Ice Drops

Ice Drops inspired by LaceLovinLibrarian Diane on wandasknottythoughts
Ice Drops inspired by LaceLovinLibrarian Diane

I didn’t make snowflakes to go in Christmas cards this year.  Instead I was inspired by LaceLovinLibraian Diane to tat Ice Drops.   The only draw back is that I had to hand deliver them.  I ended up not making as many for Christmas as I would have if they were flat and could be mailed.

These were a lot of fun to make.  They also don’t take very long.

Diane inspired a lot of people to make these.  I’ve seen them in different colors, too, with beads and sequins.  I may eventually tat some in colors other than white, but for Christmas these worked out great.

I am now making a list of UTPs (Unfinished Tatting Projects).  The goal is to finish those first before getting in to other projects.

Now to remember where I put all those UTPs.

“I recently took up ice sculpting.  Last night I made an ice cube.  This morning I made 12, I was prolific.”   Mitch Hedberg

It must be Wine Wednesday

It seems I’ve missed Tatting Tea Tuesday so it must be Wine Wednesday.  I haven’t had the wine yet, but the day is young.  I haven’t gotten any tatting in today, either, but I plan to do that next.  I did get tatting in yesterday and I drank tea, I just missed posting.
Yesterday I was working on Angels. Not these – these have been sent off already, but one just like it.  Though  I tatted for several hours I didn’t even get one little angel finished.  This is my design and I’ve been making them for years, but now I’m trying to revise the pattern to make it with only one end.  Unbelievable, I know, but all these years I’ve made them with multiple ends to hide. Why I’ve never thought of trying it other ways I don’t know, but the lightbulb did finally come on. Now the problem is making it work. I worked on it all day and never got even one Angel completed. The problem are the wings – they just don’t work starting from the top. I’ve tried different stitch counts, but nothing has really worked. Unless I plan on changing the wings entirely this may just have to have several ends whether I like it or not.
Did you all have a wonderful Christmas?  We did.  We were able to get together with both sides of the family and see both of our kids and their families. And then we were lucky enough to have both of the grandsons stay over Christmas night.  They kept us quite busy. I can sure tell I’m not used to having little children around that much anymore. By the time they left, I was tired. We did have fun while they were here though. We played games, strung beads and cut out paper snowflakes then they helped me on the placement of the snowflakes in the window.
I love Christmas. I love the season. I love the weather getting colder with maybe some snow. And I love the giving of gifts. Getting gifts is fun too, but I just love trying to come up with just the right things to to share with each of my family and friends.  It was a bit different this year. This year, when I went to the store I actually had a list of things I wanted to get – no impulse buying!  I made quite a few of the gifts this year, and not just tatting.  Actually, I didn’t get much tatting done this year, not as much as usual anyway. I guess I’ll have to start a lot earlier  for next year. I guess I’ll have to start a lot earlier for next year 🙂
Now we’re getting to the new year. Do you have New Year’s resolutions? I try not to make them, or at least any more than I would on any other day, because I have a terrible time keeping them. Today I’ll leave you with a quote from Hal Borland.
“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the 
wisdom that experience can instill in us

It’s Never Too Early

For making snowflakes for Christmas anyway. In fact, I might not have gotten started early enough. And this year I’m doing – or at least starting with – something different. Or you could say the same… I make snowflakes to go into Christmas cards every year and usually try to come up with at least one new one every year. That may happen yet, but I’ve started this year with some old patterns but am adding beads to them.

I’m using clear glass beads, trying for a crystalline look, or at least a hint of it. This picture really doesn’t do the snowflake justice; it looks better in person.

I worked on these two Saturday while we drove (I did not tat and drive, I let my husband do the driving) to and from a family reunion a few hours away from our home. Beads and all! I usually don’t try to work with beads in the car due to the trouble of not loosing the beads, but thought I’d give it a shot this time. Amazingly, I only lost a few beads and had very little trouble.

