Teapot, Heart and Edging

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I put out my little teapot that my grandmother gave me when I was a child (many years ago, we won’t say how many). It is similar to hers, though mine is much smaller. I have many happy memories of playing “tea” with this. It’s almost amazing that it is still in such good shape today. And, no, I didn’t put tea in it this morning. I had my cup of Refresh mint tea in a big mug, as usual (which holds way too much for this little pot).

What do you think of this heart? Does some of it look familiar? If you look closely at the center you can see “Heart’s Desire” from Susan Fuller. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I did this. I had taken thread to make “Heart’s Desire” with me when I knew I’d be sitting waiting for awhile. I still had it with me that evening when I had to wait on my husband after work. As I had time on my hands and the heart in front of me and nothing better to do, I started making it a little bigger. I was thinking if it was just a little bigger it would be a small doily and a nice gift. Let’s just say it was challenging to make another round in the spirit of the original heart. This is not exactly how I wanted it to come out, but at a certain point I just wanted to finish it.

I’m not sure what I think about this heart. Did I ruin it? I really like the shape of the original, and this doesn’t keep quite to that. I’m thinking that the sides towards the bottom need a little work. I’m not going to take it apart to change it, but maybe I’ll try again sometime and make a few adjustments. One way or another, it was a challenge, so I’m making this number five of my 2nd 25 Motif Challenge.

Talking of challenges, I’ve been making Jane Eboral’s TIAS. No pictures to show and I’m a little behind. I definitely have to be awake a little longer than I have been before I work on it. It’s not that hard, but I’m making it hard! I still have absolutely no clue what it will be. Check out how everyone is doing here. Maybe one of you can figure out where she’s heading with this : )

I’ve gotten several comments on the picture in my last post, the one with the edging. A few people have indicated they would like the pattern. Okay, you asked, I give in. It was made in DMC white size 10 several years ago. This is a very simple pattern that, I think, is mine. If anyone has seen it before somewhere else I’ll be glad to give credit where it belongs. I make up a lot of edgings and rarely use a pattern from someone else (usually because I’m starting it without a pattern book around and/or because I can’t find one that fits what I have in mind) so I probably designed this one, too. Note that the picots are generous, which was intentional. You are welcome to make them any size you want.

For My Sweetheart Edging

2 Shuttles

Sht1 R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5-5-3. RW

Ch 5+3-3-3-3-3 to 1st p of prev ch. DNRW SS (Switch shuttles)

Sht2 R 3-5-5-3. DNRW SS

Sht1 Ch 3-3-3-3-3-5. RW

R 3-5+5-3 to 2nd p of prev Sht1 R. RW

Ch 5+3-3-5 to 1st p of prev Ch

Repeat from start for desired length.

Good luck! As always, beware of mistakes lurking! I would love to hear from anyone that makes this. And do let me know if you find any of those lurking mistakes. Nasty critters, those. I’ll take a broom to ’em and chase ’em off!

P.S. Thanks TattingChic for correcting me on the designer of “Heart’s Desire”. My pattern has Georgia Seitz web address at the bottom – my oops and my apologies to Susan Fuller.

Home again, home again, jiggety jig – with butterflies and snow

We made it home at last, in time for Tatting Tea Tuesday. I say it that way because who doesn’t sleep better in their own bed? I had a wonderful time in Washington, DC and loved the visit with my daughter and her family. Though I didn’t get to see a lot of the sights of the area – at least up close and personal – it was an enjoyable vacation, too. But it is nice to be home again.

For the last two weeks the tatting I’ve gotten done has been in a limited number of colors because I didn’t take a large variety of thread. I really didn’t anticipate getting a lot done. Which I didn’t. What I did get done was simple patterns that I didn’t have to concentrate on too much. Between taking care of the grandson (ooh, so sweet!) and meeting new people (daughters’ in-laws), seeing the area, and then the long trip home, my mind wasn’t into thinking hard. So what has been posted and these few butterflies and the heart are the entire amount of tatting I’ve done in two weeks.

The heart is again Tracy’s Heart by Heather, done in Lizbeth thread size 20 black and Victorian Red. I used two shuttles and adjusted the pattern just a little so the bottom ring was in black instead of red.

