While on vacation I did do just a little more tatting than mentioned before: I made a bookmark for one of the friends that we went with. She likes pink (a lot) and I happened to have some pink and teal thread with me, so made up a quick bookmark for her.
A very quick bookmark as most of it won’t be seen. Yes, I made it for her Nook. Every book should have a bookmark, shouldn’t it? (Her husband didn’t get it at all). It fits behind the Nook in the case and stays quite nicely. She and I are happy with it no matter how silly it may seem.
I only took a few stitches while we were here – above 12,000 feet it was windy and quite chilly. This is the divide at Tincup pass. You have to take at least a four-wheel drive vehicle (motorcycles can make it, too, and ATVs) to get there. We made it up there on Friday, by way of St. Elmo. We had attempted to get to this pass on Thursday by way of the town of Tincup and Mirror Lake, but we got late a start. We didn’t want to try to get there – or down – in the dark!
This is the road to Tincup pass as it goes around Mirror Lake. You can see my husband concentrating in the rear view mirror. We were told that the road to the pass from here was like this or worse all the way. We aren’t that experienced with four-wheeling, so turned back while it was still daylight. (Note: we were told by an experienced person we met there that by Jeep it was 90 minutes to the pass from the lake, 30 minutes by ATV and 20 minutes by motorcycle.) Going up the other side from St. Elmo had some stretches that looked like this (or worse) but not as much of it. If we make it that way again we’re going to try to rent ATVs instead of a Jeep.
This Sunday at Church was LWML Sunday (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League). On this Sunday the women of the congregation do most of the jobs the men usually do, such as pass out bulletins, light the candles, do the collection. The ladies also sang the closing hymn as a choir. This is done once a year, as a way to let the rest of the congregation see what all the League has been doing. They collect sewing kits and school kits to be delivered to other countries, donate to the food bank, serve at fundraising dinners in the community, that type of thing. They also meet at least twice a month to work on quilts.

The quilts are tied quilts and not real fancy, but a lot of love goes into these (and they are very pleasing to the eye). They are displayed on the pews on LWML Sunday and then boxed up to be taken to Lutheran World Relief and Orphan Grain Train. Unfortunately, I don’t make it to the quilting days very often, though I would like to. We have a small church and there are only a few women that do this regularly. As you can see, even though they are few they do a lot of work. There is something like 40 quilts they’ve made to donate this year.
Seeing all those wonderful quilts to be given away, and also seeing the post over at Umi & Tsuru, I’ve gotten into a giving mood. So I’m going to pay it forward as well. The first three people to comment on this post will each receive a handmade gift from me. [I don’t promise how soon I’ll get it out 🙂 ]
As I sip my Wild Berry Zinger tea this morning for Tatting Tea Tuesday, I realize that it’s October again, which means my blogaversary is coming up. I think I’ll have a drawing for that in a week or so – after I think up what I’m going to do for it 🙂
“The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation” Corrie Ten Boom