I did a little TIPping (Tatting In Public) this week as well. On my way to my office a few days ago I stopped to talk to a friend of mine and show her my current project. As it was in process the shuttles were still attached. A person standing close by saw them and started asking some questions; then another person. So I demonstrated a split ring for them, as that was the next element of the piece. They were quite interested in it as they had never seen tatting before; had never even heard of it. It was a nice start to my day, sharing tatting with new people.

I didn’t have tea today for Tatting Tea Tuesday (I had coffee) but I did have chocolate and did get some tatting in – working on another snowflake. Christmas is only a bit over four months away you know. Lots to do and not much time to do it in.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. ” Buddha

2010 is almost over

Can you believe the year is almost over? It’s been such a busy year it hardly seems possible.

I look back over the year and think of all places I went, the new things I’ve tried,
and the people I’ve met – I must say it was a year well spent. We went on several great trips, both with family and by ourselves, and made wonderful memories. I learned
several new tatting techniques that will open up all kinds of possibilities for
projects this next year. I met some great people in the travels I made this year as well as
locally and on-line, people I hope to keep in touch with in the years to come.

The last week I did some tatting, some right up to Christmas Eve, but then the projects were done or they weren’t and it was time to enjoy family and friends. We had
great get-togethers with both sides of our families (the in-laws and the out-laws, LOL!) and
still have one to go. It has been a wonderful holiday season.

I did want to share one more gift I received from my Advent swap partner. She really
spoiled me this year.

Check it out – she sent me Yarnplayer’s Layered Ring Christmas Tree pattern! I was thinking about getting this but hadn’t yet taken the time to order. She also sent me a tension-adjusting
tatting shuttle! (I haven’t tried it yet, but I will soon!) It came in a cute little tin. There was
also a beautiful beaded tree ornament that she made – very nice, very sparkly! Her
son had her include someSpongeBob Squarepants candy books for my grandsons and their families and one for us, too. And a large ball of size 30 white thread. She was very

I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas this year. And may your New Year be filled with wonder and joy!

A busy busy elf

That’s how I’ve been lately, very busy! I’ve been working a lot on Christmas things, both for swap partners and for family. But I can share a few of the things I’ve been working on now as some were for an advent swap and have been opened.
Something to brighten the evenings

This is a candle jar that I decoupaged with red tissue paper then added small tatted snowflakes. There was also a candle tucked inside. I had never done decoupage before I started adding a little bling to my shuttles and now I can think of so many things I could do with it. In fact, I have all kinds of things in mind for Christmas gifts now that include a little decoupage. Now if I only have the time!

A little sparkle for my partner to hang on the tree.

Napkin rings to add a little Christmas cheer to the her table.

A stocking for the mantle with a little chocolate inside!
I had such fun thinking up all kinds of things to send. It couldn’t just be snowflakes, I needed a variety! I’m hoping she’s having as much fun opening them as I had putting them together.

I have also received some wonderful gifts in return. These are just a few of the great gifts I’ve opened so far.

Kooly the Koala

This is a Kritter Craft Case from Clover. Isn’t it cute?! It’s a semi-hard case that will be just perfect for a tatting project.

A little something to dress up my dish soap!
A dishcloth, a notepad and a size 12 crochet hook

And today the cutest hot pads!

This advent swap has been so fun! There is talk of doing this again next year and I am seriously thinking about it already! I will certainly start making things much earlier, though: )

In the midst of all this crafting I’ve also been trying to find time to put up my Christmas decorations. The tree is up but not decorated (it’s one that already has lights so it doesn’t look too bare) and that’s about it so far. Maybe this weekend…

Speaking of decorating, did you hear? Sharon has won Isdihara’s decorated chocolate box contest? If you haven’t seen Sharon’s box you definitely should check it out. Check out all the others, too, the links are on Ambitatterous, Isidhara’s blog. There are some very cute decorated chocolate boxes! This was a fun competition. Congratulations, Sharon! You had an awesome entry.

