I finished two more projects from Tatting Corner’s 2023 Tat Days. Neither one is entirely according to directions, but they are done!

These are Mike Lyon’s Halloween Cats on a Clip – except they are on a bangle bracelet instead. They are also made in size 20 thread instead of the size 40 that he specified so they would fit on a paper clip. I had trouble closing the SCMRs in size 40 black during the class and had no better luck at home. Between the black thread, which is very hard for me to see, and the fineness of the thread, I just kept fighting with it. And losing. I finally said enough and went to size 20 thread. I could use a bit of practice doing these, but I got them done!
Do you know what would be cute for Halloween? Mike’s Pumpin with Cluny Leaf on the inside of the bangle, and the cats on top. Hmmm, I might have to try that for Halloween.

My Tatted Pocket Toddler is finally dressed and has hair. This cute doll is the brainchild of Carolyn Craig. I needed yarn for the hair and saw the red Scrubby yarn and thought it would look cute. It is the right color but it is a pain to work with. I should have stuck with regular yarn. I might change it. But it’s done! I can see myself making different dresses for her for different holidays. She will be a great addition to my holiday decorating.
The only project not yet complete is Kaye’s Mini Witch. It is so close to being complete! I’m going to have to make sure I’m rested, not interrupted, and have plenty of light to finish it. This week we are dog-sitting my daughter’s dog, which means interruptions are frequent! Both she and our dog think they need my undivided attention, at the same time, all the time! There may be a little jealousy involved. I believe I’ll wait to work on the witch until my daughter gets home.
All of the projects from Tat Days will work as part of my Halloween decorations. It’s not that I usually put out a lot, but these will fit in with whatever I put out.
“If bad decorating was a hanging offense, there’d be bodies hanging from every tree!” Sylvester Stallone