Secret Santa Exchange

At InTatters we had a Secret Santa exchange. The person you were sending to didn’t know who you were and they weren’t the one you were getting a package from. As this is through the mail it’s a little hard to be anonymous when you sent it, but they wouldn’t know who you were until they got your package. I’d never done an exchange like this before and it was fun!

Among other things, I sent my partner this Christmas-colored doily. I can post now as I know that she received it. I think it looks pretty good in these colors as well as the fall colors I did it in last time. This went to Tarie in Arizona. I hope she likes it 🙂

These wonderful items are what I received from My Secret Santa.
IcePrincess from Germany sent me all these wonderful things. There is a handmade shuttle with blue leaves, a Celtic style cross bookmark, a wooden “W” on a keyring, and some beautiful red/blue/purple beads. The card has a hand made paper seal with an angel on it. Thank you so much IcePrincess, I love what you sent to me! A very lovely way to start the Christmas season.

There was some debate on InTatters if we should wait ’til Christmas to open our packages. It was obvious that most of us didn’t wait, or want to wait! It would be rude not to let the ‘Santa” know that you received and liked what you got, wouldn’t it??? Well, I think so! Besides, I think most of us still have that little kid inside that doesn’t want to wait!

This exchange has really gotten me into the Christmas spirit and gotten me motivated to put out the Christmas tree and decorate the house. And start playing the Christmas music! I love to sing along to the carols and songs that I know.

Wishing all of you a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!

Tatting Tea Tuesday with snowflakes

Do any of these look familiar? They should.
What, I’m showing pictures of the same ones over again?
No. Well, except for one that was half finished the last time.
I invite you to make yourself a cup of tea, take up your tatting and sit back while I explain myself.

This is the time of year that I try to make snowflakes to go in my Christmas cards. Yes, I should of had most of them done by now, but I never do. It seems I have to really get in the Christmas mood before I can get into gear to make them. So, sometime after Thanksgiving. Okay, to make enough of them for the cards. Before this I have a hard time buckling down to do this as there are so many things that would be so wonderful to make for gifts or new patterns to try or… Well, you get the picture. Distractions. But about now I realize that if I don’t get with it, they don’t get done!

The trick to getting them made quickly, at least for me, is to make the same ones over and over. That way I don’t have to keep referring to a pattern and I know exactly what I have to take with me to tat on the go. It sometimes seems that I don’t have to do a lot of thinking about them while I’m tatting, either. My mind can move on to other things, like what am I going to get the grandsons for Christmas. (Or, what am I going to limit myself to getting for the grandsons!) And then I get done however many get done.

In the spirit of snowflakes, Christmas and giving, I’m posting the pattern for the larger snowflake. It’s for all of you, but especially Tatskool, as she asked for it. As always, I’m the only one that’s made it yet, so the pattern may have a few oopsies in it. Please watch out for them and let me know if any of them get you.

September 2009 Snowflake
2 shuttles
R=ring; Ch=chain; – = picot, the longer the line, the longer the picot; +=join; RW=reverse work; DNRW=do not reverse work; . =close; Sht1=shuttle 1; Sht2=shuttle 2; SR= split ring

R 2-2-2-2-2-2 climb out of R with mock picot. (Alternate: finish with -2, cut and tie.)

SR Sht1 3, Sht2 3. RW (Alternate:start Inside with Sht1 R 3+3 to a p of Center.)
Sht1 Ch 2-2 RW
*R 3+3 to next p of center. RW
Ch 5-2–2—2–2-5 RW
R 3+3 to same p of center. RW
Ch 2-2 RW*
Repeat between * 4 times then

R 3+3 to next p of center. RW
Ch 5-2–2—2–2-5
Join to base of SR

Sht1 R 3+3 to 5th p of last Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to p of next Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to 1st p of next Ch of Inside. RW
Ch 5-6-2–2-6 DNRW
Sht2 R 3-2–2—2–2-3. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 6-2–2-6-5
#R 3+3 to 5th p of same Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to p of next Ch of Inside. DNRW
R 3+3 to 1st p of next Ch of Inside. RW
Ch 5+6-2–2-6 to last p of prev Ch DNRW
Sht2 R 3-2-2—2–2-3. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 6-2–2-6-5 RW#
Repeat between # 4 times then
Ch 6-2–2—2–2-6+5 to 1st p of 1st Ch of Outside.
Join to base of 1st R.