I’m enjoying English Teatime tea this morning that was in the box of gifts from my swap partner. I’m fortifying myself for another busy day of playing elf. I have a long list of things that I would like to get done before Christmas though I keep telling myself if I don’t get them done it won’t be the end of the world – no sense in stressing over doing things that should be fun!

Wishing all of you a blessed Christmas season. Take a little time for tea and tatting, and maybe a little time to reflect on the reason for the season.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

My Secret Santa, crazytatter, from the Intatters exchange sent me some really cute stuff!

The little guy on the top left is a giraffe paperweight, very cute! The two little boxes have paperclips in them, one regular sized and the other large. There is also a large-eyed needle taped to the inside top of one box, and when I say large-eyed, I do mean large. I’ve never seen a needle quite like it. There is also some neat little stamps for scrapbooking or what ever, a Christmas-y bookmark that she tatted for me (very nice!), and a journal to write in. Wasn’t she generous? Thank you, crazytatter!

I also joined an Advent Swap on Ravelry. You make/buy/use-from-your-stash gifts for every day of December through Christmas. This is the first of three boxes from my exchange partner, Medictabs.

Look at all the presents!

She also put in a few little things for right now. I wonder how she knew I’d like these?


It was just in time for Tatting Tea Tuesday, so I’m trying the Cranberry Apple. Yum! The CD with the snowman on it is a mix of Christmas songs! I’m taking it to work to listen to tonight. It has a few of my favorite songs on it, isn’t that great?

A lot of the tatting that I’ve been doing was made for these exchanges and now that they’ve all been mailed I’ve actually got a little bit of tatting done that I can show. And guess what? They’re snowflakes. Surprise! Okay, not really.

The top one is a pattern from a few years ago but I added glass silver seed beads to it to give it a little shine. The larger one on the right is the center of one from last year but with a different outside round. I’ve got a look in mind that I’m trying to achieve, so tried something a little different this time. It didn’t come out quite like I had in mind – not bad, just not quite “it”. The other two are variations on a theme, so to speak, one with six points and one with five. Again they didn’t come out quite like I envisioned, but they still look pretty good. All of these are headed to the center this year’s Christmas cards – cards I need to get busy with very soon! All of these snowflakes were make with Lizbeth white, size 20.

May you all have a wonderful week, with a little tea and tatting somewhere in there!

Last Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2009

Amazing, isn’t it? This is the last Tatting Tea Tuesday of 2009. On this cold and gray day I’m having a cup of green tea, trying to stay warm and cozy. After a couple of nice days the weather turned cold again, with snow flurries. Here we go again?

Did everyone have a happy Christmas? It’s hard to believe that it has come and gone already! We had a wonderful Christmas with both our daughters and their families. Christmas eve didn’t go quite as planned, though. The weather got a bit worse here than was predicted and we had white-out, near blizzard conditions though not all that much snow. It did mean that our oldest couldn’t make it out until Christmas day. But that was great!

I haven’t gotten much tatting done this week with all the family things going on. The snowflake in the picture is one of the few, made in Lizbeth size 20. It’s a modification of another one, but I like the hearts around the edge. I guess as Christmas is past I should start working on a few other things. The question is which one? I’ve been so busy getting ready for the holidays that I’m having a hard time getting past it. I think I need to make a list of my other projects I need to do so I can get back on track in the New Year.

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? I haven’t – yet. I think I need to make a few, or at least one. Like write out the patterns for a few pieces I’ve designed this year.

‘Twas the Tuesday before Christmas…

And all through the house,
Everyone was stirring,
Even the mouse!

It’s just a few days before Christmas and there still seems to be so much to do! That last little gift needs to be wrapped, the final snowflake needs to be finished, the last bit of shopping to do. Is there anyone I forgot?
These are a few of the last snowflakes I’ve been making to give to close friends and family. They take that little bit of extra time to put them in the ring, so mostly they’ll be given Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Most of them are not “Christmas-y” in color, so could be hung out all year. Yeah, yeah, they’re not too late. Really.

