And all through the house,
Everyone was stirring,
Even the mouse!
It’s just a few days before Christmas and there still seems to be so much to do! That last little gift needs to be wrapped, the final snowflake needs to be finished, the last bit of shopping to do. Is there anyone I forgot?
These are a few of the last snowflakes I’ve been making to give to close friends and family. They take that little bit of extra time to put them in the ring, so mostly they’ll be given Christmas Eve or Christmas day. Most of them are not “Christmas-y” in color, so could be hung out all year. Yeah, yeah, they’re not too late. Really.

And this one is an oopsie. I started the center while we were driving (not me, I was the passenger!) and got a little distracted. I finished the center and had started the outside when I noticed things were not going together like they were supposed to. Then I realized I hadn’t made the correct number of picots in the center. *Uh oh!* But, as I was already started on the outside, I just went with it. Okay, it’s not fancy or anything, but I don’t think it’s a waste of thread. It has a nice, frilly look. I think it’s a keeper.
We’re going to have a full house for the next week. My daughter from D.C. and her family are flying in tomorrow evening. There was a chance the weather here would be bad, but now they’re saying the worst is going to miss us. For once I’m glad they are saying that, here at least, we’re probably not going to have a white Christmas, or at least the Wednesday before Christmas won’t be! I don’t want them delayed or stranded. The airport in D.C. has dug it’s way out of all the snow they had, I would hate to have them fly into another snowbound airport!
Our other daughter is local so doesn’t have to worry about travel so much. They’ll be coming out on Christmas Eve and then again Christmas night. Both grandsons to play with and spoil (only a little!) oh, boy!! :- )
Over the next few days we will be having several family get-togethers, the church program and an anniversary party. Lots of family and friends to be with, plenty of food to eat, and oodles of love to share. It’s going to be a wonderful Christmas!
I hope that all of you have a joyous Christmas, spend time with those you love, and be safe in all of your travels. I saw a wonderful quote the other day that I’ll leave you with:
“May Peace be your gift at Christmas and a blessing throughout the year.” author Unknown
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