Good luck! And if any body makes one, I’d love to hear about it!

Thanksgiving is here, and then comes Christmas

Yesterday, as I was getting home from work (late, late) I realized I had missed having tea with everyone for Tatting Tea Tuesday. It didn’t dawn on me until then that it was even Tuesday! I’m sorry I missed it! I hope every one had a nice cup of tea and enjoyed a little tatting.

Here in the States tomorrow is Thanksgiving, also commonly known as turkey day because the traditional main meal of the day is centered around a turkey, be it roasted, fried or smoked. I don’t want to forget the reason for this holiday, which is to remember all the things we have to be thankful for and give thanks for them. I’m very thankful for my wonderful family – the kids, the aunts and uncles, cousins, parents, and of course, my very loving husband. I’m thankful for the great friends that we have, many of them so close as to be like family themselves. Even though I’ve been known to complain about the long hours that we’ve had to work this year, I’m very thankful that I have a job during this time when many people don’t. And I’m very thankful for the Internet, that I can share my love of tatting with people no matter how far away from me they are and meet new friends that share that same passion. I have much to be thankful for!

After Thanksgiving comes Christmas, very close around the corner. Among other things, I’ve been working on snowflakes. I try to send one in each of my Christmas cards to close friends and family, and make it different every year. This year I’m working on these two. The finished multi-colored snowflake is made with a pattern I’ve posted about previously here . I’ll probably put it in a bangle for people I hand deliver cards to, but probably not for the ones I’ll mail, as I’m not sure it would mail nicely.

The white one is new this year, too. I very much like the looks of this one, and it’s pretty quick and easy to make. I’m trying it in the multi-colored thread as well. At least on this background it’s not showing up as well as I’d like. I’ve found that I love the look of this thread, but what background to use for pictures? The white one is made in DMC size 20, the others in Lizbeth Christmas Delight size 20. I’m counting the white snowflake as my third motif in my second round of the 25 Motif Challenge.

I got a nice surprise from my mother yesterday. She’s been doing a lot of cleaning, getting rid of things she doesn’t use or need any more. She found a stack of old Workbasket magazines that she gave to me for the tatting patterns! These are mostly from 1987 and 1988, with one from 1989. Isn’t she sweet to think of me? She was concerned I already had different patterns for some of the things in them – cross bookmark, hearts, etc. – until I explained to her that wasn’t a problem. Who wouldn’t want a variety of edgings, bookmarks, hearts, and the like?

I remember back in the day when the Workbasket was one place you could find tatting patterns. There weren’t nearly the amount of books available as there are now, and no Internet to find patterns on-line. Of course, the patterns are written in long hand, so can be somewhat hard to follow. But, hey, in those days I didn’t complain because this was all I knew, and who would I complain to? I didn’t know any other tatters! I did make a few notes here and there in my short hand – much closer to how a lot of patterns are written now! One more thing to be thankful for 🙂

Wishing all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I made it to the New Year!

Well, I survived the holidays. I made it through multiple family get-togethers, family dinners and a baby shower with minimal stress and fuss. Actually, I think everything went smooth and we all had a great time. My youngest daughter was able to come down from Omaha with the baby on the 23rd, a few days earlier than expected, though her husband had to work so couldn’t come.

For Christmas day I invited my parents and two of my aunts to dinner. I kept it very simple – we had soup and just a few sides. It made for very little stress when fixing the meal as the soup cooked in the crock pot over night and everyone brought something to go with it. Instead of spending all my time cooking I decided to use real dishes (instead of paper, the usual) and set a pretty table – which is usually the last thing I worry about. I also put a tatted snowflake by everyone’s setting for a small gift. I made several of Micheal’s quick snowflakes as I was running out of time and they tat up so nicely. The result was simple but very much in the season. We sat around and visited for hours, a very nice day indeed.

As for the new year, I don’t have any resolutions, but I do have a long to-do list. I have actually printed it out and put it on the refrigerator so that I can mark off each project as it gets done, and also so I don’t lose site of what needs to get done. It also will make it easy to see at the end of the year what I succeeding in finishing and what I didn’t.

