’ve never done an exchange before, so I’m very excited about this. I’ve been trying to decide which pattern and which thread to do it in. I’ve made several but I have not been happy with any of them.

This one is pretty good and was my first attempt. It was going pretty good when at the end I pulled the thread up at the end – and the thread broke! It left just a few fuzzy little strands, not enough to weave into any ds. I used the other tail to work it in somewhat, but I don’t trust them not to come out again. I will probably put a touch of glue there to keep it from coming out, but it doesn’t meet the standard of a gift.

I have done a couple other bookmarks that I will share another time – they don’t meet the standard, either, but aren’t too bad. But I don’t like the way my blog decides where the pictures go (instead of me) so I’ll post them at a different time. I WILL learn how to set this blog up better, some time. I just need to know where I can find some of that time. I seem to be very short of it right now.

With a deep breath and a prayer I look for the family to be done with hospital visits for awhile. Both my mother and my DH’s mother are both home and doing well. My father is doing better but the doctor said he can’t go home but needs to be moved to a convalescence home. This will be hard on everyone but a relief in many ways. He has been getting weaker and more confused lately. Now the doctor gets to be the bad guy instead of the family for telling him he’d have to go to a home.

But this means that I won’t have much time for me for awhile. I’ve been taking a few minutes here and there to visit other’s blogs and InTatters, but not really enough time to get pictures ready and post. I hope to get the other bookmarks up in a few days. Wouldn’t that be nice?

And tatting is so portable I can take it with me almost anywhere. So I have hope in getting a few things done. Wish me luck!

Who’s next?

This hasn’t been a good week at all! My mother went to the hospital last Sunday and got out Tuesday, my husband’s mother went to the hospital Tuesday and is still there, and then my dad was admitted to the hospital early this morning. I’m hoping that three is enough and that no-one else has to be hospitalized. Enough already!

None of them has turned out to be serious, which is a good thing in all of this. But it makes life very interesting to try and get to everyone and keep up with how they’re doing. And my husband and I are working nine hours days five days a week and eight hours both Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere in all of this I think I need a nap!

Before all of this came about I did get a little tatting done. I went to a meeting of Hook Yarn and Needle/Fiber Options a week ago. It is through the county extension office and meets once a month. They were doing some needle tatting but I took my shuttles and made “Heart’s Desire” in DMC variegated blue size 8 Pearle. For doing this completely in the midst of several conversations and distractions, I think it turned out very well. I’m counting it as #15 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

They asked me if I’d like to show them how to shuttle tat next month. I agreed, but I’m thinking I will need to give them contact information in case any of them are really interested: the group takes a three month break in the summer! I’m willing to meet with them individually or in a small group elsewhere to help any that want to really learn. I’m planning on making a handout with Internet addresses so they have incentives and support if they want it. I’m also thinking of putting together a DVD of me tatting, both chain and ring. We’ll see if I have time to do this between hospital visits!