Projects from Tat Days

I took Jane Eborall’s ‘New Moon’ class at Tat Days.  I always enjoy her patterns.  I put grey Lizbeth thread my shuttles and used size 11 clear seed beads.  For all that the class was a level one I enjoyed it.  The nose of the moon is the one tricky spot in the pattern.  I got just past that point when the class ended.
Jane Eborall's Quarter Moon Class on
Jane Eborall’s Quarter Moon Class

I was finally able to finish it the week following Tat Days.

Jane Eborall's tatted New Moon
Jane Eborall’s tatted New Moon

I also took Mimi Dillman’s Cluny Improvement Motif.  I had never done clunies except as practice, and only in the previous few weeks.  I am so glad that I took the class.  Mimi showed a different way to hold your hand for the loom which made it soooo much easier than what I had been doing.

Mimi demonstrating clunies to some of her class on wandasknottythoughts
Mimi demonstrating clunies to some of her class

The improvement motif definitely made me work on improving clunies.  But Mimi was right – I think my best cluny was the first one, not the last.

Completed tatted Cluny Improvement Motif on wandasknottythoughts
Completed Cluny Improvement Motif

After I got home I started another cluny motif, not because I had finished the first but because I didn’t have it with me when I wanted to tat.  The second motif was made in two colors – the ones that were already on the shuttles. Both of them are now finished

Two color tatted Cluny Improvement Motif on wandasknottythoughts
Two color Cluny Improvement Motif

I have some work to do on making those color changes look better – and the clunies themselves.  But at least now I like making clunies.   Don’t be surprised if they end up in some of my future patterns.

I haven’t yet finished my other two Tat Days projects.  Both will need my full attention to get them right.   I’m hoping to have time – and energy – to finish them soon.

“He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” Friedrich Nietzsche                         brainy