And this one is an oopsie. I started the center while we were driving (not me, I was the passenger!) and got a little distracted. I finished the center and had started the outside when I noticed things were not going together like they were supposed to. Then I realized I hadn’t made the correct number of picots in the center. *Uh oh!* But, as I was already started on the outside, I just went with it. Okay, it’s not fancy or anything, but I don’t think it’s a waste of thread. It has a nice, frilly look. I think it’s a keeper.

We’re going to have a full house for the next week. My daughter from D.C. and her family are flying in tomorrow evening. There was a chance the weather here would be bad, but now they’re saying the worst is going to miss us. For once I’m glad they are saying that, here at least, we’re probably not going to have a white Christmas, or at least the Wednesday before Christmas won’t be! I don’t want them delayed or stranded. The airport in D.C. has dug it’s way out of all the snow they had, I would hate to have them fly into another snowbound airport!

Our other daughter is local so doesn’t have to worry about travel so much. They’ll be coming out on Christmas Eve and then again Christmas night. Both grandsons to play with and spoil (only a little!) oh, boy!! :- )

Over the next few days we will be having several family get-togethers, the church program and an anniversary party. Lots of family and friends to be with, plenty of food to eat, and oodles of love to share. It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas!

I hope that all of you have a joyous Christmas, spend time with those you love, and be safe in all of your travels. I saw a wonderful quote the other day that I’ll leave you with:

“May Peace be your gift at Christmas and a blessing throughout the year.” author Unknown

Tatting Tea Tuesday December 15, 2009

I’m still doing snowflakes. I have a couple of other things I should be doing, but I just don’t seem to get started! Oh, well. Everything will get done, or it won’t. I think I’ll have another cup of tea and try not to worry about it.

Last time I told you about an old snowflake that I had found and showed a modified version of it. Today I have the old one, and a couple of modified ones. No, the old one didn’t get a bath (another of those things I was going to do and never got started). It’s the one on the bottom right. You can see the difference between the old and the new. I like the old one, I just don’t want to have that many ends to hide!

We’ve had a very busy week around the house and with family. It seems that there are always at least two different things we should be doing at any given time. And it’s not just getting ready for Christmas, it’s the everyday things. Sometimes I just have to slow down and take a breath. And make choices as to what gets done and what doesn’t. So this is going to be very short today.

I hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season. Enjoy your families, remember the reason for the season, and have a Merry Christmas!

A Snowy Tatting Tea Tuesday

It’s snowing!
Okay, sometimes it’s sleeting and then sometimes it’s raining – but then it’s snowing!
There’s only a couple of inches on the ground right now, though they are predicting that we’ll get a couple more before the night is over. Farther south, where I work, they got more ice than snow. Which will make it fun getting to and from work. Just looking out the window at all that snow makes me think of Christmas-y things but it also makes me cold. So I made myself a nice, hot cup of green tea and sat back for a few minutes to tat.
This week I found a snowflake I made some years ago (I don’t know how many, but I’m thinking at least 10). It has some yellow spots and isn’t quite the cleanest because it was in the bottom of the the box of Christmas decorations. It is an interesting pattern in that it has a lot of ends to hide. Looking it over I couldn’t see how to make it without all those ends. But I liked the look so modified it a bit. The two on the right are what I came up with. They are made with Lizbeth color 102 (I think it’s Western Sunset) in size 20. One was made with SCMRs and one with two shuttles. Can you tell which one is which? I’m counting these two as my 4th motif in my second round of the 25 Motif Challenge.

I didn’t post a picture of the original because I got in a hurry and forgot to take a picture of it. I’ll try to share it later, maybe after it gets a bath.

The one on the left I designed in September.
It’s done in the same thread as the others and I think it looks pretty good in this color. I’ve been going back and forth between white snowflakes and colorful snowflakes. I’ll empty my shuttles of one and try another and then back to white. There is just something about a white snowflake, no matter how pretty they look in colors, that appeals to me.

I think I’ll check outside now and see if there is more of the real thing coming down!

Wishing everyone a blessed and joyous Christmas season.