Decorated shoes

My nephew is the proud daddy of a new baby girl. Today we had a baby shower for her, which is nice that we all got to see the new baby. These are the shoes I decorated for her. The one on the right is what they looked like when I bought them. The other, is of course, what they looked like when I was done.

Which do you think looks better?

Both of my daughters and their babies were there and helped me host the shower. It was a very nice day, lots of conversation and all the babies got passed around. We had it at the local activity center so some husbands came along and were able to play pool and socialize as well.

My husband had to go to work before it was over (I would have, too, except I made arrangements for someone to work for me!) so our daughters, the babies and I had a great afternoon together and then supper out. My oldest had to leave a little quicker than planned because the weather started getting bad. Nothing severe but she – nor I – wanted her to drive in it.

For my next project I’m looking for a nice bookmark pattern. InTatters is having a bookmark exchange in May. I have never done an exchange before, but I think I can handle a bookmark. And then there is the thread choice, maybe harder than the pattern, because of course it has to be just right for the pattern. But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?

Little angels and booties

Here are my little angels! Aren’t they sweet? They are being held by their mothers, Lacey with Mercutio on the left and Shay with Hunter on the right.
And finally, the booties! This is Mercutio wearing his just before church started. They turned out well and stayed on their feet – at least for a little while. I think both boys ended up wearing only one during the baptism, but you couldn’t see them anyway. But I knew they were there!
I crocheted the tie for them but added a little tatting to the ends, both to keep them threaded and to distinguish the two pairs. One pair had two rings on the end of each tie and one pair had a single ring.
The boys were very cute and actually got through all the excitement very well. Mercutio actually went to sleep and slept through the whole thing. Even getting his head wet only made him open his eyes a moment then he went back to sleep. Hunter wanted to fuss a little, but Mom’s finger did a good job of pacifying him for a while.
Several people joked that the boys will hate these pictures when they’re older, but I think they looked more like cherubs than little girls. Maybe I’ll have sepia toned pictures made so they look older, antique even.
Mercutio’s other grandmother was unable to come, so we taped the whole thing. I’ll be getting the DVD off in the mail tomorrow. I did loose track a couple of times, watching the boys instead of what I was doing, but not bad for an amateur.
And now, life returns to normal – or what passes for that at our house. On to other tatting projects!