I’ve been doing a lot of debating on my next steps on my daughter’s runner. I have been working on it, just not necessarily making much progress. I’m pretty sure it will be a Christmas present now, I might have it done by then.
This is not to say I haven’t been tatting or otherwise crafting. There have been a lot of things to keep me busy.
For the fun of it I made coasters for the people in my department at work. None included tatting as most are men and I’m not sure they would appreciate it. Not saying some men wouldn’t like it, just I don’t want to go to that much work for anyone that I don’t know would appreciate it. I’d prefer to give gifts that the recipient likes, not just what I like.

I had fun looking for material that I thought each one would like. They were appreciated by all of them. The little yellow character is an inside joke with one of my co-workers.
Another distraction is wanting to give a gift to a friend at church, so I made another cross bookmark.

I like the pattern I came up with but not how it works up in this thread which is Lizbeth #113 Jewels in size 20. I think the colors muddle the center so much you can’t appreciate the pattern or the thread. I did start another cross with a single-color thread but made a mistake big enough I decided to start over. Then I had other distractions come up, so it is not done.
The other distractions were birthday presents. I forgot they were coming up and had to hurry to find something for them. I gave both of the birthday girls money, but I think that can be very impersonal even if it is something they want. I decided to give them each a little something more.

One of the young ladies likes green of any shade. I looked through my stash and found Lizbeth #667 Green Orchid Med and #684 Leaf Green Med in size 20. Of course, I couldn’t make up my mind which pattern to do but finally settled on this one. She was very happy with it.

The other young lady likes shades of purple. I found Lizbeth #632 Purple Med and #646 Purple Iris Lt. in size 10 in my stash. As both bookmarks needed to be done the same day – the next day – I found I was running out of time. I came up with this pattern, which when made in size 10 was long enough in the short amount of time I had left. I didn’t get to see her open it but I was told she liked it.
I’ve enjoyed my recent distractions. I really should be distracted to do more work around the house, but those aren’t nearly as fun.
“You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one.” Tom Kite