Wishing all of you success in all the things that you want to do in 2009.

Last round of Bob’s coily

I’ve been trying to get the house ready for guests on Christmas day so haven’t had much time to post much. But I wanted to get the pattern for the last round of Bob’s coily up so if you were interested you could try it.

So here it is. I’m the only one that has reviewed it so there may be a mistake hiding there somewhere. Tat with care.

2 shuttles
Sht1 R 3-3+3-3 to 3rd p of 2nd R of previous round. RW
Ch 10 RW
SR Sht1 5 Sht2 5
SR Sht1 5 Sht2 5
SR Sht1 5-3 Sht2 5-3 RW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
Sht2 R 3+5-5-3 to p of prev R DNRW
SR Sht2 3+5 Sht1 3+5 to p of first R of flower
SR Sht2 5 Sht1 5
SR Sht2 5 Sht1 5 DNRW
Ch 10 RW
Repeat from start, continue around. Join last Ch to 1st R.

Christmas Ball Ornament

This is my first Christmas ball ornament to cover in tatting. The Monthly Challenge for December is ornaments of any type. This is my answer to the challenge! I’ve admired balls covered in tatting but had never tried it, thought it would be too hard. This one is made with DMC Cebelia size 20 thread #816 with 3mm gold beads. The beads are mostly in the rings and end up in the ring’s mouth. I loved how Michael (Msquared) had done the beads on his ‘Snowflake and Silver’ and thought I’d try it. It didn’t come out looking quite like his did, but I thought the result worked quite nicely.
I was asked if I would share the pattern, so here it is, untried by anyone but me. I tried to add a diagram on how I finished off the bottom but I couldn’t get it to look right in the post. So if anyone happens to try this and can’t figure out just what in the world I was trying to say, leave me a comment and I’ll try to answer it (a little more clearly!)
RW – Reverse Work; DNRW – Do Not Reverse Work
B – bead; Ch – Chain; R – Ring; p – picot; + – join
Christmas Ornament in Blue and Red
Pattern is for a ball 2 ¼“ in diameter, using size 20 thread. Number of stitches in chains will need to be adjusted for different diameter balls and thread sizes.
2 shuttles, beads on both
*Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2-2-2-7 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 B 10 join to 5th p of prev R. RW*
Repeat between * until there are 10 rings and chains.
$ Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 (with one bead in R) 5-5 Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 join to base of next R. DNRW $
Repeat between $ all the way around. Cut and finish ends

@Sht1 (with one bead in R) 2-2-2—2-2-2. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 15 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5+5 join to R of Top, pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at mouth of R. DNRW
Sht1 Ch 15 RW @
Repeat between @ around. Cut and finish ends

^ Sht1 R (with one bead in R) 2-2-2+2-2-2 join to long p of Middle R , pull p through a loose bead before joining. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. RW
Ch 10 DNRW
Sht2 R (with one bead in R) 5-5. Close. Bead will be at R mouth. DNRW
Ch 10 RW ^
Repeat between ^ around. Cut and finish ends

Insert ball into tatting. As tatting is adjusted around ball evenly, pin in place.
When happy with placement insert a pin in the center bottom of ball. Thread needle with about 12” of tatting thread. With thumb hold down about 2” of thread, then pull needle through p of 5-5 R opposite the pin. Count 5 or 6 rings over, pull thread through p, repeat, each time going on the far side of the pin (thread will have to make a turn at the pin). This will weave the rings evenly at the bottom. Tie and cut when happy with tension. Work in loose end and cut. Remove pin.

On to other things – I’m working on another of Bob’s coilies, except this time I’m pretty sure you’d call it a doily, as it’s in size 10 thread and is quite a lot bigger than the one I did in size 30. I’m thinking of trying another round on it to make it a bit bigger. This is going to be a Christmas gift and I’d like it to cover a little more table space. I’ve actually finished with Bob’s pattern and now I’m deciding my next step. Stay tuned for further updates, and maybe a picture.