The butterflies are based on a pattern by Monica Mancenido, aka soyloquesoy, found on Intatters. It’s a simple little butterfly with a simple little stitch count. I decided to make it, but wasn’t on-line and hadn’t really checked the stitch count. So what I got are the butterflies you see. The one top left is the closest to her original pattern – not quite, but close – and then the top right with a lot of picots on the outside. The two bottom ones I added the thrown off ring for a head as well as more picots. They are all done in Falling Leaves Lizbeth size 20. Another cute way to use the last of the thread on a shuttle.

I’m enjoying a nice cup of hot tea today (mint), much needed as the weather is pretty chilly. The thermometer says it’s 39 degrees F but it’s gray and cold-looking outside. The last few days in Washington were wet with the tail end of Ida causing lots of rain but they are now enjoying nice, sunny weather. We come home to snow flurries and rain. Ahh *sipping tea* but it is nice to be home, no matter the weather.

Tatting Tea Tuesday with IsDihara

I’m still here in Washington, DC, with my daughter and her family. Shortly after I got here I received an email from IsDihara. As she lives close by, she asked if I’d like to me her. !!! Of course! To meet another tatter and one who blogs as well – oh, yeah!

We didn’t meet right away because I was here to help my daughter after she had surgery. By this week she was feeling much better and ready to get out of the house. So I emailed IsDihara and we arranged to me at the Potomac Mills Mall. And on Tuesday, no less!

Here we are, IsDihara on the left, me on the right, having a cup of tea. As neither of us knew what the other looked like it was like, how will we know who the other is? As I knew we (my daughter, her baby and my husband) were there first I figured the easiest way to let her know that it was me was to pull out my shuttles. So there we sat, in the food court of the mall, me tatting away. She had no trouble finding me!

I was so glad we could meet! As my daughter said to me later, IsDihara and I could have spent all afternoon talking. And she brought me the prize I won from her Halloween giveaway! How fortuitous is that!
Isn’t this pretty? This isn’t the best picture – it’s wonderful in person. It has a tatted pumpkin edging around it and the front has a pumpkin. Check out her blog Ambitatterous, I think her picture is better.

It was a great afternoon, a wonderful Tatting Tea Tuesday!

I have gotten a little tatting done. As I’m away from home I only have a few colors to work with so I’ve been doing a lot in the Lizbeth Falling Leaves in size 20. These two butterflies are my pattern, with Lizbeth size 20 black as the body and the edging. The heart is Tracy’s Heart, by Heather from The Tarnished Tatter, in the same threads. This heart is easy to do and will come in handy for notes and letters and such.

This has been a great week here with my daughter and her family. And a little extra bonus meeting another tatting blogger! And I’ve even seen a little of Washington – more tomorrow, I hope!

Happy Tatting everyone!

Who’s next?

This hasn’t been a good week at all! My mother went to the hospital last Sunday and got out Tuesday, my husband’s mother went to the hospital Tuesday and is still there, and then my dad was admitted to the hospital early this morning. I’m hoping that three is enough and that no-one else has to be hospitalized. Enough already!

None of them has turned out to be serious, which is a good thing in all of this. But it makes life very interesting to try and get to everyone and keep up with how they’re doing. And my husband and I are working nine hours days five days a week and eight hours both Saturday and Sunday. Somewhere in all of this I think I need a nap!

Before all of this came about I did get a little tatting done. I went to a meeting of Hook Yarn and Needle/Fiber Options a week ago. It is through the county extension office and meets once a month. They were doing some needle tatting but I took my shuttles and made “Heart’s Desire” in DMC variegated blue size 8 Pearle. For doing this completely in the midst of several conversations and distractions, I think it turned out very well. I’m counting it as #15 of the 25 Motif Challenge.

They asked me if I’d like to show them how to shuttle tat next month. I agreed, but I’m thinking I will need to give them contact information in case any of them are really interested: the group takes a three month break in the summer! I’m willing to meet with them individually or in a small group elsewhere to help any that want to really learn. I’m planning on making a handout with Internet addresses so they have incentives and support if they want it. I’m also thinking of putting together a DVD of me tatting, both chain and ring. We’ll see if I have time to do this between hospital visits!