“Coily” is done, and snow

Here it is, the ‘coily’ from BoB the Bike. He said it was too small for a doily but too big for a coaster – I’m not sure what size thread he was using. You have to be a little careful with his pattern – he warns you – because he didn’t say when to reverse work. I figured out what worked for me. Another thing that made it a bit tricky was I’m picky about front and back, so the last round I had to start over and get it face up. If I’d looked closer I would have figured it out but I was in a hurry to finish and see how it looked. It’s made in size 30 pink DMC Cebelia, I can’t remember the color number. But it turned out great! I think it goes very well with the bouquet from Lorena. Bob mentioned he was thinking of another round but couldn’t quite seem to get one to work. I think another round would look good as well. It’s going on my list of things I’d like to do.

Well, it’s winter in Kansas. We woke up to snow this morning. In our area it was just enough to cover the ground but the grass was still peeking through. It was 25 degrees (F) with winds between 25 & 35 mph -the snow was falling pretty much horizontally. Thank goodness we didn’t get more snow, the drifts would have been bad. I stayed in the house for as long as I could but I finally had to get out about noon, and then later to go to work. Wichita had a little more snow than we did so what snow they had was drifting across the streets and making them slick. The road right outside where I work was a solid sheet of ice. Getting out of work tonight could be interesting. I think we’ll let the crowd go past before we head out. Some people just do not know how to slow down!

Christmas is getting closer and closer and I have so much to do! If I could only get organized to see just what it is I should do. I’ve been doing a lot of small tatted things which I usually give in cards, but also a few other, larger things (I keep seeing all of the neat things everyone is doing and I just want to try that…and that…) but I don’t really have a plan on where they are going. My excuse for sitting around tatting is that they are gifts, you know, to justify not doing the dishes, or folding clothes, etc, etc. I’ve several people I know would like receiving a tatted item, but which one to which person??? Note to self: make a list of people to give tatting and what item I should give them (okay, this should already have been done, but I had to take out time for the grandbaby, didn’t I?)

Speaking of the grandson, I chatted with my daughter the other day through Skype so we could use the webcams, and got to see him. He’s loosing some of his hair and his eyes are getting lighter. And he’s still such a cutie! He was awake and bright eyed, at least for a little while *sigh* I’m hoping they’ll get to come down sometime at Christmas, but that could depend on the weather. Of course, the road goes both ways. I have more vacation coming in January…

I’m working on the pattern for my ornament that I shared on the Monthly Challenge. I need to read through it again, and probably again, to get it as clear as possible without actually making it again. I keep checking back to see if anyone else has posted an ornament but as of a few minutes ago I was still the only one. I’m really curious to see what everyone else is doing. I do go and check out a few blogs, but there is only so much time in a day! Well, happy tatting every one, until the next time.

And now that everything is back to normal I can finally post a picture of the goodies I got from Lorena, Rose Chic Friends, for the drawing on her blog. She sent lots of beautiful things – mostly in pink! There was a painted ball ornament and a paper one, a cozy, a journal, a lovely clay rose bouquet, a clay flower lapel pin and beaded earings, two spatulas (with pink hearts!), a post-it pad, and two Thanksgiving decorations that I put on the table for supper – I made it home in time to use them! My daughters oohed and awed over my winnings. They both like pink. Thank you, Lorena, for drawing my name! You do beautiful work. I was unable to wear the pin or earings this weekend because I held the baby (a lot) and didn’t want to hurt him or me. But I know just what they’ll go with on Sunday to church!

Small Christmas tree pattern

A few days ago I posted a picture of a small Christmas tree ornament. I was asked if I would share the pattern. Well, here it is! I’ve tried looking it over for mistakes and to make it understandable. Please give it a try, and let me know if you have any questions or if you find a problem.

Two Shuttles
R 3-6—6-3. RW
CH 4-3—3-4. DNRW
R 3-3-3-3. R 3 + to 3rd p of prev R 4 –2—2- 4-3. R 3+ to 3rd p of prev R 3-3-3. DNRW
CH 4-3—3-4. RW
R 3-6+ to 2nd p of 1st R 6-3 RW
R 3-6—6-3. DNRW
CH 4-3—3-4. DNRW
Repeat from Clover 2 times except
Top Clover 2nd R 3+ 4 – 2 (very long p) 2- 2 + to very long p 4-3.
Last repeat join CH to base of 1st R. RW
Split R Sht2 9
Sht1 9 close. DNRW
R 9-9.
Joint to base of previous R.